Would he have been a better President?

Would he have been a better President?




He certainly makes me think

No. If they can win at the ballot, they probably aren't worth shit.


Jeb would've

No, plus we wouldn't have gotten the delegate redemption arc of Season 2.


Yes, but I think only Trump coulda beat clinton.

He's Canadian

no theyre all zionists.

He would have been more effective but I'm not sure that he would do anything for us like build a wall or deport all the illegals

I preferred Rand, Cruz stood no chance either. We needed Trump and we needed him now.Thank God, and Kek

Objectively, yes. Realistically, no.

He barely did and Cruz was stronger in polling. Probably wouldn't have had the left's panic mode day after freakout.

Yes honestly

I know the trump 4D chess memes but Cruz is playing fractal Azad, he just blundered on underestimating the scale of the populist uprising. I expect he'll be president in the next 10 years.

Cruz I think is a good guy (one of the more honest politicians) but I just don't think he could overcome the sheer mass of our media. Not because he's some weak limp wrist rhino, but because he lacked a certain charisma Donald had.

He is an honest politician, and I really think he's one of the few that is legitimately doing things that he believes will help the American people. He just didn't have the charisma and political experience to beat the Clinton machine. He just comes across as talking down to people where Trump came across as a friendly guy you're talking to at a bar. I'll probably vote for him in the 2024 primary unless someone better shows up.

Yes. Based Rato.

Fuck no. Jeb would have been worse.


>appeal to Trump base with media appearances, Senate support for policy and by continuing to BTFO RINOs
>continue to build religious and libertarian coalition
>appeal to technocrats/futurists with senate push for AI readiness and Space commercialization and settlement
>get Cuban/hispanic votes when Demokeks run another women

Cruz 2024

NO. He's just fucking creepy and the fact that OP is asking a question like this indicates that there was no one better then TRUMP. The bushes suck, Cruz sucks, Romney fucking sucks, Ryan sucks, McCain transcends suck and the best the DNC could put up was that scabby cunt. So no, TRUMP'S the best things that happened to the country in a long time.

because we were all hyped up on this bullshit at the time.


we have the best president now. he will be president in 8 years, if not made a scotus pick to eliminate him from running against Jeb!