Nazi influence after WW2, their Holdout in Antarctica and UFOs

Quick Rundown
>Nazi germany still active in Antarctica base name B211, infiltrating different organisations and starting their own to fight the kikes
>Nazis are behind (many) UFOs compare Haunebu and Vril to most ufos and Cigar Ufos to the andromeda mashine
>While many organizations originate from the nazis, they were infiltrated by the kikes, just as the other way around.
>Nazis quite possibly inhabiting Hollow Earth/Agartha

First of, the 3rd reich never surrendered. Only the military did, but the head of state never meaning officially the war never ended.
>The German Instrument of Surrender ended World War II in Europe. The definitive text was signed in Karlshorst, Berlin on the night of 8 May 1945 by representatives of the three armed services of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) and the Allied Expeditionary Force together with the Supreme High Command of the Red Army, with further French and US representatives signing as witnesses

There is also Nazigermany apparently still claiming Neu Schwabenland/New Swabia while the claim of Norway stopped in 1945

Furthermore you find a lot of SS symbolism among the Nato, and Adolf Heusinger, general and Chief of nazigermanies military became chairman of the Nato
The Nato Headquarter (will post a pic of it later) is basically 4 of the lightning/sig runes (2 SS symbols) next to each other.
The militia in ukraine uses the Wolfsangel (symbol of a nazigerman tankdivision "Das Reich) covering the sonnenrad/sunwheel black sun(also upload later)
All this is indicating the Nato is just the continuation (Waffen-)SS.
>will be continued

Other urls found in this thread: with Mr. Wilhelm Landig_djvu.txt

Pic related are instructions on how to get into Agartha via submarine saly on german only. But for fellow german anons
This guy (Wilhelm Landig) was in the SS and talks about the warfare in antarctica. Among other stuff he talks about a "nuketest" where they detonated a nuke in the air, but in reality it was a nuclear attack on the nazibase in Antarctica. He only let the video get oublished after his death.
Admiral Byrd, who led multiple expeditions to Antarctica including Operation Highjump and deepfreeze and talks about a land "as big as the United States, never seen by a human being before on the other side of the southpole". I will post pictures which supposedly are maps of Agartha down the thread

the Chairman of the nato was a Nazi too
>General Adolf Heusinger (August 4, 1897 – November 30, 1982) was a German general who served as head of the West German military from 1957 to 1961 and as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee from 1961 to 1964.

Just like the founder of the Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (german intelligence agency)
>Reinhard Gehlen (3 April 1902 – 8 June 1979) was a Nazi German general who was chief of the Foreign Armies East (FHO) military-intelligence unit, during World War II (1939–45); spymaster of the anti–Communist Gehlen Organization for the U.S.(1946–56); and the first president (1956–68) of the Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND) during the Cold War (1945–91).

Hague Land Warfare Convention Article 24
>Art. 24. Ruses of war and the employment of measures necessary for obtaining information about the enemy and the country are considered permissible.
Ruses like a fake surrender only by the armed forces (Wehrmacht) not the state?

Lake Vostok (Pic related) resembles the instruction for submarines a lot

(((Coincidently))) in the same area a magnetic anomaly has been found

Also note that UFOs are an undeniable fact.
Even entire cities saw them

Some of them even simply deactivated our nukes

The question is who is in those UFOs? I will come to this a bit later.

The Bundesrepublik Deutschland is the direct continuation of the german Reich
>Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat in ständiger Rechtsprechung festgestellt, dass das Völkerrechtssubjekt "Deutsches Reich" nicht untergegangen und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland nicht sein Rechtsnachfolger, sondern mit ihm als Völkerrechtssubjekt identisch ist.

>The federal constitutional court did now declare in constant juristdiction that the subject to international law "Deutsches Reich" did not collapse and the Bundesrepublik Deutschland wouldnt be its successor, but is as subject to international law identical

Another weird thing is that Germany, just like Italy and Japan are still enemy states in the UN
>The UN Charter still designates Italy, Germany and Japan as enemy states to the United Nations. In legal terms this means that any U.N. Member State can launch a “preemptive” military aggression against these nations without a declaration of war.

Furthermore the EU, having close ties to the Nato, consists of almost the same area as the german Reich did. My guess is their role is to gain their land back through diplomatic subversion to then let it fall apart and "another force", probably the Nato taking over all of it swiftly in one go, maybe under a different name to appear as a new player instead a result of of a decade long conspiracy.

Pic related is written by Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Wolf, Prag
It reads:

>Top Secret
>Review of the order of the Führer from the 10.01.1940
>No 9

>The United and organized researches of our scientists, marines and submarineopperatives of the Kriegsmarine, which accomplished the impossible and the succesfull work of the SS-Unit for the study of the heritage of the great Reich allowed us to claim the new and infinite territorries for the german Reich in antarctica which was which lay beneath the ice of the southpole

>In context with the acces to new territories i order during the next 6 months with the forces of the specifical developed commission for recruitment inside the wehrmacht, luftwaffe (airforce), Kriegsmarine (Warmarine) and the units of the SS to create a covered selcetion of volunteers for the colonizations of the new territorries of the german Reich in New Swabia

>The commisions, which work regarding to the selection of canditdates has to considder that the volunteers will be part with its fatherland for ever and will be send for a permanent settlement in New Swabia.

>The means for the resettlement of the best recruits of among the military and SS-forces have to be done in total secrecy.

>As responsible one in the Reich for the resettlementof a part of the populations of pure aryans to New Swabia and to keep the secrecy of these action i declare Reichdirector (Reichsleiter) M. Bormann

>The Führer and Reichchancelor (Reichkanzler),
>The highest commander of the armed forces.

are they behind the unarians?
>The first sightings occurred in November 1944, when pilots flying over Germany by night reported seeing fast-moving round glowing objects following their aircraft. The objects were variously described as fiery, and glowing red, white, or orange. Some pilots described them as resembling Christmas tree lights and reported that they seemed to toy with the aircraft, making wild turns before simply vanishing. Pilots and aircrew reported that the objects flew formation with their aircraft and behaved as if under intelligent control, but never displayed hostile behavior. However, they could not be outmaneuvered or shot down

So shortly before the end of WW2 there are suddenly a lot of UFOs. There are also numerous of german blueprints around allegedly showing how the UFOs are build, and these structures resemble a lot of what people commonly refer to as flying saucer. a few years after the war we got Rosswell.
Probably easier to explain visitors from another world than a Nazi in SS uniform flying a highly advanced aircraft never seen before years after the nazi got defeated and destroyed.

The Nazis researched a lot of flying saucers/Reichsflugscheiben, like the Haunebu, the Vril or the Andromeda Gerät (Andromeda machine) which has the cigar form often common in UFO sightings, and according to the plans (will post one later) acts like a mothership harboring multiple of the flying saucer types.

Pic Related
>Secret Command Document

>Acceleration of acquisationtesting and production of Haunebu II + Vril 1

>Comment: SS-Unit IV (SS-E-IV [SS-Einheit-IV?]) considers concentration on already in trial situated Haunebu II to be more reasonable than working parralell on both types. Haunebu II promises considerable improvements in allmost all respects. Higher productioncost seems justified, especially considering the Führers Special Command. regarding the Flight Gyro (Flugkreisel)

The plans were recovered by allied forces
>Japanese holdouts (????? Zanryu nipponhei?, "remaining Japanese soldiers") or stragglers were Japanese soldiers in the Pacific Theatre who, after the August 1945 surrender of Japan ending World War II, either adamantly doubted the veracity of the formal surrender due to dogmatic militaristic principles, or simply were not aware of it because communications had been cut off

>Private 1st Class Kinshichi Kozuka held out with Lt. Onoda for 28 years until he was killed in a shootout with Philippine police in October 1972
>Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda, who held out from December 1944 until March 1974 on Lubang Island in the Philippines with Akatsu, Shimada and Kozuka, was relieved of duty by his former commanding officer in March 1974.
>In January 1990, Shigeyuki Hashimoto and Kiyoaki Tanaka returned to Japan from Malaysia. After the Japanese surrender, they joined the Malayan Communist Party's guerrilla forces to continue fighting against the British, only returning after the CPM laid down its arms and signed a peace treaty

All these cases show the fighting continued way after 1945, so why wouldnt the Nazis hold out in Antarctica and wait for the people to wake up and come back when the time is right.

There are cultures from all around the world talking of blonde haired, blue eyed people with white skin that came over the sea and brought civilization, including the sumerians. Where did those come from when the sumerians where the first, and why are the people discribed always the same if they were just made up?
The sumerians believed the blue eyed white people where gods, the annunaki. The Aztecs as well, and describe them from coming over the sea with a ship that moved on its own. The chinese talk about blue eyed and blonde haired people who created the first civilization and ruled in the early time. A lot of egyptians mummies are shown to have had blonde hair etc.
Hitlers Ahnenerbe tried to find out about the origins of the white people, and maybe he did find out something (((they))) absolutely fear which is the reason (((they))) try to destroy whites so furiously, more than any other ethnicities.
Later on Hitler went to antarctica, created New Swabia and again a lot of cultures speak about a realm beneath the earth, like shangri la for example, and civilization is said to exist there as well.
Another interesting thing is that "Paradise" in the bible originally came from the word meaning "walled enclosure" which would be pretty much fitting into the inner earth. Did Hitler find out that the whites, or at least those people who spreaded knowledge (which may have nothing to do with whites today) came from the inner earth, the biblical paradise, and from there spread their knowledge with others. Is this why (((they))) want to get rid completely of the white people?
The nordic gods, thor, odin, all blond and blue eyed, and (((coincidently))) asgard is on a map that supposedly shows the inner part of the earth
Now these whites maybe have nothing to do with the whites of today, they could be the fallen angels of the bible, the annunaki of the Sumerians or the gods of the atztecs, but finding out where those came from would be devastating for (((their))) narrative

*unzips dick*

The word of God. That's right. Okay, let's discuss that a moment. Faith is evidence of things unseen. We can stop right there. Evidence. Evidence sounds like something that humans use in the courtroom as proof, a significant enough proof that if there's enough evidence, then someone can say, "That's the fact. It merits a verdict of guilty," or whatever it is, based on evidence. As we relate to the Kingdom of Heaven, they don't let us know about them on the basis of what they show us, even though what we see and what they do show us (if we can in our own thinking give them credit for it), we see evidence of their magnificent plan in their design. I can't imagine that any human surgeon who has dissected the human body could think that that could just be a happenstance of nature. Nature? I mean, where is the proof in what nature came from? Just a happenstance in evolution of what? That doesn't make sense. And I'm not saying that our Father's Creation doesn't also have certain aspects of evolving. But we do have evidence of things that certainly seem to have some relationship to minds beyond the human concept. It's pretty obvious that humans didn't create humans at their beginning, that it had to be a result of something. And to think that they were a result of a "big bang" or some "happenstance" is pretty far-fetched. Even though I can imagine that if there was a bang, then it was because the Creator did a bang, and knew at that bang exactly how to have it all end up with the evidence of things that we could actually see. But as we try to get closer to our Father's Kingdom, the funny thing is, He seems to have designed it so that we have to get there more on a basis of faith.

Now, if faith is evidence of things unseen, a good example of that would be: as we are fed information concerning the workings of the Kingdom of Heaven and the workings of overcoming, the more that picture grows and grows and grows, and begins to just amaze us and astound us, because these intricate pieces of the puzzle begin to fit together in that picture, and soon that picture is so magnificent, so beyond anything we could have dreamed of, that it is evidence of things unseen. Therefore, it is proof to us. We don't need to base proof on what we can see, and the reverse occurs. Let's say that in our Father's Kingdom they also might use pieces of transportation that we might call spacecrafts, or advanced forms of spacecrafts, that certainly humans wouldn't have the capacity to build or use. And a human might have witnessed seeing that spacecraft and say, "I saw that," but he wouldn't necessarily know what he saw or what the source of it was. And yet within our classroom, and certainly this teacher sitting here can say honestly, "I don't remember seeing a spacecraft that clearly, even though there's something in the remembrance of it there and so much information has been shared with me that I seem to know, beyond a doubt, that in our Father's Kingdom they use physical means of transportation in those spacecrafts." I guess what I'm saying is that we seem to know more about the reality of something we haven't seen than someone who has seen it. So, the basis of faith works.

Also another way of looking at that same issue is that you can't get closer to our Father on the basis of what you have seen. Our Father does not give you proof. I don't remember what session we discussed this on or if we've discussed it before, because now I could easily be confused since we're replacing Sessions 7 and 8 and doing them again. But we discussed at one point how an Evangelist had said, "If Jesus did not literally, symptomatically reach death that could be diagnosed as that by any living physician today, that He died on the cross and He was in that tomb, He was dead and He rose literally from the dead, and He moved and He was alive - if that did not happen then all that Jesus said was a farce." And we said, "That's ridiculous." That all information that we have says, "that's ridiculous," and that it has very little bearing on what Jesus had to say. Does it matter if Jesus even staged that event to try to symbolize overcoming death, or that when the vehicle dies, death is not reached, trying to help people understand. I'm not saying that that's what happened. I doubt that that's what happened. I don't care what happened. But I do know one thing, that it does not matter to us. It does not matter to my Father; it does not matter to the Kingdom of Heaven. We certainly wouldn't base whether or not we believed what Jesus had to say, what He taught, on whether or not He, in reality, could be diagnosed as dead and then diagnosed as living. It doesn't make anything that He had to say prior to that less true. We know that everything He said was true. That everything that His Father said through Him was clearly describing the Kingdom of Heaven and how to overcome humanness. 'If you're going to be My disciple'...and 'you can't even be my disciple if you don't even leave your whole life behind. I mean leave it, I mean give it up.' with Mr. Wilhelm Landig_djvu.txt
transcript of the interview with wilhelm landig. at least beginning and end is accurate, no guarrantee for the middle

pic related something the ancients made to honour the white blue eyed guys mentioned in didnt watch that completely, but im sceptical about the alien stuff. could just be older civilizations on earth.

OP thought he could make another shill thread after getting BTFO

We're back to where we were talking a few moments ago - about identity. If I have truly given it up, then I am not that anymore. Because as I came into His House, or I came into my Father's house through Jesus, then the slate was wiped clean. If it was really clean, it's nonexistent. And I will bring it back and I'll have to wipe it clean again if I refer to my vehicle's past. I'll have to ask for forgiveness all over again. I've re-instigated something that I said I was no more, that I acknowledged was not in my Father's thinking, and I asked to be cleansed, and was cleansed, and then I insisted on bringing the dirt back into the tray again and presenting it again. Now, the same is true right now, and we've just been reminded of it, that identity stands between us and our Heavenly Father's Kingdom. If, ideally, in our Heavenly Father's Kingdom all those members are like branches off of a vine or off of a trunk and leaves off of branches, then all of those leaves and all of those branches emanate from the Source - not only emanate from the Source but are that Source speaking.

We can clearly see that possibly the further a leaf is from the point of origin of life at the trunk, that that leaf might have less function as a vessel than a leaf that's closer or a branch that's closer. That certainly would be true if we are newcomers into our Father's Kingdom and we're going onto a family tree that's different from the family tree in the human kingdom, and we are simply a leaf and we are at some distance from, not only the trunk, but the beginning of the trunk - we can't even understand the beginning of the trunk. To try to understand, for a human to ask, "Well, who created God"? is as appropriate and as intelligent a question as for a dog to be able to verbalize, "Who created man"? If you told the dog who created man, could he comprehend it? He certainly couldn't comprehend it. And if the Creator told us of His beginning...? There probably isn't even a concept at the beginning that could be labeled a beginning. The concept of beginning probably was only an applicable term at the beginning within the range of comprehension of our own beginning as potential children to return to His household - servants, to return to His household. Therefore, we're going to be babes in His household, brand new leaves. Those leaves are going to be just as physical as they are in the human kingdom, but different biology, different molecular structure, different capacity, different mind, different behavior. Many aspects of behavior that happen in the human kingdom, mainly because of what the human kingdom has become, aren't even available to happen there. That's why these things are inappropriate, because if they aren't done there and we recall them or we're thinking of them, then we're pulling ourselves back into a past that does not exist in our Father's Kingdom.

So really, as we move into that Kingdom, we have to more and more whack away at totally severing from the past. Now if we really sever from, there is no "memory" of that past, so then we live only in the present of where we find ourselves in His Kingdom - babies, with a whole new World. We've destroyed the past. I mean, wouldn't it be appropriate at a new kingdom level?

Let's play the scenario that maybe even upon entering the human kingdom (I'm not saying this is true, but the scenario works), that a spirit might have come from a less-than-human kingdom as it entered. But wouldn't it be true that when that spirit reached the condition we would identify as the human kingdom, it then would have - if it was going to function in that kingdom - no recollection of anything prior to that? That would be its beginning. It would be a fresh beginning. It would be a babe in that Kingdom, or fresh beginning.

ignore v64NuMDF he spammed the 2 last threads already with over 100 posts

also if this thread is to be deleted soon i will remake it on /bant/

Now, the spirit can observe the animal kingdom, and if it wants to, it can go backward (if this scenario were true) and try to behave as an animal, even in pitiful ways that animals might behave that would even be beneath most human's concept of how a human at its lowest point should behave. The point is made here that when we enter that Kingdom, if we do it according to instruction, we're going to have a clean slate. Our past is gone. We've got to believe Him when He said, 'You lay it on me, I'll wipe it out.' In other words, we don't believe Him if we don't wipe the past out. He wants to wipe the past out. So, if we insist on hanging onto the past, who's responsible? Can we say, "Well you didn't wipe it out. You said you were going to." He says, "As far as I'm concerned, it's wiped out, I've forgotten it. I don't want to know your past." So, if you want to remember it, if you want to cling to it, that's your problem.

>Shill gets BTFO twice

Yes. I asked the students to bring them up because I remembered in a previous session a mention of Essenes. And I think the only reference that was made to the Essenes was in the context of relating that some modern Essene group (that I'm afraid that I can't even put in the category of the real Essenes) said, or I had heard or read that they had participated in stimulating their sensuality or their sexuality, as some Eastern religions teach, in order to come into enlightenment or to have the kundalini turned on, or the "flame of knowledge," or whatever, which is an abomination! It's a counterfeit. I think we discussed it's a poor counterfeit or a facsimile of how when you have overcome your physical or reproductive nature altogether and it's behind you and you don't relate to it, then you're no longer drunk by that drug and you can perceive information that comes to you, and much higher knowledge, and therefore you can reach up to it.

But back to the Essenes. The reason we are re-discussing this is because the application that is more appropriate for that term "Essene" can be used as we relate to hidden groups that existed in the Middle East in Biblical times. More particularly, there was a group of Essenes that supposedly resided in the area of Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls came from. They were (as far as a group is concerned that might be existing between times that our Father's Kingdom comes in an incarnate condition) trying as hard as any group on the face of the Earth to become pure and to rid themselves of their human nature and to try to get closer to the Kingdom of God. The Essene group that I'm referring to is an esoteric group of Orthodox Judaism. There have been books written that Jesus spent His unknown years, or some of his early years before his ministry with that Essene group. And whether that is true or not, it's of no significance to us. The possibility exists that that could have been used as a stepping stone.

But my point in bringing it back is because I wanted to correct what I had said and not have you think that we think poorly of that group. As far as groups of believers and efforts of discipline within the human kingdom exist, we'd have a hard time finding a group that would be working harder at trying to be pure and to overcome aspects of this world, and to be more ready. And as far as I'm concerned, if souls are cycled back into the human kingdom at the appropriate time that members of our Father's Kingdom are there, maybe you at the other end of that camera were in that Essene community at one time. Maybe you were with Jesus at one time. If you know His Heavenly Father, you know my Heavenly Father. You know the same knowledge He gives to me to share with you, or, that He uses my instrument to express to you. And our purpose for being here is to serve those that have returned in order to complete their overcoming, to do the last little polishing up of areas that maybe are still awry and need some correction, and present them to our Father's Kingdom. Where the human kingdom was wiped out, obliterated, they could start fresh - clean plants ready to serve in a new agenda as crew members that functioned only with the tasks that are of the concern of our Heavenly Father's Kingdom.

This is an issue we need to discuss. You say, "There is only one God." And yes, that's true. But believe it or not, there are other individuals who say, "I'm God," just as we've discussed that there are some individuals who would say, "I'm Jesus." Does it not make sense that the camp in opposition to our Father's House would spend most of their effort trying to rob those souls that know that their rightful heritage is through the Judeo-Christian heritage? And there Luci's camp would say, "This is where we need to work if we're going to keep those souls from getting into that corporation that really is not aware of the reality of cosmic consciousness and universal mind. They're more aware of just becoming vessels, and just being a part of a vine, and not really having the opportunity to develop and become rightful 'gods' of their own." That vernacular gets kind of mixed up and kind of crazy and dangerous. So, how do we test in our prayers and in our meditation who we're praying to?

I anyone wonder how hollow earth would work:
i imagine it to be like pic related. now it was mentioned the centrifugal force wouldnt be enough and it would collapse, but there is this thing called hutchison effect
from what i got of it it basically manipulates matter through electromagnetic vibrations, deforming metals, and letting stuff levitate, even nonmetal or magnetic stuff. maybe the inner sun causes this effect naturally and kinda locks the crust in its current place, as well as the people on the inside as some user mentioned on the inside wouldnt be a gravity as the mass in all directions would cancel each other out.
another thing is that the sun would be too small to start a fusion. but that is if suns are actually what we are told to.
if it is, then what is this UFO doing there
it seems to take up some of the plasma, but why? i doubt the plasma would be enough to not cool down quick and lose its use as energycreator or as heating. so what else are they doing there? or is the sun something different then we led to believe

There are some prayers that might be appropriate for those who are not in the position that some of you might find yourself in, or that these in this classroom might be in. Because once you're in the possible condition of wanting to make a transition from the human kingdom to our Heavenly Father's Kingdom, at that point our Father expects you to be in a position of saying, "Your will, not mine" about everything - and of saying, "I only want to be an instrument of Your desire. I only want to serve in the function that is of Your concern. I want to overcome everything that is of my concern or anything that is separate." Someone in the human kingdom who has not reached that condition yet, might sincerely pray to our Father's Kingdom, unaware that someone outside of our Father's Kingdom might jump in and answer their prayers, particularly if they are praying for something that is of the human kingdom - praying that their mortgage might be met, or that they have more money so they can get a Buick instead of a Plymouth, or they can get a Cadillac next time instead of a Ford, or whatever the values are. But if their eyes are upon their physical needs rather than saying, "You know what our needs are, but I know that I need to ask You to supply our needs, then I need to examine if I think they aren't supplied when I've asked you - then I must have a misconception of what our needs are. We need to re-examine what our needs are, because You do take care of our needs."

>You imagine
I imagine that you're not a shutin obese faggot. That doesn't make it true.

I'm afraid that Lucifer has control of so many of those so-called leaders in the Christian world today and wants to get the rightful heirs of our Father's sonship, of our Father's Kingdom, off the track. He would certainly turn their eyes if he stands half a chance. And one way he can do it is to say, "Our Father's Kingdom wants you to have fine things and have wealth and have all of the physical benefits. He wants you to live a good life. He doesn't want you buying into this: 'you must be in sack cloth.'" A lot of that's true. But don't forget that Luci is so close to the truth in the things of his counterfeit. I mean, they are almost believable. You'll have to look at them under a microscope to discover that they're counterfeit. But Luci's camp would have those people try to tell the Christians who are trying to get closer to their Heavenly Father that, "ask for your financial needs and He will supply them." You don't know that He'll supply them. Who are you to say, "Ask Him for your financial needs"? He said ask in the way that you're saying, "Thy will, not my will, You know my needs, and if I'm looking to You, I must trust that You will supply my needs if I'm looking to You." So, it's a dangerous proposition.

Make it in /x/ and change the name of the thread to be a little inconspicuous this time.

We may have pretty well covered the question, but it wouldn't hurt to spend another minute on it. As far as I'm concerned, I'm in a position that has been commissioned as a teacher, to serve as a vessel, as a teacher for those designed to get into our Father's Kingdom. So, I can't really speak with much clarity or authority as to what others should be doing who are not interested in getting from here to there. But, if you're interested in getting from here to there now, in this lifetime, in the next few months, between now and the end of this Age (and we don't know if that's going to happen within the next year or when it's going to happen), if that is your concern then, as it is our concern, of getting back into His House, literally and physically....

We don't anticipate that we are going to lose these vehicles - though we know that if we lost them and our slate is clean, and we have overcome the world, we've lost nothing. We could still go to wardrobe in our Father's Kingdom and get a nice new suit that didn't even have that old kind of plumbing, and didn't even have those characteristics that were still going to have to fade away. So, does it really matter if we take this vehicle into that Kingdom, because they come and we are in their midst wherever that is - whether they are here or we are there doesn't matter. But if we are leaving the human kingdom and entering our Father's Kingdom, in a sense, our Father's Kingdom (or Heaven) is wherever our Father is and Representatives of His Kingdom are.

Where our Father is, and Representatives of His Kingdom, I'm afraid could also mean we would see the physical characteristics of their presence. We would see vehicles unlike human vehicles, except still the same image - that have arms and legs and stand erect and have beautiful countenances. We don't know exactly the particulars, but we know that they would be in a vehicle that was for all intents and purposes indestructible, even though it could be lost and it could be replaced easily. But whether or not we take this vehicle into that Kingdom and they put us in their lab and they zap it and it's changed over to one of theirs in the twinkling of an eye, or if we lose this one before they come and do that, and we get one out of wardrobe, it's the same difference. What's important is: how fast have I overcome the world so that I don't need to return to the human world. Therefore, I am in a position, if my slate is sufficiently clean as they judge it, that I don't need to return. I'm in line for one of their vehicles whether I get this one changed over in a laboratory or whether I lose it right before their laboratory comes and they pull one out of their wardrobe that they have prepared for me and has my name on it, because it jives exactly with my station of growth. Don't confuse the issue of a name as identity in that place, because from their point of view, it's merely labeled to get a match, so that it would work for me.

You can be in the same mindset that we're in - that we anticipate entering our Father's Kingdom soon. We feel that what has been shared with us can shorten the days of the elect. If you have come here from our Father's Kingdom to finish your overcoming, then you know what we're saying is true, and you'll be waiting and craving to go full throttle in finishing that off, knowing that there is a short time in which to do it. Because of the time that we have had in preparing our lab and preparing our heads in our own overcoming, and because of what we have learned, the picture is so clear and it is so big to us and so much has been shared with us. Because in the time that we were doing it, it was a slow process, getting one item at a time. But now we see those items and we can see them clearly, and we can share them with you. Therefore, the Next Level through us sharing them with you, can shorten your days to such a brief span, in that sense, for the elect their days are shortened.

>Operation Highjump

If this alone doesn't say shit went down I don't know what to say.

>I want to believe.jpg

The "elect" would mean that you have been picked to finish your overcoming. You could say, "Oh boy, I placed such a 'high falootin' interpretation of what the elect is, how could I be one of the elect"? Well, if the Next Level picks you, don't question it. Let them be the ones responsible for that. I mean, look what they've picked. We can't take the credit for anything in our own overcoming. They've given it to us. They've fed it to us. If they hadn't fed it to us a step at a time, we couldn't have done anything. They did it. They gave us the ingredients, by our asking and by their choice of giving, so that we could be recipients of overcoming. So, if you are one that is prepared for overcoming, then you are as lucky as we are lucky and can receive their gift, and we want to serve in that way. We certainly don't want to interfere, and we were learning that we could interfere by turning on something that could cause you delay in that process. I'm so thankful that it was shared with us so that we can avoid sharing certain experiences we have had that might delay your overcoming process. If anything, we're just as concerned with your days being shortened as you are, because we're so eager for this task of ours to reach completion. It becomes fearful for us to think of the time that it might take, but we're not going to listen to that fear.

nothing paranormal though, but a lot of politics and history.

>Impossible earth formed around a impossibly dense star which somehow permits life on the inside of the earth
time together. I'm going to ask the cameraman to pan across these members of the classroom who are over to the side, as I talk for a moment, because I want you to get just a moment's glance at some of the class that's sitting there. They look pretty sober, don't they? (Laughter) Pan them once more and maybe they'll crack their faces. You need to get up on their faces instead of their knees. There, get where we can see their faces. Try that once again.

To follow through from Session 7, we spoke fairly directly and personally with you as listeners at the end of that session. In order to pick that up, I'm going to dive right in and be personal with you again. I guess I realize what a big jolt it is to your system, even though you might have identified with it, close to the end of that last tape, as we spoke of the "elect," and as we spoke of those who are returning in order to complete their overcoming and enter our Father's Kingdom. Even though you identified with that, we have to also face the fact that as you think of other things and you do other tasks, that identification begins to fade. And the forces and thoughts of this world have you question, "Goodness, have I lost my mind"? and "What is going on"? and "I'm not sure I need to watch that next tape because I could be going down a dangerous road." Part of the aspect of "shortening the days" at the end - or making whatever classroom might be remaining a short classroom instead of a longer one as we had - means that the many tests we were put through, or this classroom was put through over the years, you're going to be put through in a very compact, accelerated period of time. And I know that it's going to be hard on your systems and difficult for you to make the adjustment. But I'm going to go right ahead and even bring up another aspect of it that will make it even more difficult for you. In a sense, it might make it easier for you, because we're facing the facts, we're getting right down to reality.

If in fact we are seeing that as our Father's Kingdom relates to the human kingdom, and as the history books tell us, they relate on a basis of knowing through faith. And because they can't have us motivated by proof, we have to believe in them. If you come this way, if you correspond with us or you let us know that this is something that you must do and you want to start identifying with us, as wanting to be a child in that Kingdom and wanting to rid yourself of your humanness, then you're very quickly going to also realize that you're going to be, in a sense, submissive. You're going to kind of present yourself as putty in our hands because we're representing that Kingdom. And I know this is one aspect of it that is hard to adjust to. In a sense, you have to face right now and continue to face, "Do I really believe that this individual on that camera and these students of that individual, are they really vessels? Are they really of our Father's Kingdom? Are they functioning that way? Is the information that is coming through them that information that I can recognize as from my Heavenly Father's Kingdom? Can I see the pieces of the puzzle falling together? Is it speaking to me? And if it is speaking to me, then I have to also accept the more difficult realization that this is going to mean that I'm also going to have to get out of a situation where I'm simply watching this tape and do the things that this is going to begin to require as we get more into the specifics with you. And so I have to really look very carefully and examine my own belief."

When Jesus said, 'If you believe Me, all those that believe on Me, and come through Me to My Father, He can offer you His Kingdom.' This is the same thing. I mean, you're being put to the test of, "Can I recognize this classroom and this individual that's on the camera as from that same Household that Jesus represented, from that same Household"? It doesn't require any more of you than that. Certainly, I'm not pretending to identify as anything other than a member of that Household, and I know that I'm of that Household. But the question is, do you know that I'm of that Household? And if you don't, I don't want to talk you into it. It's a good time for you to put away those tapes or put them in the garbage can if you don't know that. Because now you're being put to the test: "Do I recognize this information? If I do recognize this information and the information seems true, then I have to accept the packaging. I have to accept the "vessels" as being chosen from that Kingdom to serve in this function."

In reality, that means that I'm actually going to take instruction from these students and from the one that said, "I'm Do." And that instruction is going to get down to specifics and be very literal and very mundane, and is going to give me help in ways I never thought would be necessary in an overcoming process. I mean the "spelling out" of the menu that I might consume, or the objects that might be purchased to use to brush my teeth with, and when I bathe, and how often.

One of the helpers here brought up that the way I discussed partnerships might be confusing to you - you might think that partnerships go into the bathroom or to the clean-up area as a partnership, which, of course, they don't. But I just remembered they had mentioned that the way I expressed it, you might have thought that they did, and so we're clarifying that.

The point is, we're going to get down to the nitty gritty with you. If you come this way and you start asking questions, we're going to answer your questions. You're going to have to realize how mundane those questions actually get, and you're going to say, "Well, does it mean that maybe it would be more right to also wear loose-fitting clothing and not do the other things that we had discussed and..."? Yes, you're going to be tested with, "Can I accept instruction about the particulars from these"? That's a very difficult hurdle.

Look at how many very, very religious individuals had trouble when Jesus came and said, 'It is the Father Who speaks through Me, and I can take you if you follow Me. If you believe what He says through Me, if you believe the words that come out of My mouth, and if you're a disciple of Mine, I'll get you there.' The ones who had the most trouble with it were the ones who were the most religious, because they couldn't accept the packaging. Because the packaging that Lucifer had sold them was so tainted and so "Old English," and so wrapped in such spiritual packaging that it was unrealistic. It was like it had to be fulfilled. It was like wanting the bells to ring and the Heavens to move, and to be the beginning of a Spielberg film, something that really showed all the miraculous aspects. It certainly couldn't be somebody sitting on a video tape telling me that they've come from the Kingdom of Heaven to help me get there, and that in order to get there, I'm going to have to literally and actually face all the little things, the little habits that I have, and change them in order to be a crew member and learn what crew membership really is. And, yes, that is where we are.

And as we go through more particulars in this session and the next one - if there is a next one - you need to examine your mind set and your willingness to yield, because our interest is: this must be done quickly. Therefore, we know we're being used in the way we are presenting this information. We know we're being used to shorten those days. And that also puts the responsibility on those who might be beneficiaries of this to move very, very quickly, and be put to tests that might have taken us months or years to be put to. You'll be put to many of those tests in a very, very short time. So, we understand the trauma of it, and we'll help you with the trauma if you seek help in the trauma of it. But we have to also warn you and prepare you for some of these particulars.

It wouldn't work too well if the Atlantis goes up on a mission, and they have a lot of experiments to do, and certain members of their crew have to knock out or omit certain experiments because the experiments require that they consume certain items (or "eat" - we use consume to mean "eat"). If they consume these items and certain members of the crew say, "I have a funny stomach and I can't consume those items." So, we have to knock out or omit that person then because he's not sure that he could handle the freeze-dried or the powdered formula, or whatever it is that they're going to be put to. And then another crew member might say, "Well, I get so sleepy I just can't stay awake when it gets to be 10 pm Earth time." We take him out of another test that can be done only at a period that might be registering on Earth as midnight. So, when we're getting rid of what-we-want-to-do-when-we- want-to-do-it, it's really the opposite. We're liberating ourselves from structure that is there because of our habit - because of influences that we have listened to that said, "I need this and I want that. I'm a morning person, or I'm a night person, or I mainly eat heavier foods in the morning, and I don't eat those kinds of foods or..." - all these ideas we have of we like things our way - we have to have them a certain way. The word here that we have to put in flashing neon light is flexibility. To become a good crew member, we have to have flexibility - so flexible, that whatever instruction is given to the crew, we can easily move into, even if it's "sit in a waiting mode."

Mods ban him please.

We can't say, "Well, I'm so impatient at times when we have to wait that at least give me some reading material. I can't just sit. And if I have that reading material, the lighting is so poor in here, I'm afraid I might have eye strain so...." All these ideas we have of what we need in this circumstance or that make us inflexible. If we're a good crew member, we are extremely flexible. Most of the work, if not all the work, that our Father's Kingdom does is done in crews and requires extreme flexibility on the part of the crew. It fits right in with what we talked about in our last session in also working against identity, working against separateness, working against uniqueness, working against anything that is still of the human kingdom.

Therefore, if what is of our Heavenly Father's Kingdom is manifest to us in mundane ways, as instruction for a crew of what a crew might do, what their schedule might be, what they might consume in any particular given period of time, it's not as humans look at the Kingdom of God and think: "If this is given to someone to consume, then it must be morally or the Godly way to consume." Here again, it's that "Old English" and that fancy packaging or that spiritual approach to it. They can't think of the Kingdom of God as being very practical, very realistic, and just facing issues as tasks come up. Now, if we receive instruction for a crew, then the crew, if it's going to work together, has to be made up of several appendages of the crew as a whole so that they look to each other and they don't trust their own judgment. They say, "What about this? Is this a cup and a half of this? Is this a level tablespoon of that? Is this three inches of that"? They don't trust their own judgment, because they know they can see things wrong, they can be inaccurate. So, part of crew procedure then becomes having a check partner, someone to check with. And that always extends - that partnership then checks with another partnership, and so forth. So, whenever they feel that the task cannot be stopped trustworthily at that moment of checking, then they go to a greater moment of checking, or greater extension of checking.

hes not gonna get banned, hes been doing this in the last 2 threads before this one tonight

It wont last very long on /x/.
For some reason the mods delete threads related to ufos.

apparently those are some instructions/descriptions of how the glocke works. Another user pointed out that this could be a scalar device, a machine to create energy out of the vortexes in the ether and could be used to propell the Glocke, supply it with energy, as energyweapon, or in case of the glocke all of those together. it reads (there are some words i couldnt decipher)

The reels rotated on a mutual axis. The Axis lay on a horn/corn(?), with a diameter of 17,5 centimeter, on the lower end was in the massive socket of the Bell(Glocke) anchored. It is compost of a steelalloy [cant read this word, if someone can post the letters, i give the translation]
0,5% Chrome
??% Nickel
0,8% Copper
0,1% Phosphore

Directly before the trial a vaccuumpiston/flask with a length of 1 meter made of ceramic will be led into the core, that is surrounded by a 27 millimeter strong leadlayer. This will from the outside cooled down to exactly(?) minus 200 Celsius (degree is missing here) through liquid heliumgel. In its Center lies a spiralformed silverthreat (i think, something of silver) that tightens(?) itself towards the other end and, when set under high voltage, induces a magnetic field that causes a centrifugal movement of the surrounding serum

??? Serum - ???

The purple/crimson Serum is a suspension on cinnebarstone of the radioactive mercury isotope 203 that with sulphur develops a trigonal trapezial(-something) Crystalstructure. Furthermore this Serum will be mixed/condenced(cant think of any other word fitting here) with thoranite and beryllyumoxide to prevent it from solidifying. To reach ferromagnetism 10 (something-)meter long and ? (something-)meter wide particles of an iron- bor-dysprosium-alloy added

So, think long and hard about this business of all the ramifications of what I want to do, when I want to do it, and how that limits me - how that restricts me, how that knocks me out of being able to serve with a flexible crew that has an agenda, a task to perform. And in our Father's Kingdom, the particulars about that task aren't all given up front. In fact, very little is given up front. They get one phase at a time and when it's completed, then their crew chief says, "We're ready for the next phase, if you're ready for us to perform the next phase." And then the next phase comes in. The phase may be just one little instruction given at a time, and if the crew members start questioning it, "Well I don't see why that's necessary." Ohhhh! Then pretty soon we're not really believing that it is crew function that we're developing here. We're interpreting it at a different level. We're trying to look at it from what it means to me. "It interferes with me." "I'm not sure I like that," or "I'm not sure I really believe that that's what we're working on here." And I'm afraid that all of us are put to that test again and again and again.

Is that really what these procedures are for? I don't know if we've discussed it, but our procedures change and they change and they change. Our diet changes and it changes and it changes. Our time of scheduling things changes. Our partnerships change and change. What we can count on is change. And it comes pretty rapidly. Change gives us new opportunity to be more flexible - that neon word - and so that a crew member can function well as just an appendage, or, as we use the illustration, as a cog in a wheel or a spoke in a wheel. If the wheel has a function to perform, then one spoke shouldn't sing louder than another spoke, or require certain attention that other spokes don't require, or have in its mind something different. It may not understand what the wheel is even performing. But if its head is in a right place, it doesn't even question what the wheel is performing. It says, "I can see here that we're performing a function. I may not understand it, but it's not my place to question it, and I know that I'll be more inclined to be in a position where I can serve if I stop questioning, because then I'm not muddying the air." I don't know if we've discussed it, because I keep getting confused about what we covered in Sessions 7 and 8 that we discarded, but we have to bring up here the issue of telecommunication, because...Is that the term?

Mental telepathy is a human definition for a kind of communication that is common in our Father's Kingdom. And the reason we have to bring it up to discuss it is to point out that we're not saying, "Oh, isn't that neat that members of our Father's Kingdom can communicate mentally." We're not saying that mental communication is the only communication. There's a funny little thing that we can look at here. We may not have seen that this piece of the puzzle fits in here, but when Jesus said, 'If you even look at someone lustfully, you've committed the act.' And you say, "How could that have anything to do with mental telepathy"? It has everything to do with mental telepathy. Because if I have a thought in my mind and I'm in our Father's Kingdom, it is expressed at the moment that I think it. It is expressed! And even though my Older Member or the other crew members don't like to invade my privacy, they hear my thoughts, because they have a communication of not having to use their vocal chords and their tongues. And so, since that is their behavior, that is their technique, that is a characteristic of the suit of clothes that they wear, of their physical vehicle that they wear, then we have to learn how to have control of our brain, our tongue, our vocal chords. Mainly of our brain, that we don't permit thoughts that would be negative or doubting or periphery or unnecessary, or that could clutter the air, because we're going to move into vehicles where thoughts are, the moment a picture is formed.

You remember how in our last session we discussed that when a picture is formed in our heads of the knowledge that our Father's Kingdom has shared with us, that picture is so big and it's so magnificent that it becomes evidence, it becomes proof to us of the existence of our Father's Kingdom. It becomes a picture that we can use to work with daily in our behavior, and that we can refer to, to refresh our memory so that we don't have to doubt the reality of our Father's Kingdom. In that sense, faith presented that picture, then that became evidence that we could utilize. So, all this is interrelated and connected up.

We're sharing with you several little different ways of looking at the same picture at this moment. So, mental telepathy is a very important aspect of crew participation - not letting thoughts enter our mind that can be an interference, knowing that our Older Member can read that thought. I mean, if we have that thought, it comes right to them. So, we don't want to be screaming, "Oh I don't understand what's going on here!" in our thoughts. "Why don't you explain to me what I'm doing here. You told me to do so and so, but you didn't tell me why." And so pretty soon we become as a child or an interference that really is not ready for that crew activity. We have to be put in more of a remedial situation because of our needless questioning and lack of trust and needing of attention, needing of explanation. It's something that we need to consider. Where do we go from there?

And if I remember right, we felt that when we were discussing costume or clothing that we use in the classroom to try to abide by the principles of how members of our Father's Kingdom would present themselves if they had to wear the kind of vehicles that we are still wearing, we left off, if I'm not mistaken, some little things that may not be that significant, but we feel to mention them. Like we mentioned double pockets. When we can buy shirts that have double pockets, we would prefer to, though we don't have a rule that says we can only wear shirts with double pockets. You say, "Why double pockets"? Because it kind of helps take the emphasis off of shape, particularly with a female vehicle. If they have double pockets, it makes the vehicle less obvious that it's a female vehicle. And if we're getting into a non-gender mind place and behavior place where we don't want to identify at a gender level, then double pockets is one little thing that helps us with that.

There is the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition (NPIEE) which tries to find out wether there is a hole on the north pole or not. I didnt look into this much yet, but there are rumors about it being canceled twice due to sudden deaths of the leading expeditioner. This is what i could find so far
>By 2005, the team had grown to 22 members, but required 100 members to fund the voyage. In 2006, Steven Currey tragically passed away and was succeeded by launch manager and PhD Physicist, Brooks Agnew.
>After the sudden and strange disappearance of the the Park Avenue, New York film production company that previously had announced its plans to fund the expedition to make a documentary, we have regrouped and decided to run an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign

so if you plan an expedition, its probably better to not announce it bigly

also i think i wont post it again if this 404s. so if someone wants to continue discussion better to copy the OPs right now and post it yourself. its getting late here

Another aspect of that same item is, where the length of our sleeves or our trousers might be. We've said they're loose fitting, and we don't draw them together at the waist. We don't like for shape to be accentuated or exposed. We're more comfortable if our arm is, for the most part, not exposed. So, we'll wear our sleeve length either at the cuff, or at the wrist, or turned back a time or two. That is easy and doesn't expose that much of the arms. And we'd certainly be uncomfortable in shorts or what a human would call a bathing suit. You're extremely uncomfortable with this much exposure when you've wiped things out of your memory and you're moving into a new behavior. I just can't remember seeing a beach full of bathers in our Father's Kingdom. It's just that it's beyond my imagination that that would be behavior in our Father's Kingdom - to need to have a bathing suit or to expose the vehicle in that way.

Another thing we've mentioned in that same respect was the sheerness of a fabric, because if it's a sheer fabric, then it also has a degree of exposure, so we make a point not to get things that are too sheer. We have underclothes on both under our shirt and under our trousers, and none of the females wear skirts - not that they're trying to look like males. It's just that loose-fitting trousers, even though they might have come from the female part of the department store, loose-fitting trousers and loose-fitting shirts give us more of a genderless freedom when we don't have to think about them. And they don't make us feel masculine or feminine, because believe it or not, don't forget, males like to wear tight clothing and tight shirts and tight blue jeans and show off their curves as well, in kind of a ridiculous way. We are doing everything that we can do to not identify with a gender. Sheer, and I think there was even one other one - the open collar is one other aspect that we pay attention to. It's a trend in some human circles to open two or three buttons or half way to the waist, and we're very uncomfortable with that kind of exposure. It causes that particular individual to kind of advertise their gender, and the last thing we want to do is even be reminded of a gender. So, we would keep our collars buttoned at the top, or if it's too tight at the top and there's a second button near the top, then we'll use the second button. And if that's not comfortable to us, we'll go to another shirt. But these are all little finishing of details in talking about costume, which we had covered in a previous session. What's next on our list?

Wow! I know that it's important for us to mention this, but these things are just so distant in our history to even think about. But in yours, they're not that distant, because you might go to places where you would subject yourself to vibrations where people certainly wouldn't be that accepting of your discussion of what you're about to do or ready to do. How could you be consistent with your new mindset if you're in a bar or someplace where the vibrations are that of intoxication, or thinking the kind of conversation that goes on in a bar, whether it be of the NFL game or so-and-so's pregnant or so-and-so is about to get married, did you know this - gossip and all the kinds of conversation that is common in a bar-like circumstance. The vibrations are so beneath us that we would avoid them like the plague. I can't count the times that we've gone into a place, even a restaurant or a movie that, by looking at the advertisement, we thought it would be okay, and we have to turn around and leave because we can't stand the general feeling that is there. It's almost the unseen presence that is there that seems to run us out.

And we have to be willing to get into a frame of mind where we don't mind walking out or maybe going back up to the ticket office and saying, "I sat in there for five minutes and that movie is not to my liking. If I can get my money back, I would; otherwise, that's fine, I'll leave." But I can't count the times that we have done that at movie theaters or at restaurants or other places that we might go. I'm afraid we've even visited churches where the same thing has happened, where the thing that people would talk about would sicken our stomach because it would be so unbecoming to the instruction that we have received in our changeover from the human kingdom to our Father's Kingdom. So, the answer is yes, we avoid places that could pull us back into the world, and we try to confine our places to things that are uplifting, at least objective and not threatening to us. We don't try to subject ourselves to tests unnecessarily, by saying, "Well, I've outgrown that. I can handle that." We don't ever trust that. We make a point not to trust it.

Partnerships, partnerships, partnerships. They are valuable, valuable, valuable. We told you a little bit ago how they can change frequently. We've learned from experience that it helps to have a partnership, since a partnership is two individuals or sometimes three individuals who have asked their other partners in that partnership to help them in their overcoming. They ask. Part of a partnership is to involve the other person in assisting you in your task of overcoming. Now if it can't be done in sincerity, then it's a pretty lousy partnership. If I'm hesitant to ask someone, or even if I'm hesitant to have anything brought to my attention that I need to overcome, I don't know what I'm in this classroom for. If I'm trying to overcome the world, then I want all the help I can get and certainly a partnership is a place where I can get help in my overcoming.

It's true that in a partnership the members of that partnership are in two's or three's. It's interesting, if you think in terms of the New Testament, how Jesus sent his disciples out in two's and three's because he knew it worked as a neat partnership. They do solicit from their partners, "If you see me do things or even my countenance or little habit that I might have, a little idiosyncrasy that I might have, or if I treat you in any way, or I begin to gossip or anything that you observe about me that is not the way that we have been taught and that is unbecoming to members of our Father's Kingdom, I ask that you bring it to my attention." But what if you're in a situation where one partner is pretty sensitive emotionally and has a hard time dealing with it if the other partner brings it up in a way that hurts their feelings? Even though the one partner is trying to learn not to respond that way and not be so easily hurt - they have to get past that - on the other side of the fence, the person who is not very diplomatic in bringing up something that needs to be overcome has to work very hard at learning to be diplomatic and also has to question their judgment department. "Am I seeing a lot of things critically that maybe surpass our teaching and our instruction, and maybe it's me, maybe it's still my humanness that is finding fault here by some judgment at the human level, instead of the way I've been taught by my Teachers or by my Older Members." So, you can see all the ways that can work.

One aspect of a partnership that is so valuable is to not have a partnership made up of two individuals that could easily fall back into being attracted to each other at the human level or in an emotional involvement or in a sensual involvement. I mean, you see these students here - female/male. I'm sorry I said that because they are not, but to appearances, their vehicles are. And he still sees with his vehicle's eyes, even though he's trying to train his eyes. If he lowered his vibrations, his eyes could see a remnant of female vehicle, and vice versa. She could see a remnant of male vehicle. And so it's an important factor certainly, for the most part, not to place vehicles in a partnership where they could affect one another in that way. These two students are not partnered, even though they have been given tasks where they are partnered for a period of time. They are partnered in the aspect of serving as teleprompter and helping me in this task, but when this task ceases or the session is over, or they're not studying for the session, then they go back to their other partnership, and their various partners might also be partnering for that period of time. But I'm just trying to help you understand that we don't put people in partnership situations that would test their overcoming, or put it to the test unnecessarily. So, if I'm still dealing with male/female attraction, even if I don't think I'm dealing with it, but my teacher might realize that I'm still dealing with it, then we wouldn't be partnered in a relationship where it's male/female.

Isnt he violating any rule by going off topic and spamming

What the fuck!!! Now I feel really lucky that I was able to be in a discussion a few days back here. The material was very volatile but somehow it was able to go on without shilling the first time.
I have seen that some subject materials attract shills quite astutely. I would suggest naming the thread a bit less flashier. Like, don't just neon-light "NAZI"

>hutchison effect

could it be how the pyramids were built?

>Off topic
If you bothered to read my posts, you'd see that OP and I are talking about the same thing, but OP is shilling a nonsense theory to associate people in the know with nazis and flatearthers in the public eye.

And we take all things into consideration as to how the vehicle might have had its orientation, whether it was heterosexual or homosexual. Because in our Father's Kingdom those words don't mean anything different than orange or apple. I mean, they have no more significance than that. They're two pieces of fruit - apple and orange - and as far as our Father's Kingdom is concerned, they are two aspects of sensuality, reproductive activity, side issues of the human kingdom that are completely inappropriate - not therefore bad and ugly, but it's not done in our Father's Kingdom, it's not needed. It's not a behavior that is there.

Remember, babies are not born in that Kingdom from a female's womb. And remember, babies are born from the human kingdom as adult humans and they become babes in that Kingdom. That's the way that works. So, we do everything we can do to make a partnership work. We don't like to put them to the test if, let's say, sometimes partners might be so much of the same mind and have the same faults and not be able to recognize those faults, that it doesn't work. If one person is given to lack of restraint and being too boisterous and is partnered with someone else who lacks restraint and is too boisterous and careless, and they upset things not meaning to, they can't really help each other that well because they don't see those things. So, it helps to kind of calculate, and we get instruction to calculate a partnership in areas that they can be helpful to each other. And never can one partner cover all the needs of another partner. That's part of the reason why partnerships are frequently changed, in order to have us.... What are we trying to become? Flexible, in neon sign, so that we can serve as a crew member without having to require special attention or having to deal with things.

in argentina there is a some area, San Carlos de Bariloche which had a lot of germans and even a plastic surgery clinic which could be used to distort peoples appearence so they arent tracked down easily and can lead a normal live. georg anton pöch is rumord to be hitlers new personality.
another user mentioned that he read (didnt saw a source for this yet) that german scientists communicated with each other as well as with people outside the country possibly meaning they did US funded research and forwarded infos to the nazis. The nazis put into positions in secretagencies like the german Bundesnachrichten Dienst, or through project paperclip into the CIA and other ones possibly covered for the scientist making sure noone finds out

we should address that because it can help us understand. Well, let's take what we have talked about - how in our Father's Kingdom death is not when the vehicle falls away. When the vehicle falls away, it has little or no effect on the spirit. And death applies only to the spirit, so when a vehicle drops, it's not affecting the spirit. But humans use the term to apply to when the vehicle falls. Now, there is a little bit of something that happens when we lose the vehicle that can help us. Frequently, when a person is traumatized because they're about to lose their vehicle, they turn closer to God or they try to clean up their act a little bit and examine whether or not they are maybe going to their Creator, or that maybe this world is over for them. Well, let's face it, there's not much time in which they can make much significant change in their behavior or their likes and dislikes or becoming a crew member, but they can start trying to get a little closer in their consciousness to their God. They can start to examine their values. Therefore, when that spirit leaves that vehicle, that spirit would go into the discarnate world with the consciousness it had when it left its vehicle.

Death can be taken advantage of, in the same way as so-called terminal disease puts us in the same thinking. We begin to question how we're going to spend our time from here until the end of our life, even though it isn't the end of our life. It's just the end of that particular plant, which is very, very temporal, when you think about it as a perennial. But it can be used to get us closer. So that even AIDS or any contagious disease, any disease that is big on the list or that humans might put in the category of plague, can be thought of as a definite positive. Not a positive in the way that it's getting rid of the "oranges" (homosexuals), so to speak. You know, why are the "oranges" so bad? I mean, it doesn't make any sense. It's a positive that any disease can make us re-examine our values and make us question, "Why am I in this position? Where's the positive in this"? Is the positive to make me think, "Should I be getting closer to my Heavenly Father? Should I become in some people's eyes more religious"? This might be a turning point. In some instances becoming more religious is not a turning point in the right direction. It can be a turning point in the wrong direction, because the religion they might be turning to is so filled with misinformation. And where does Lucifer like to put the strongest misinformation? In the religions that should house the realistic heritage information of our Father's Kingdom's relationship with this Age in this 6000-year period.

Well, it doesn't hurt us to examine that a little bit because sometimes those attachments are as strong, if not stronger, than attachments of the physical family, or the human family tree. What does have bearing is, "I need to sever that attachment if I'm going to make these my final days, if I'm going to get out of the human kingdom." And it becomes hard to sever. Sometimes there are relationships where you've been intimate with someone, and they've been the person you always run to, to cry on their shoulder or to tell them what you've experienced or you just had a miscarriage, whatever it is that's traumatic that you go and share with someone as your confidant. And it's easy to bring into a classroom that habit of needing a confidant, or needing someone to have a close relationship with, even though you may not be looking for a physical or sensuous relationship. But in a sense, our Father's Kingdom says, "I'm it. If you're going to get into My Kingdom, I have to be it. I have to be satisfactory to you. What I offer you has to be satisfactory. It has to be all you want. It has to offer you enough."

And that becomes a difficult task. Because when you're trying to overcome the desires that you previously had, it's hard to find that vessel (that is given to you for the Kingdom of Heaven to speak to you through) adequate supply for all of your needs, until those needs are fairly well overcome and you have shifted to a new set of needs. But that teacher, that vessel, can help you shift, can help you make the adjustment so that you can go through the weaning from those old needs and adopting new needs and looking to the Kingdom of Heaven through that vessel. It has to be done that way. I'm afraid Jesus warned us all of that, that it has to be done that way. Someone has to be assigned that position, and we have to accept the one that was assigned to that position. And that individual has to be satisfying to us, adequate to fill the bill of our needs. And that really puts the pressure on that vessel, because that vessel knows that his Older Member, or his Father more than fills the bill. So, the big question or the big problem that we have to deal with is examining the bill that needs to be filled. Does the bill need to be changed? How much of the old bill is human? If it is, I have to strike it out.

What kind of shill nonsense is this? NATO is the SS? Didn't realize Nazi's changed their minds and decided to destroy all of humanity by blending us all with coons -_-

We don't want to stop asking. We want to know what our needs are so that our asking does not decrease but increases. Our askings for human things decrease, decrease, decrease until they are nonexistent, and our asking of things of our Father's Kingdom increases and increases. We said that a pump had to be put into the mechanism in our free will and our choice so that our thirst increases. And it only comes as we ask questions and as we pursue, and we desire to become strong and flexible - a good crew member that wants to be available for service. And where the other crew members can say, "Boy, I really like to work on a crew with that crew member, not because that crew member is more attractive or more fun or more this, but is functioning. Someone who knows procedure, likes procedure, and can function in a way that we really feel like a mechanism that is working." And then talk about satisfying! That becomes very, very satisfying.

let me do some explaining.
i believe the technology used to let the flying saucers levitate are based on some principle ancient civilizations knew how to use. for example the hinuds have something in their legends called "vimana" which essentially is a flying saucer, and at times even a flying castle or city even. now what could that principle be? the tibetians have legends about them lifting heavy rocks with the help of music, singing and sound.
>The small drum had a very sharp sound, and could be heard even with the other instruments making a terrible din. All the monks were singing and chanting a prayer, slowly increasing the tempo of this unbelievable noise. During the first four minutes nothing happened, then as the speed of the drumming, and the noise, increased, the big stone block started to rock and sway, and suddenly it took off into the air with an increasing speed in the direction of the platform in front of the cave hole 250 metres high.
Some accounts tell that the pyramids (which you asked about) were build in a similar fashion. Now i agree this sounds pretty ridiculous, but then there is this stuff
indeed it sounds like it underlies another principle than the story of the tibetians, but there were stories about levitating stuff with sound, and now we can actually do that. so maybe there is more to the legends than we care to believe. and there are quite a few legends that turned out to be real or at least have
Interestingly this plan of the Vril Saucer has under number 1 mentioned "glocke" which translates to "bell". is this what makes the Saucer fly?
They fly either through this, or manipulating the magnetic field i believe. possibly a mix of both
if you are interested in ancient civilizations and their technology and stuff check

Credit cards, boy, getting house in order, possessions, indebtedness, credit card usage. Okay, we'll start. I don't think we're going to get very far, but we'll start. If you stop and think about it, the way the world out there is designed, it makes fools of us, because we involve ourselves in activity that we have no right to involve ourselves in. Now, how does it do that? Because we involve ourselves in activity on the basis of what we have borrowed. We buy now, pay later. We don't really buy now. We just sign a paper, agreeing to buy. We haven't bought until it's paid for. And according to our Heavenly Father's Kingdom, we shouldn't be participating in things that are not available to us. If we needed them, they would be available to us without signing a note to someone or without having to possess something before we could afford it. And yet the whole world out there revolves around working with objects and things that we have not yet paid for. That is backwards, and it also is obviously not of our Father's Kingdom, because it binds you more to the human kingdom. It puts you in a circumstance where if you left it to do what we're talking about, you'd leave a mess. And we can't do that. You can't leave a mess. So, we have to get our houses in order. The first thing on his list, was get our houses in order, and getting our houses in order means we've got to examine the whole status of, is there any validity to even possessing a credit card? Are we not then using something, using gasoline, paid for with our gasoline credit card, that isn't ours that we're going to pay for later? We can't do that.

Why are Germans so autistic?

That's a very misunderstood issue. Humans have a lot of misunderstandings about the term "God." So much so that some, without really stopping and thinking about the implications of it, think, "Well, there's only one God and everything in the Heavens is God's, so there must be only one Creature there." And yet they also think that people, when they die, go there. So, how can there only...? Oh well, it gets kind of confusing. And the term "God," the English term "God" - unfortunately in the translation from the manuscripts of the Bible there were different terms used. The English translators kind of lumped them all into one and used "God," no matter which Hebrew name was used. All these names really meant a member of the Kingdom of Heaven who was assigned a particular task "relating" to the humans. So, if you look at manuscripts and see the different names that were applied, some might think, "Well, that's talking about the different characteristics of this one Person." And they don't stop to think that the "Chief of Chiefs" or the "God of Gods," the Almighty, the Most High God, the Creator in the Kingdom of Heaven, can assign some from His membership to assist Him in tending to the garden, certainly in elementary tasks or tasks that would be elementary to the Creator. And that doesn't mean that they have not even learned how to create, in a garden circumstance.

For sake of clarity and understanding, it would help your head, as it has helped us to understand, as it has been given to us, that the different members of the Kingdom of Heaven who were assigned to relate to the humans in this Age, depending upon the task that was their assignment, ended up with a different "title." And it was more of a title than it was a name. If you know much about the history in Hebrew as it relates to the name that applies to members of our Father's Kingdom, there is some discussion that those names were never to be pronounced and never to be spoken. Some even don't write them except maybe a consonant to start it and then a dash and maybe another consonant to end it. There have been all kinds of theological discussions through the years about the "tabooness" of humans being able to call the names, or to not really know the names.

So, the humans were given titles to use for different members of the Kingdom of Heaven that illustrated their task assignments. And like I say, those titles were reduced to just a single title in the translation to English. So, the title "God" is just kind of like a general "over-title," because there were others that were given depending on the task that the member was assigned to by the Creator (or whichever subordinate member assigned that individual) - to work directly with the humans, whether it be with Adam and Eve in the Garden or those in the desert or in Egypt or in Israel. So, don't be confused by these terms. These are simply titles. Now those titles should receive tremendous respect from the humans, because in a sense it is a human relating to a member of the Kingdom of Heaven. And the members of the Kingdom of Heaven wouldn't be relating to them if the information was worthless or if they were simply humans just relating to them in human matters. Those members are relating to humans, trying to help them get mindful of the Truth, the reality that the Kingdom of Heaven exists, that they are "plants" that were made by the Kingdom of Heaven, and if they follow the instruction and behavior from the Kingdom of Heaven, then they can learn to actually aspire to be members of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Now, Jesus, in His relationship with His disciples, some of them called Him "Lord," and some called Him "Rabbi" or called Him "Teacher" or called Him "Jesus." And from our point of view, I believe that probably from their reference point that "Teacher" was the most applicable term, and that "Lord" probably meant more in its original meaning, as reference to a member of Our Father's Kingdom, or someone who is above you in the step of growth, the step of elevation, or closer to God. Even in humans' kingdoms, where they have a monarchy (a king or a queen), they use the term "lords" for people in positions of authority and who have higher tasks in the structure of that kingdom government. And when in the Bible they use the terms Kingdom, it's because the illustration of a King and the relationship of the subjects to the King, is very much like a hierarchy of authority in the Kingdom of Heaven. The illustration works, the analogy works. It's very like some of the structures that have been translated into the human kingdom, as they had king and queen and subjects and lords and parliament houses and so forth. We'll discuss a little bit more of that issue the further we go.

Now, a very objective term that we have been given to try to help our understanding, and as far as I know, I don't know of a synonym in the translation of the Hebrew...well I take that back. There are synonyms both in the Hebrew and the Greek that relate to someone who has gone further on the ladder in getting closer to the Chief of Chiefs, or closer to our Father's Kingdom, as Older. And also if they're members of our Father's Kingdom, then we can put those together and they're an Older Member. And we talk constantly about Older Members in relating as a point of reference from one member to another one, a Younger Member, an Older Member. Because that's perfectly synonymous with son, father, grandfather - Younger Member, Older Member, Older Member's Older Member. And in the same way, in the Kingdom of Heaven as a kingdom with a king and subjects, the subjects have a structure that could also be referred to in an analogy of families. For example, in a partnership, there can be, if you use it in the right sense, a husband and wife, or a marriage, because there is a committal. Not husband and wife in the male/female sense, but "marriage" for committal in a partnership where there may not usually be that much age difference or it might be the connecting age difference. So, these are kind of used interchangeably where even these students, for example, see me as an Older Member; I see them as younger members, in the sense that they are committed to the Kingdom of Heaven and have to also accept the Representative in that committal. They have only one Representative. They don't have much choice, at least for the moment we haven't found much choice to give them. So, in a sense they have that same committal they make to the Kingdom of Heaven, with the Representative that was given. And that not only are they younger members to Older Members, but that committal almost becomes like a "marriage," if you can take it out of the male/female relationship context.

they did, but they are controlled by the kikes right now as they do what the people support. and this is currently thekike agenda. but both sides probably got people in position in all kinds of organisations waiting to take power. the root of the nato being nazis doesnt mean they are the same now.if the people dont get redpilled the nazis basically cant do anything.
what are they supposed to do? come here, attack the governments of all worlds to then be seen as aggressor and attacked by the very people they want to help having to fight those too?
unless people get redpilled about the state of the world, realize that the rulers are the evil right now and decide this has to stop there is nothing really they can do i guess except for waiting that one day people realize that indeed hitler did nothing wrong
look at what was done to trump. he was out there in the open, talked directly to the people, and yet (((they))) twisted him to be some evil menace in the peoples eyes. also how do you know they arent trying to redpill people in the shadows. maybe they shill on Sup Forums even redpilling us. look at the alternative media talking about the widespread corruption but are always seen as fake news, or racist or whatever. now imagine you try to tell some guy "hey, the nazis are actually nice guys" when they completely swallowed the WW2 propaganda on your own. now try to do that when every statement you make gets (((debunked))) by a mass of media in return enforcing the old worldview. thats pretty much an impossible task. same would happen when the nazis come and try to BTFO the kikes. they could shut down the media, but then it would just seem as they want to silence it so noone learns the truth about them. the only way i see we can safe the world is redpilling people, wether there are nazis in antarctica or not.

Hier war ein user im letzten Thread der gefragt hatte, was er tun kann solange wir auf ihre Rückkehr warten, konnte nicht antworten der Thread war schon weg, wenn du noch hier bist kann ich dir antworten.

It's very interesting to think of those terms, because historically in the manuscripts, as they relate to our Father's Kingdom and its relationship to the humans, certainly in this Age that we know about (we don't know much about the other Ages), these synonyms work - even though through the Ages they've become kind of "Old English" or kind of "religiousized," or we make them something less than objective, less than true, by making them very spiritual terms. And that's the reason that our instruction has been that Teacher is certainly a good and appropriate term. Older Member is certainly a good objective term. We can use that better. We get uncomfortable when they use the term Father, certainly in speaking to me, even though I'm serving in that capacity. But students don't use that term in relating to me because it gives me the jitters, because it kind of brings in the possible religiosity of that terminology. Even though ever since we've begun these sessions, we're talking to you about our Heavenly Father, and even though I realize that Ti is my Older Member, in a sense synonymous with a Father to me, since it's Older Member. In a realistic sense, these are my children. Remember how you get "birthed" into the Kingdom of Heaven? Babies in the Kingdom of Heaven come from adults from the human kingdom, so if these are babies that have come from the human kingdom entering the Kingdom of Heaven, and I am assigned the role of "midwifing," then these are my children, I am their Father. But I still get uncomfortable with it, and we don't use the term relating to me as Father, certainly not Lord, certainly not God, certainly not Heavenly Father. We reserve that kind of terminology for those who are outside of human vehicles and in vehicles that would be the natural vehicle for our Father's Kingdom.

Okay, you put me on the spot when you said, "Will you give us the real meaning of the word sin." I'll do the best I can and hope that it's Ti who is feeding me because I certainly trust the position that Ti happens to be in right now and her relationship with our Older Member. Sin, sin. Karma certainly is in this picture - "karma" meaning a term that a lot of Eastern religions use, and we'll discuss that in a moment. But let's talk about sin. Sin is anything, any behavior, any act - "act" meaning a thought, any conduct - anything that I do that puts space between me and God, or between me and the Kingdom of Heaven, between me and the Representative, between me and goodness. Anytime the part of the mind that's in my soul gets its way, and it's not of that majority side that is mind that has been given to me from our Father's Kingdom, then it is sin. It is information that came from the wrong side of the tracks, that is not true. It is misinformation. It is designed to convert me to the ways of the world or to put me in opposition to my Father's Kingdom and to prevent me from overcoming the world and getting to my Father's Kingdom. That is sin. And you can't talk about sin without talking about death. I'm sure all of you know the little scripture, "The wages of sin are death." Now we've talked about how death doesn't mean losing a vehicle. Death means losing the soul. So, if my soul shrinks and deteriorates and goes further and further away from the Kingdom of Heaven by each act of sin, or each act of the world, or each act of misinformation that I do, then I'm getting closer and closer to death. Because death is when that mind of God that was in my soul has shrunk so that our Father's Kingdom would judge it non-redeemable, non-redeemable, it can't be reversed. It's gone; by its own choices it has gone to the point of being nonexistent. There's not enough good stuff in there to even make it register.

Before we go any further with that, let's skip to this Eastern idea of karma and the idea that I have to pay for my sins - and this doesn't just apply to the Eastern idea of karma. The truth as it relates to us in the manuscripts is that we pay for our sin, and the wages of sin are death. So, if I continue in the path of sin, I'm going to lose my soul, I'm going to reach death. In a sense, each act of sin that I do is going to take hard work and labor to recover from. If I become an alcoholic, it becomes labor to rise above, really rise above alcoholism. And we're just using that as an example of anything that I would overcome in the process of getting out of the sin that I got into. What's the little saying, that whatever you're bound to on Earth, you're bound to in Heaven? Now, that was using the term "Heaven" to kind of throw several things into one grouping, one terminology, just like "God" is a general term that means a number of different things. "Heaven" also means a bunch of different things to different people. Like "Heaven" was used and is used as a term of where you go when you lose your vehicle. And that may or may not be so, certainly from someone else's point of view. Of course, a lot of people who say, "Heaven is where you go when you lose your vehicle," also say, "If you don't go there, then you go to hell." And "hell," of course, also means different things to different understandings, depending upon how much misinformation you have or how much knowledge you have, or how much closer your information is to the truth, or how you've grown on the ladder of getting closer to our Father's Kingdom. Because that's where that truth comes in - a little bit, little bit at a time. Okay, Heaven and hell, and what happens in between.

Okay, let's get back to the karma idea. Thank you. The idea of karma is that I pay for any misdeed I have done. In other words, some of the Eastern religions who believe in the idea of karma believe that, "If I kill somebody, then I'm going to be killed. That same thing is going to come back to me. If I murder somebody, I'm going to be murdered. If I treat somebody ill, I'm going to be treated in the same way." And that's a very close translation. Don't forget, a counterfeit is always very close to the truth. Karma is a counterfeit. Some of what it says is true. Other aspects that it says are not true. Where it becomes untrue is that in our Father's Kingdom our Father can send a Representative to accelerate your possibilities of getting closer to the Kingdom of Heaven. And that Representative, or that individual from that Kingdom, when they involve themselves in your task of overcoming and they assist you in that, they can from an Eastern point of view, or the karma point of view, they can take your karma. Our Father's House's interpretation of that same idea says, "I can take your sin, I can relieve you of your sin."

Make your own thread then so more people are likely to actually read your crap.

When Jesus said to his disciples that, 'If you truly ask forgiveness, I'll take your case to my Father, I'll represent you to my Father, I'll see what my Father says, and if my Father says it's O.K., you're truly sorry that you did it and you want a fresh start, you want to start over again, then who am I to say...because I'll certainly give you that chance to start over again.' In a sense, then, you would not pay for the sin that you did if you have someone who can take that from you. Now, it has to be a Representative of our Father's Kingdom, as Jesus was, who can take that from you and take it on themselves. In other words, it was a debt that you had. You did a bunch of wrongs and they add up. Every time you do a behavior against our Father's Kingdom, it starts totaling up on a column and the column can get pretty big. It can get pretty terrible. And if you had to pay them off, I don't know how many Ages it would take for you to get them all paid off.

OP is shilling, he doesn't deserve to make this thread every single night and spread his garbage without the truth being known ok

But this is also where "time shortened" comes in and where, as our Father's Kingdom relates to some who are overcoming the world, that debt gets relieved or it gets dismissed. But not altogether, according to the rules that existed in a number of stages of this particular Earth Age. Now, what I mean is it didn't get relieved altogether. And here's where Christians traditionally theologically interpret that Jesus paid it all for you. 'By His blood were ye redeemed.' In a lot of sense of the word, that's absolutely true, and we'll talk about that for a moment. Because He said to His disciples, who were actually physically, personally relating to Him, and as they did things that were against His instruction in their overcoming and they recognized it, they acknowledged it, they asked forgiveness for it, and He said, 'I'll take it,' and He took it. By taking that debt, He's got a bunch of notes He's holding here. They were your notes, and now they're His notes. And I'm not saying it still isn't the case, we don't know. We'll talk about this in a second.

But for a long time in our Father's Kingdom, the process was, or a decision from the "Parliament" in the Kingdom, we'll say, or from the "Supreme Court" in our Father's Kingdom, said that those notes have to be paid, somebody's got to pay those notes, those notes of sin. So, if I've committed a bunch of sins and somebody takes my note and relieves me of it and washes me clean and gives me a fresh start, then that somebody who took those notes has to pay for that. And if my total sin certainly amounted to the probability of death had I not had someone to dump it on, I would have "died," I would have lost my soul. And that was the case. Had those souls that Jesus was dealing with, not known Him.... They got some help in being directed to Him, but it also required work of them to pursue Him, to believe Him, to fight off the influences and the doubt that the world gave them. It would have been a lot easier for them to say, "Boy, it's getting too hot around here. People are hunting for Him and they're going to be hunting for me soon. I think I want to go back and play it safe." I mean it would have been real easy for them to stop in their process, because they could have easily said, "Well I just can't believe that He's who He really says He is. We don't have any evidence of this." I mean, that happened. He lost them; He lost many who were in line for entering our Father's Kingdom as sheep of His fold or as students of Him as a Teacher.

You're gonna have to make a thread on /x/ or something. That fag is ruining the fun of this thread.

My favorite comfy thread...

Now we'll go back to where we were. If death is the wages of sin, and these who came to Him brought their tally to Him, He took their pink slips, or their notes of indebtedness, and then He had to pay for it in death...and He did. You heard me in an earlier tape (and I hope that you paid close attention) when I said that whether or not He died on the cross, literally diagnosed by a doctor (had there been an advanced doctor present), and rose from the dead, that to base your belief of knowledge from our Father's Kingdom on that one act, and say, "If it wasn't so, then it's all a farce," and we said, "That's ridiculous." We also said that it didn't matter to us whether that act was staged symbolically or whether it was real. But here's another possibility, and we're speculating, that the act could have been very real, had the law still been on the books in the "Supreme Court" as it was handed down, that those debts had to be paid. And if their debts equaled death, then it could also mean that since Jesus took them on, the only way He could pay them was to go through having the sinners (those who were against Him), who were adding up their own tally of the same sins, be the ones who then initiated that death. In other words, they were then used to pay the debt for those who were His students, who gave their debt to Him and He wiped them clean. And He was willing to do that.

You Euro globalist kikes really think you're crafty praying on the pro nazi sentiment on this board don't you?

You can try to convince us that your multicultural ethnostate is the rebirth of the third reich but it'l never stick.

The EU and NATO is nothing but a ZOG being used for Israel's interests and the detriment of white europeans. Fuck off shill.

Fuck loads of nazis fled to argentina and argentnia is right above antartica easy escape to ze hollow earth

Now, our Father's Kingdom is alive and well and "Parliament" is still in session and has not ended. It still makes decisions and it still relates to the Chief of Chiefs. The Kingdom exists. The King is still on His throne. The whole thing works. As to whether or not that same parallel would have to be drawn today if a Representative took those sins, or those notes of old debt of sin, whether they would tally death, we don't know. Or whether the law has come down in specific cases, because it's always judged according to the specific case - it's not prejudged in that respect. Oh, it is prejudged, unless it has been changed. But anytime that something tests it, then you go and check the books and you see if that is still what's on the books, and if it is on the books, then that is what happens. We don't know what's on the books today. We don't know, for example, if that kind of thing would have to happen to this vehicle, if I would have to lose it in that way because of my relationship with these students, or what would happen to their vehicles as they relate to you if you continue in the direction that you're going and they continue in the direction of possibly serving as Older Member or Teacher as they relate to you.

if he was interested in people reading it he would just post a PDF, its clear he just wants to distract and derail the thread. ignore him. either way he bumbs the threads and wastes his whole time

pic related made from a submarine in arctic waters in 1971

Boy, this requires that you travel fast, doesn't it? We don't know what's "on the books." And we don't guess it. As we have said before, we are not into any martyr trip. We don't like that. It's unnatural. It should not be. It was not designed for anyone to like martyrdom, or to think that they get spiritual elevation by it, which could be a mistranslation (or counterfeit information) of what happened at a death which paid a debt, and then therefore freed the one who paid it and went on up. And it's true if people say Jesus didn't owe that debt. Those sins weren't His - even though at one time He had gone through that same process that they were going through a long time ago. Because that's the way, don't forget, that children get into our Father's Kingdom, and certainly Jesus was one who got into our Father's Kingdom.

Some have informed that these kinds of threads, especially anything UFO related gets deleted in /x/ as well.

Now exactly what the lesson plans were, and the particulars about graduation at the time that Jesus graduated into our Father's Kingdom from a human kingdom, or a human-kingdom equivalent, we don't know because we don't have that information available to us. Don't forget that we have also talked about how every individual on this planet in this Age could have been a created individual instead of one born of sin. I'm afraid that's true. That is sin. That is a condition that was brought to them from a kingdom below. It was an animal condition. It was not intended for human. Even though a human was designed to have the capability of doing that act and they had the option to do it, but they have to look away from their relationship with the One assigned to them by the Kingdom of Heaven in order to participate in that act.

Now, the reason I'm bringing that back up is because Jesus could have graduated in a class or from an Age where that didn't happen, whether that's only theoretical and did or did not take place is unimportant. The fact is that the kingdom of man, the kingdom of human, is designed to go both ways. And by choice in this Age that we know from our history books - our history books being primarily the one history book (the Bible) that most of the public questions the most as to whether or not it's an authentic history book, the one that does actually tell about God's, our Heavenly Father's, our Creator's relationship with man, is the one that the deceived questioned the most as to whether or not it is an authentic record or if it is a collection of some spiritual documents or legends, and yet it is the only record of events. There's a lot in there that you could quibble over. For example, punctuation that means a lot in your understanding of things, and yet for the most part, the Biblical scriptures have no punctuation, so you don't know where one sentence ends and the next one begins, and it could have a lot of different meanings. So, how much of it that man altered, because of misinformation, since that's where Satan camped the most to give misinformation to those who were the rightful heirs of our Father's gets pretty sticky doesn't it?