(New thread) be me: young straight white male; paralyzed at C5 (quadriplegic)

I am starting another thread, as I left the previous one thinking it was dead; when I returned there were many replies but it was archived.

> brief overview
I broke my neck at 20 years old, C5 Asia A I now live with one of the worst conditions known to man, but I've seen conditions far worse than mine. After seeing the true tragedies of this life, I now realize how pitiful and hilarious and frankly ignorant the victim playing the minorities in the West partaking in really is.

> "so your argument is that oppression doesn't exist because your limbs don't work"
No, not at all. What I am saying is the entire idea of "white privilege" or these "hardships/inequalities" minorities (especially among the black community) whine about require complete and utter ignorance towards the true hardships of life in order to actually believe in. In fact the only reason people have conceptualized and cling to these idiologies is because they don't even know what real oppression, hardship, indignity, lack of humility, lack of freedom etc. looks like. If they did, getting a dirty look, getting called a name, not having money etc. would seem extremely trivial!

> muh social economic issues
Talk to me when you have to pay in multiple different ways every time you urinate and defecate. And over 90% of the workforce is in accessible to you; nobody to whine too just a physiological inevitability.

I am living proof that white privilege doesn't exist, and that the true hardships in this world do not discriminate, and very few ever see them!

> "paralyzed, no hand function typing on Sup Forums nice Larping leaf"
It's called voice dictation and adaptive technology, also you don't understand what quadriplegic entails... Long story short.

>It's called voice dictation and adaptive technology, also you don't understand what quadriplegic entails... Long story short.
Retard, voice recognition doesn't allow you to manually put in multiple punctuation points.

So does your dick work still?

Why do bongs always of dick on their minds?

Hard not to think about what's in your bum.

hearty chuckle

That copypasta is three year old

Oh yes this part is important: I am currently awaiting the legal work to be done with, and receive a large settlement in which I plan to donate to the two best labs working on repairing spinal damage. Put the money to much better use to eradicate this absolutely deplorable condition, rather than live in this completely abhorent existence that is completely antithetical to everything that I enjoy, value...essensually everything that I am.

I realize that this issue is far bigger than me! And that true hardships do not need to be emphasized or protested about to bring awareness to... The harsh fact is these true hardships are so ugly and so horrific that the site of them almost stop people in their track!

They certainly do this to liberals, which is the one benefit they are completely flabbergasted by incredible that is against immigration and studies the biological, genetic and Anthropometrical (especially cranial) differences between the races which are very real. Essentially they can't use their standard argument tactics you know The elegant calling me a white male and citing my "white privilege".

Funny enough my last thread really triggered some people.
> muh i'm glad you're paralyzed etc.
Fact is I fell asleep on the wheel, and I was idiotic enough not to put a seatbelt on… Most importantly I didn't hurt anyone else with my complete irresponsible and degenerate behaviour.

> muh" so you fell asleep at the wheel and then put your seatbelt on it's entirely your fault why do you get a settlement, you're going to take money from some poor sob"
Hahaha no... see what happens is when you drive you pay for car insurance. This insurance covers the minute chance you suffer a catastrophic injury in your vehicle in which case depending on how much you have your premium maxed out at. In my case I get 1 million for medical rehab, 1 million for caregiving and a maximum of $400 a week for "loss of wages". It's all part of a process and comes from insurance

>"white privilege"

Absolutely disgusting.

I've always wondered what fate has in store for me. Have thought going blind might be there worst thing ever, but not so sure now, losing use if limbs has to be worse. Op you put things into perspective, us faggots all take our health for granted. While complaining about pointless shit like headaches or a sore back.

Actually it does, they have adapted technology that allows you to type with your eyelid, and voice dictation that slowly adapts to your voice and becomes better and better. You can be injured at the highest vertebrae C1 and still utilize a computer somewhat efficiently.

However for myself As a C-5 quadriplegic I still have some shoulder function, bicep function, wrist extension as well as the ability to move my neck. However no tricep function, no forearm function and no wrist flexion so I make corrections with the Side of the boney protrusion of the proximal joint of my pinky finger.

parenthesis Are the only punctuation mark I cannot make with voice dictation, I have to use my proximal joint like I said.

No I genuinely just wrote this right now, like I said I made a thread earlier around six or seven Eastern time

Other than that you're mistaking this for something else

What's your point? Sup Forums wants White privilege to exist. You got your insurance money. What else do you want? People to acknowledge your suffering. Sorry, we don't know nor care about you.

You are not a victim, you did it to yourself. Tough luck.

I don't wish your fate for anybody and wish you the best luck, but this thread has no content except your whoring for attention.

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Git ya leaf faggot.

Losing the ability to walk is actually not nearly as severe as losing the ability to basically take a shit on your own, or to piss properly without having to shove tubes into yourself. And of course sexual function the loss of which is life ruining in itself. But when it comes to the bowels and bladder they completely strip you of your dignity, the things caregivers have to do on a regular basis to manage these are completely abhorrent and beyond redemption I have no self-respect, I have no ego I simply want to leave money behind help research so that it wasn't entirely in vain.

Complaining about back pain is one thing, creating idiologies is another , screaming white privilege and racism in a predominately white country as if it is inflicting ungodly amounts of agony upon them. meanwhile in predominantly Black Countries like South Africa after the black president literally makes it part of his platform to "get rid of white farmers and landowners, his supporters get overzealous and literally Break into peoples farmhouse torture them, and then drag them behind their truck simply because they are white. I guess white privilege is not universal lmfao.

And then the same idiots almost certainly go on about slavery, neglecting the fact that most of the slaves that came to America were already slaves in Africa. And that currently today there are more slaves in Africa then there ever was in America. And that the caucasian race is the only race to actually do something to abolish slavery, in fact over 360,000 went to war and died protecting the union which later abolished slavery in America. I think that's owning up to slavery… Now when do the blacks plan on owning up to slavery that is still going on today courtesy of their race? If they want to generalize and treat an entire race as a singularity then let the games begin I can play.

Stupid question time
Do you ever wake up sometimes thinking you are in your 'old capable body' and for a split second think everything is ok again?
So what. Even if OP is after attention (which I doubt) give the cunt a break. No fucking skin of your nose if he decides to make a thread about the life he now lives. Don't like it? Then move along, this isn't the thread for you.

I couldn't read that. Leafs are French. No wonder they're cunts. Fucked up i have to quit smoking too

actually no one gives afucj if you are 6millionplegic or not.

Are you asking for donations?

Surely you are sliding on your cuckmobile set.

fuck off, talmud-ridden kike.

I've actually seen this shit. It's crazy.

And yet he uses it liberally as though he wasn't constrained.

Niggers need white privilege to exist to explain why they are statistically inferior in almost every way besides athletic ability.

They have to believe that its a conspiracy to keep them oppressed because they only other explanation is that they are culturally and genetically inferior.

Trust me I'm not preaching this for attention, I am preaching this to emphasize how idiotic the idiology known as white privilege is. And how it is conceptualize because of ignorance from the true hardships of life that have nothing to do to me and much more relevant to the hundreds of millions of people that have conditions like myself or worse!

The day that white people become The only race to be immune to disease and disability, is the day white privilege will actually be a logical thing.

> what do you want people to aknowledge your suffering
Did you notice something about what I did, it's something Idid since the second this injury happened I took full responsibilityfor my idiotic behaviour and blame no one but myself. Most importantly when I go out into public and I can't get into a restaurant or a nightclub etc. because it's in accessible I don't ever complain, I would never have such idea of the cit I took full responsibility for my idiotic behaviour and blame no one but myself. Most importantly when I go out into public and I can't get into a restaurant or a nightclub etc. because it's in accessible I don't ever complain, I would never have such audacity. First I take full responsibility for my actions and my shortcomings, and then I swallowed a hard pill that society owes me no favours and does not have to accommodate my fuck ups! Do you see what I'm getting at I live in much harsher conditions then say some random Black person but I take responsibility for what I did and I don't expect fucking handouts and I sure as hell don't think the world owes me a favour because I suffer! This is the point I'm trying to emphasize, nothing more nothing less take my meaningless self out of the equation.

I have nothing to prove in regards to myself, I have no self-respect, I have no ego, no honour it's all done. All I have is the witnessing of a hypocritical and ignorant world with naïve and manipulablechildren running around preaching idiologies

Dude I totally get it, the Internet is a disgusting place and there are so many people pretending to be things they're not sometimes just for sympathy sometimes just for laughs. But it's not the case here… How do you think I know so much about spinal cord injury do you think I just researched it and came here to make a post?

Well actually there are people fucked up enough to do that. So here's a picture of me you'll notice the iPad on my lap, it has voice dictation in it which is fully capable of most words and most punctuation marks. That is what I am using

>How do you think I know so much about spinal cord injury do you think I just researched it and came here to make a post?
That's exactly what I think, same way I used to do Maori Muslim threads.

Also this is what a quadriplegics hands look like, my fingers curled because I have spasticity other peoples fingers remain completely straight when they have what's known as flaccid paralysis. That's usually for injuries C4 and higher.

Notice that I'm using the right hand to pronate the left hand to show you the pinky finger i use it's because my bodily capabilities are so pathetic that my left arm as well as my right even more so cannot even pronate fully on its own.

it's not a stupid question at all, however I am merely using my condition as a vessel to emphasize the idiocy of the idiology "white privilege" it's not even a concept because a concept has to have at least some kind of logical and factual foundation to stand on so to speak.

So basically I don't really want to waste time with these kind of irrelevant questions, I'm not here to talk about my condition or my life. But because you're the first year sometimes I have dreams where I am in much better condition than I actually am; Strangely enough not fully able bodied but much better and then when I first wake up I think even for a second that I recovered a bit of function or something like that.

At least you can still shitpost on Sup Forums.

>Mam, just take a picture of my hands
>I don't know Tommy, what are you doing with your hands, is that a gang sign?
>You wouldn't understand Mam, it's not a gang sign.
>O-ok I suppose, but please tell your step dad and I if you're being bullied.

If you call being able to use the Internet not constrained, then hundreds of millions of severely disabled people will be overjoyed; with our new realized freedom. But in reality shockingly most of them want actual freedom you know out of the CyberWorld.

> give me liberty or give me death

I would actually agree with this! Also I think it is manufactured and there is a grand architect essentially a few jewish world bank owners who are masters at behavioural science.

How did you break your neck exactly? Car accident?

I would never be here if I was not a cripple. And I had no intention of this being a shit post, unfortunately most of Sup Forums is a bunch of hyper sceptical nerds.

However I'm not want to talk, I am a completely dependent, pathetic cripple

So that wheelchairs fake... researching Islam actually has purpose and reasoning, know thy enemy. I have researched Islam very in-depth myself. However researching spinal cord injury for no reason other than to post on four Chan, makes no sense whatsoever even for the Internet that is to idiotic

Fell asleep at the wheel, didn't wear a seatbelt like an absolute degenerate idiot. Like I said I've collected no welfare and most importantly I didn't hurt anyone else with my disgusting behaviour

If only