Why are the whitest countries also the fattest?

Why are the whitest countries also the fattest?

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Because they can actually produce enough food to feed themselves.

It's called prosperity, doofus.

Sup Forums please stop fabricating data

This is bait trying to get me to say Mexicans aren't white. You're not as smart as you think OP.


This is outdated by at least a few years. Mexico is the most obese nation and they are not white.


USA and Mexico aren't even white you nig ger.


Americas obesity rates are also inflated due to a large number of illegal/legal mexishits coming here and drinking 8 liters of coke a day.

>5 of the top 7 are Anglosphere countries
Apparently, speaking English makes you fat.

The west loses again. Japan is ironically the most based contry on earth.

>First white country is in 6th.
Clearly OP is a faggot.

Zog poison in their food

Don't you mean 6 of 8? Ireland is anglo


Nice b8, tho

>the whitest countries


it's called wealth and it's delicious

> How come minorities bring down Americas scores yet again?

Mississippi is the fattest state in the US for a reason.

>USA, Mexico, Chile, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Israel, France, Italy, Japan

>Ireland is anglo
Holy. Fucking. Shit. Please, please, PLEASE be joking.

Just stop.

They aren't. If you look at the most obese countries, most of them are middle eastern.

At least 5 countries in that image aren't even 70% white. Who can guess which ones?

The fattest US states have the most minorities. Blacks and hispanics are obese at higher rates than whites


are you all fatties?

Excuse me?

Australia is one of them.

>USA #1
>Mexico #2
>Chile #4
>Spain #10
>Turke- sorry, Germany #11
>Israel #13

I dont really see that many white countries in that list, Deshaqwarone.

New Zealand.
United Kingdom barely scraped by.

What do I win?

Oops I accidentally inspected your demographics.

>not pictured: super fat south pacific islands

>denying the truth


Spy detected.

It wasn't always this way. Look at this video from 1988


I'm not denying anything.

Best agriculture in the world. The Japs wished they could grow as many crops as us. If Europeans controlled Japan its agriculture output would double within a year.


Why isn't Argentina on this list?

These are only the main ones. But the real most obese countries are mosty in Oceania (Pacific Islands)

Ireand is white


When a society has such a large surplus of food, especially unhealthy food nothing good comes of it. There needs to be a balance.

>denying your denial


>implying they sell soda by the gallon

Niggers are white now? Who knew?

You can respond with that all you want, just remember that your country is no different.

Mfw Russia or any Eastern European country isn't on there


... Nigger please...


A large surplus of food is the very foundation of civilisation.
The abolishment of class hierarchy and allowing the peasants access to more food than is needed for basic survival is what brings about the bad things.

none of those countries are white m8

At least we don't need to include '"""Tanned Whites""" to have a 50% white demographic. I would consider that as different.

>whitest country
We're asian my man


GMO foods that have less nutrition so you need to eat more.

I'd rather we have tanned whites than muslim sodomites, m8.

>what a surprise, the leaf is anti-GMO
read a book niggerfaggot

You do realize that many of your tanned whites ARE muslim sodomites right?

Guys, stop it. Neither of you live in white countries.

My point all along.

>If we're not White then nobody is White.
Ameribabies can't help but whine.

Get back into your glass house, nigel, it's about time for another muzzy to drive a truck through it.


Unhealthy food is cheap

Low Food/nutrition education associated educational degree

Lot of salt and meat in the diet~

I can't make up more.
Time to sleep

Fortunately London isn't the whole country. Meanwhile rabid negros plunder your neighbourhood.

Yeah and it's totally going to be contained there and isn't going to spread. That's how things work.


not to mention fucking rotherham

Fuck off achmed.

Considering that UK Muslims have a lower birth rate than rural whites after the 2nd generation I'd say we aren't in any trouble yet.
Meanwhile in the USA spics are outbreeding everyone.
>Having sex with slutty teens is child abuse.
While I don't mind throwing Muslims in jail simply because they are Muslim I'd be a hypocrite to say that fucking slutty teens is a crime.
UK ladies aren't particularly high on the desirability list and prostitution is perfectly legal over here so it naturally makes sense that some start a few years early and have their prices at the cost of a McDonalds. If we had to pay a burgerking XXL for them then they would simply have to remain virgins.

whitest countries can actually produce enough food to become fat.

I think you missed the part where it said that these girls were pretty much all underage.

It's pretty obvious you're a mohammad now.

>17 is underage.
Only in America.

And that they were raped.

Let's hope they have a robot work force before they become enriched.

>not a single white (60%+) country in the list
Really noggin the joggin.

I was kind of hoping I didn't have to spell everything out for him. Either that, or I wasn't willing to.

Muslims don't have any conception of rape, so there's no point in trying.

Good point.


I think that shit is wrong. I rarely see any fat people at least here in Santiago. Plus, calisthenics and gym culture is pretty strong among youths. There are plenty of overweight people but not obese.

It's getting worst too. I swim 3 times a week every week for the past 8 years. Once or twice a week, there's a kids swimming class before lengths time.

>Kids are all fat as fuck
>Constantly hear them complain about the class
>Asking what the point is
>One day I snap and tell them
>You want to learn to swim and get in the habit of doing it to stay as fit as I am, instead of staying as fat as you are, you tubbies.
>A few minute later a dad comes in mad
>He's a fat fuck
>He bitches me out for being rude to his kid
>I tell him at least I'm not leading him to type 2 diabetes and an early grave like his dad is

Kid is fucked either way cause his dad was 5" tall tops. Fucking tubby manlet cuck. I hope he lost all the respect his kid had for him too!

>5 inches tall

Damn, do you go swimming in the forest with the gnomes or something?

Obesity isn't an issue when half your populace bangs black market heroin that rots limbs off.

But thats wrong. The real statistic:

>36% morbidly obese
>66% of total population overweight

That means that 2/3 of the population is literally a fatass and 1/3 a literal whale.

We are not better negro querido.

>do you go swimming in the forest with the gnomes or something?


Must be nice.


Top fucking kek.

Whites evolved for fat storage (long cold winters). That and freedom fries of course.

I wouldn't say New Zealand is fat. The population is skewed by the indigenous Maoris who have larger natural builds. They aren't fat, they are just big boned.

Haha. Non- whites btfo.

That shit is a lie.
México is not even in the top 20s, and america isn't even on the top 10.


Also I rarely see fat people here in Australia, they must be concentrated in Sydney or something cuz I haven't been to that trash hole in 15 years.

Because we actually make enough food for us to eat that much

It also has something to do with the staple cultural foods.

For example, Mediterranean countries like Italy and Greece and other countries like Japan or Thailand will never be overwhelmingly fat because they use large amounts of fruit and fish. Not so much in places like the United States or the British Isles, where the biggest food Staples are grains and potatoes.

Hahaha no and to answer your questions it's cause of shitty food coupled with a decent living standard