How do we deal with Albanian cancer?

How do we deal with Albanian cancer?

Not sure but i did get the first post, so by law it must also be the best post. The nature of the first post usually allows for the post to be the best, why? This is due to everyone seeing the first post when they open the thread, it being the first. It doesn't necessarily have to be better than the second or sometimes the third post, which is when one may declare second post best post, or third post best post, respectfully. However the first post is always better than any post past the 4th post, even if its actually worse than said posts. And that's the reason for why this post is the best post, while not surprisingly also being the first post.



first you gotta stop wuzzing and then come to the hard conclusion that you're in deep shit
second you gotta reach out to your christian bretherns - heens, bulgarians and serbians
macedonia on it's own doesn't have a slightest chance to survive aggainst albozergs and even more it puts other nations in danger
unite with any of us and preserve yoour peopple or try to stay (((independent))) and perish under the muslim scourge
>mfw we were right all along about albanians

Ive thought about this for a while.

>Step 1: start NGO to "help" migrants
>Step 2: acquire those Gubmen Gibs to assist your "relocation
.Step 3: buy a big fuckin boat. like huge oil tanker or some shit. Refit it for "transporting" migrants
>Step 4: dock in port and fill up with sandbaggers and tell them you are going to take them to where the good Gibs are. Make sure it is a long Journey.
>Step 5: sail to the middle of the ocean and use the "modifications" made it the refit. (it just dumps the sandbaggers in the ocean.
>Step 5: chum the waters and leave. Rename the Ship.
>Rince and Repeat.

ja sam Crnogorac brate

>ja sam Crnogorac brate
you mean (((milogorac)))?
oh nevermind, carry on then...

you don't lol

čovjek iz Crne Gore = Crnogorac
ja sam lično Srbin ali eto potrči odma da me posereš

I perhaps didn't specify it but I wasn't interested in the opinons of Magyar stablekeepers

reci oblikuju realnost
reci prenose znacenje, informacije i nasu svest o zivotu
ako nemozemo necemu dati ime ili nemozemo smisliti naziv tog entite, ako nemozemo precizno da definisemo kako se osecamo i ko smo, onda to nikad i nece postojati
ako se drugacije zovemo drugaciji i cemo biti

za dalje reference posluzi se knjigom Dzordza Orvela 1984 i saznaj zasto englezi majstori imperijalizma i tehnike zavadi pa vladaj imaju Psiholoski Institu Tavistok koji se iskljucivo bavi psiholoskim ratovanje tj definisanjem realnosti kroz leksikologiju

pozdrav i sve najbolje

hvala, takođe, ali Crnogorac je regionalna odrednica kao i Šumadinac, mislim da Englezi nemaju ništa s tim

How did Albania even become Muslim?

Genocide is, as it has always been, the only answer. A final solution of sorts.

Ottoman rule

Raped by Turks enough times their genes started longing for Islam.

given how Albanians look being raped by Turks would be a positive thing, but sadly it didn't happen

I knew they were part of the Ottoman Empire but I find it weird that they're the only Balkan state that Islam really influenced. Even Serbia has like no Muslims despite massive Ottoman influence

procitaj 1984 pa se informisi o Institutu Tavistock
tema je predugacka a posto si vec ovde znaci da si dovoljno pametan da shvatis

(((imperija))) nije nastala samo ratovanjem na fizickom polju vec ratovanjem i subverzivnim delovanje na psiholoskom planu za borbu uma, srca i duse ljudi
na (((to))) se mnogo ulaze na (((zapadu))) i mnogo nade polaze
i englezi kao i mnogi drugi imaju apsolutno sve veze sa tim

Muslims from Serbia and elsewhere were kicked out in 19th century
Albania remained an Ottoman province until 1912

>He has negro in his name