And you have to admit Mark has a point

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Hey libtards you dont get to complain that "Nazi mobs" are trying to shut you down after you try to deny 1st amendment rights


These retards don't get it. He violated FCC guidelines, he agreed to their terms, and he neglected them.

This has nothing to do with faggots or sucking dick.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean Freedom from consequences, Mark.

Doesn't feel so good taking your own medicine does it faggot?

Rule 4 of rules for revolutionaries. We are simply holding them to their own standards.

Wait...is it right wingers or left wingers complaining about Cuckbert?

Gays should be hanged

If you want to say we are all homophobes, we will laugh at you.

If you want to point out that someone calling someone a cock holster is either homophobic, or misogynistic, we will agree with you.

Because it's true.

What are FCC guidelines?

He doesn't.
We've said it on Sup Forums dozens of times, but liberals are too incompetent to realize it. We are showing their own hypocrisy.
It goes something like "You may have free speech, but you aren't free from the consequences that lead up to what you say." Liberals said that all the time. Furthermore, I like how liberals aren't even addressing that Colbert was being homophobic. It's interesting how something they defended for 50 years and now they turn the other cheek when a liberal comedian uses a homophobic joke.
If a conservative used a homophobic joke, the same would happen with liberals complaining.

>the left, as per usual, turns on its own at the slightest provocation
It's actually kind of scary how little self-awareness these people have.

What does the FCC have to do with public universities again?

>you don't get to cry & scream that Nazi mobs calling for genocide deserve "free speech" then cry a/b Colbert jokes

how does he plan to try and stop us?

>You don't get to cry and scream that nazi mobs calling for genocide deserve "free speech" then cry about Colbert Jokes.

What amuses me the most about this situation is that because of their own hypersensetivity they cannot see that the rightwing is just trolling them by being hit with the stick same stick they always eagerly swing at other people.

At least, I seriously doubt any rightwinger was actually offended by anything Colbert said. Trump has been shit on nonstop for 24/7 and this is where they draw the line in the sand? Yeah right. I seriously wonder if people with some kind of mental-disorder lean more to the left or something.

What consequence? Higher ratings? Sounds like he should do more Trump jokes.

i just think it's funny to see shitlibs get a taste of their own medicine

>Hey rightwing nutjobs - you don't get to cry & scream that Nazi mobs calling for genocide deserve "free speech" then cry a/b Colberts homophobic jokes about suicidal teen homosexuals and racist jokes about asians


>nazi mobs calling for genocide

Basically laws against vulgar language broadcasted over certain airwave frequencies (terrestrial radio and broadcast trlevision).

Pol didn't do that. He has been gaining more veiwers by become more hateful and stupid.

>waaah, stop giving us a taste of our own medicine

We were only trolling to see if the neo-liberals were stupid enough to eat their own, and unsurprisingly, they always do.

This wouldn't of happened if they appreciated the first amendment instead of trying to regulate it with "hate speech".

You've never been to a College Republicans rally I see

>d-don't use our weapons a-against us!
>w-we only get t-to use those!

>yfw when this only strengthens the lefts ability to arrest you for the retarded shit you say on Sup Forums daily
>yfw 90% of this Sup Forums is jailed in 5 year for "hate speech"


What happened and why?

Colbert called trump putins cock holster Sup Forums went apeshit and shilled claiming it was a derogatory statement against gays because it hurts their fragile feelings. They think if something actually happens to Colbert it'll be giving them "a taste of their own medicine" when in reality it just strengthens SJW's ability to call anything anti-liberal agenda hate speech and cost you your livelihood.

We have learned over time that Stephen Colbert can be racist against Asians and make fun of homosexuals on his late night talk show host, and liberals will come to Sup Forums to defend him. They claim any attack on him is an attack on free speech.

So if you don't like Colbert you don't like Free speech.

Remember that, you have to like him or you are a Nazi.

>He violated FCC guidelines

HAHHAHAHAHA eat shit lefties. We the Alynskyites now


>Rule 4 of rules for revolutionaries
>we're using their rules to hold them to their rules but we're not them

They also have stricter language restrictions depending on the time of day. Hence Southpark can say shit uncensored, but Good Morning America can not.

>racist against asians
Literally a bit from the Colbert report where he plays a satirical right wing character. He already got shit for the asian chinglongding foundation shit when it happened and literally nothing came of it because it was fucking satire. You're really just butthurt cuz muh trump dun give the succ

It would work the other way around but liberals wont care because they live in a bubble where the "I am rubber and you are glue" routine from childhood is a reasonable thing for an adult to cite.

If Mark has a point, the reverse is also true. You can't bitch about whatever we say, if you are going to say whatever you want as well. If you can shame bitches off the air, so can we.

Enjoy some of your own medicine. I hear it doesn't taste that well, but it improves cognitive function. Increases humility as well.

They can't give you one because it's not true they just want to pretend it is to legitimize their shit troll

>it's ok for colbert to be racist
>it's ok for colbert to make gay jokes
>but i'm totally a liberal guise

you let him fuck your wife too? fucking pathetic

Including thinking themselves to be "left-wing".

>cry about Colbert
This guy is all kinds of retarded

>Comedians and satirists haven't been saying racist shit forever
>Pretending what Colbert said was derogatory towards gays and not a statement about Trump's ties to Putin
>Implying I'm even liberal

Too much football for that American brain of yours got you all fucked up senpai.

>Hey rightwing nutjobs - you don't get to use our own tactics against us. Stop it. Let us win.

awww, it's so cute when canadians think they understand american discourse. and if you aren't a liberal you are just fucking stupid for defending this guy.

I'm legitimately conflicted on this. On the one hand, freedom of speech is important. But on the other, I think it's just to subject the left to the kind of "consequences" they've been advocating for for years now


False equivalency. If Colbert had said "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW!" he'd be in bigger trouble with the FCC and all kinds of ZOG institutions.

You're literally just butthurt because he said some shit about Trump. If he made the same joke about Obama being Netanyahu's cock holster he'd suddenly be /yourguy/ get the fuck outta here with your faggotry.

>I'm also a dual citizen who lives in Canada for work and was born in America and live there for 25 years

you don't know who is reporting hahahaha

whoah us blown the fuck out

we were really being sincere about being offended by Stephen Colbert making fun of fags

we weren't trying to get you to live up to your own book of rules at all nope we're actually being serious


Which part made it past the censor? Aren't they only fined as well, it's not like he'll be fired over it.

look at it this way. Colbert is part of an effort to control who can and can't say what. He can say things because of his political leanings and get away with it, when someone else says these things he will work to have them smeared and fired. He will even selectively edit interviews to make people look racist and homophobic to destroy their careers. The man is actually an enemy of free speech, and he throws it in our faces. He is supposed to demonstrate that the switch to racism can be turned on and off by the left to suit their needs whenever they want to do so, the same goes for homosexual rights. That's why none of the outraged SJWs are calling him out on this, they are basically an army that is there to silence opposition with their own rules for what can and can't be said. Trump is their enemy so it's ok to violate these rules to take him out. But when it's not ok, they have no problem silencing other people and stomping on the 1st amendment.

Fighting colbert and his ilk is actually supporting the 1st amendment, they don't respect the 1st amendment at all. They make a mockery of it on a daily basis.

fuck off i just hate colbert, you are just one of his drones here to shill for him.

here is a fun template, i hope people use it.

If we get fired all the time for comments, yes we do. I don't even want him to get fired, but he could get fired 30 times over and it'd be justified for what liberals do all the time.

it seems as if every day the potential for leftists becoming self aware and being able to detect irony becomes less and less

>Hey, Nazis, you don't get to use our own tactics against us!

>It's alright if I make an offensive, homophobic comment, it's because I'm a leftist guyz

>All you right-wing Nazi's shouldn't be allowed say anything remotely offensive or homophobic, hate-speech isn't allowed

Ahh, more hypocrisy from the left, as usual.

Does anybody actually care about free speech as long as their side gets to win?

Calling someone a hypocrite for not conforming to their own standards that they've used to criticize you isn't hypocritical.

You don't have to embrace a principle in order to recognize that someone who purports to believe in that principle is full of shit when they don't live up to their own standards.

Language has always been policed on television. You can say whatever you want on the street though.

Sup Forums mass reported him to the FCC because they got butthurt he said something about Trump sucking putins dick.

>calling for genocide
Which protest was this?

>Someone disagrees with me and I know he's right, better call him a shill because I'm wrong.

I don't give a single fuck if Colbert keeps his job or not but Sup Forums is arming SJW's with a precedent to get you fired or face legal action for even the slightest of off-color remarks. You're so blinded by support for god emperor trump that you can't see that this hurts you in the long run.

Stupid faggot leaf.

There is no new precedent here. Vulgarity has always been regulated on TV.

Kill yourself, day of the rake can't come soon enough.

Oh no that suuucks

Everyone pol is a Nazi. Every single person.

Akin to all Muslims are terrorists.

The only reason he's in trouble is because Sup Forums got buttmad and mass reported to the FCC that he insulted your gay lover Trump.

>implying we aren't already doing that dance.

>Every right wing associated person is a Nazi

That's the entire point, leaf. I know this is hard to understand, but try and follow me. Nobody here actually gives a fuck whether what Cuckbert said was homophobic or not. Even if he'd said he wanted to lynch all faggots, Sup Forums wouldn't have been offended. What happened was that we saw a chance to crucify a leftist in the court of public opinion by using their own retarded rules against them, thus putting tape over one of their biggest shit nozzles and demonstrating to the centrist normie majority how fucking stupid and uptight leftists are with one hashtag campaign.

The same thing we do with illegals where we mass report them to ICE, what's your point? We as citizens make sure our institutions are following their own guidelines.

>Doesn't bother to read the rest of my posts where I said I'm a US citizen working in Canada and just assumes my opinions are invalid because of muh rake memes

Maybe I should fucking move here cuz apparently full blown retards like you are back in the US waiting for me.

Only the left can say racist homophobic bigot things rrrreeeeeeeeeeeee

college repubblicans call for genocide?

buttmad isn't the same as trolling, dummy.

Yes, exactly.

When conservatives get boycotted
>Freedom of speech not freedom from consequences xD

When liberals get boycotted

None. But you know. We did still.

Im an illegal mexican True nazi

Yeah I get that but that's not the outcome you're going to get. Instead you'll get a bunch of happy SJW's feeling like they've accomplished something and more fuel for their EVERYTHING THAT MAKES ME SAD IS HATE SPEECH fire.

I do not think anything will happen. I'm waiting for the only thing Trump mouth is good for is to "take a shit in" joke and so on. The floodgates have opened and you can say whatever you want on the public airways.

The leaf is completely right. You guys are fucking idiots if you don't see this as empowering the left.

> you have to admit Mark has a point


Nobody was "crying" about Colbert jokes, or was even a little bit shocked by them, except for maybe some t.Boomer cuckservatives

The whole point of holding his feet to the fire is holding the left to its own standards of behavior. We're not "crying" about free speech, we're using his own side's rigorous speech codes to hurt him

Literally none of this would have happened, none of this would work, if his OWN side didn't get their panties in a bunch about muh homophobic remarks

He'll probably only get a slap on the wrist and people will forget about it

You don't get to advocate white genocide then cry about nazis taking exception.

Has any user got a response from their FCC complaint?

That leaf, as usual, is a retard

Shit like this can ALREADY ruin your life. SJW's icons just get a free pass. The best way to fight against it is to hold them to THEIR VERY OWN STANDARDS

Ummm salty leaf cucks
My favorite

>Shit like this can ALREADY ruin your life.
>So lets make it even EASIER to ruin your life
>Calls me retarded
American education ladies and gentlemen.

who else here filed an fcc report featuring their wives son?

>if you fight your enemy you win
This is why the left won decades ago and havr driven the west into the ground

comedy central is cable, not broadcast. they can put anything they want on the air.

Quit responding to the leaf, he is a fucktard. Additionally, the left has always shown that they have no problem being hypocrites. It is what they are. He isn't being investigated by the FCC because he said something homophobic, he is being investigated for obscenity which breaks their regulations. Not a free speech issue, he agreed to the FCC regs beforehand.

Kill yourself fascist

He's right. The hypocrisy is obvious.
Also, Colbert's ratings are going up. This is just publicity and attention for him. It reminds people that he's actually quite funny, so they're watching him more now.

"Stephen Colbert Hits Best Ratings Since 2015 Premiere"

I'm not ready for thought crimes to become real.

That's what they've devolved to.

Everyone is either a Nazi or facist, no grey area needed.

Last I remember his ratings were down. What happened?

Good point, that was a bad analogy.

Like all lefties, you can dish it out but you can't take it.

Free speech is dead as long as Jews exist and Central Banking controls the issuance of currency.

>reminds people that he's actually quite funny
>He's right you know.

Live by the censorship die by the censorship.