Gender is indeed a spectrum

I finally comprehend what Bill Nye and other democra(p)s think about gender. Although binary, men and women are the exact opposites but not all men are the same and not all the women are the same. You can think it in a simpler way if we get the following trait: Let's say appearance has two opposite extreme options, like being muscular like Dolph Lundgreen and being morbidly obese as boogie2988. Now imagine all human beings around the world. Some will be extremely buff like Dolph but not all of them and some will be extremely whale tier as boogie. Now think about gender. Some men have all the characteristics that define them as a "real men", and some women have all the characteristics that define them as a "real woman". But most of the folks will be exactly in between the extreme and the more they lack some features of what you expect regarding his/her appearance and the more you lack these features, you further yourself from what your appearance defines you. For the sake of simplicity, we define what is men and women based solely in that they look like but forget that what makes the inner us is far different from what our appearance looks like.
So I dare ask you Sup Forums
>Isn't gender a spectrum if you analyze the full picture?

only males exist

females are objects

femininity/masculinity is a spectrum. you can be a very feminine man or a very masculine women

gender is a binary, though (except in certain rare genetic disorders)

That can't be true my Hue friend. Try to think beyond what your eyes can give you.

There is only one gender
Women are property, not people

>muh developmental abnormalities

men have always had varied levels of feminine traits and women have always had varied levels of masculine traits. why this fucking obsession with this whole bullshit? get a real life


But think about all other traits that define men and women all together. Gender is more than solely physical traits.

You are mixing up gender and sex. Sex is binary, gender is fluid. Sex is very important medically, and therefor should always remain male/female for the sake of objectivity. Gender has been fluid throughout many cultures in the world, but some Americans want to keep the terms ignorantly synonymous for some reason.

Gender is only fluid if there's something wrong with you.

99.9% of everybody sticks to what they're supposed to be.

How would you classify this human being gender wise if you didn't know beforehand about his/her original sex?

I wouldn't. Why would you?

In Islam you're supposed to fuck children, in ancient history of human you're supposed to fuck other men if you were men. Isn't this concept highly changeable too?

For the sake of understanding us more? Just like the sake of understanding what's the surface of Pluto looks like? Any practical use? Debatable but curiosity made us stay where we are as of right now.

"supposed to be" = "are"

Everybody sticks to what they are.


I am not denying that these people are mentally ill. What you are supposed to be, or


defines your sex. Gender is just an arbitrary term for mentally ill people to classify themselves, which I have no problem conceding because it makes it easier to identify them and help them by understanding where they believe they lie on the sex spectrum. I do not believe in forming societies laws, and its terminology around mentally ill people, but gender has and always will be an expression of ones identity.

The problem is defining what is and isn't a specific gender, particularly when you take the SJW definition of gender as being a set of beliefs and behaviors that are independent of biology. The most elegant solution to this is to hold everyone as having a unique gender. Of course, this renders gender an irrelevant concept, and all that matters is sex. The gender warriors have rendered their own position a non-issue.

Homosexuality stems from the fact that society, in his unparalleled ability to fuck anything and everything up beyond all recognition, accepted the lie that certain activities, professions and societal roles are feminine and some are masculine.

really stupid

I read that as you're either an alpha male or a beta male, either way you are still one of two options.

I agree, gender should be an arbitrary construct that mentally ill people identify themselves as. I believe that they want their cake and to eat it too. By this I mean not only altering reality for themselves, but to alter it for everyone around them through mental gymnastics. I will cede them the power to identify as they wish, but no legal or society changes should exist to help make them feel less crazy. A man walking into a mens restroom dressed as a woman, and getting weird looks is a healthy reminder of what they really are. The goal should to be bringing these people back to normal, not creating an illusion of reality so they can feel comfortable.

>a set of beliefs and behaviors that are independent from biology.
But isn't your chemical body constitution that makes your brain wiring the way it is and therefore make you behave the way you do?

By this definition, gender is just a social construct. IE dosn't exist.

Don't act dumb.
XX = Female
XY = Male
Anything else is not human. End of story.

It is not okay for people to have easy excuses for poor behavior. Have you looked at a list of genders before? Half of them made me laugh myself to tears, like "Swampgender: See boggender"... And a lot of them have the caveat that it would be impossible for others to understand it. This is not your gender, it's your personality, amalgamating those terms is a horrid thing to do to people who GENUINELY need help. Take anxiegender for example, the idea that their gender changes with levels of anxiety. That is very clearly a stressful problem for someone to have, it is indicative of mental instability, and they get to be told "ITS OKAY, YOURE JUST ANXIEGENDERED! WATCH A MOVIE, RELAX, DONT LET ANYONE TELL YOU YOU ARENT YOYR GENDER." It is incredibly awful to do this to people en masse, to reduce actual mental problems to just their "gender." Fuck that. So what if a man has a more feminine personality? Why would you ever lock them in to a specific definition when that is what you're fighting against? It's all nonsense that targets vulnerable youths and it is disgusting.

It a normal woman

What makes you behave the way you do can be due to a chemical imbalance, and consequently make you mentally ill. It is hard dealing with mentally ill people because they always feel victimized, a result of said imbalance which creates a cognitive loop.

Traps are still males, doesn't matter the physical characteristic, gender only exist because of reproduction, you are either a male, a female or some kind of defect, you can be feminine male, that doesn't make you woman.

People thought it was a Good idea to vote for G.W. Bush around 2000. Would you think nowadays is this a good idea? Sadly we will live to see Blacked being the norm among women. Thing change for better or worse, either we like it or not. There is where the chaos comes in (Praise KEK).

If gender is a "social construct" then how come transexuals and other fag types are hellbent on expressing it in such a binary way as wearing dresses and shit?

Where exactly were you going with this besides a feeble attempt at obfuscating the point?

I think you have gender spectrum disorder.

No point, there is no functional purpose to this.

It's not because you can't understand that it's not a valid point of view.

It is very clear that English is not your first language, and I am not saying this to discredit your point, but to express I legitimately don't understand what you are insinuating.

They need help to be polarized? What if their chemical body composition wouldn't allow that their brains behave like "normies". Forcing them to behave like something that they are not would cause much more harm than letting they simply enjoy life walking around dressed like a Barbie doll if one was seen as a "male".

What you call a crazy behavior doesn't mean that your point of view has to be right, just because most of the people walking around yourself think the same. You are simply being an ignorant redneck. What if genderfluid was the norm and being polarized was labeled as "trans"?
C'mon dude, critizing foreigners about grammar? Bring something useful to this Cambodian image board discussion you silly.

You are talking about personality, not gender. Everything that's being pushed as genderfluid is just personality traits, it's retarded.

>everyone should get a unique gender

It's called personality traits...stop with this bs already.

>Literally states they can't understand your English, and ask for clarification.

Yet you accuse me of ad hominem despite my explicit clarification that this was not the case. You also seem to be purposefully misrepresenting my claim, while simatainiously engaging in the exact behavior you accuse me of. I believe that gender should be a fluid term, while sex remains an objective fact for medical reasons. If you spent less time being triggered, and more time thinking rationally you might be able to get somewhere politically.

Gender, and self identity, are much more synonymous than gender and sex throughout the extremely diverse cultures throughout the worlds history.

Gender comes in many flavors. What Iike womin 4ft 3in, small feet, bubble butt, wide hip bones and beautiful face.

the most beta male still has a dick and sperm, the most alpha and masculine female (natty, no roids) can still carry a baby in her womb. Biologically there are only two genders

gender =/= personality

May I ask why you use the word gender instead of sex in this claim?

Not gonna lie, former chromosome supporter here. It's hilarious watching science crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let objective reality get in the way of our children's (((education)))

same freaking thing. People are confusing sexuality with gender

Penis? Male. Vagina? Female.

None or both? Genetic Defective.

Ok. Who cooks? Who does math? Who washes the car, or mows the lawn, what words can you say to people with vaginae, and what speech do you use when talking to those with dicks? And what does any of our (entirely subjective) cultural norms have to do with genitalia?

Gender roles are part of our culture. Not everyone expresses all of them, or even most of them. No one is suggesting gender is personality, either.

You're talking about qualities, not biology. Dumb. Ass.

Because they are operating within a social circle where those constructs matter? Because trans people want to live in society as the other sex? I am not entirely sure I understand how your assumption and your question are related to each other.

From my understanding it is the goal of the transgender community to make the terms mutually exclusive in order to create a subcategory of ones genetic sex. When it comes to most scientific categorizations, there are many categories in order to be able to accurately define what words mean. Specifically what I am talking about is taxonomy. To me, it does not make sense to have two words with the EXACT—keyword—definition. Even synonyms have slight variation in order to make words more specific, so that it gives a greater impact to the specific word being used. My point being, it makes no sense for gender and sex to be identical terms.

What in biology says women have long hair, and men have short hair? Did a bunch of gorillas get together and sew women dresses?

So if you are so progressive, then a trans male should be a female and vice versa. Still two genders

Nope. Nowhere did I say that this is a binary thing, nor do trans people (or any people for that matter) entirely express only one gender role all the time. Also, what would my (apparent) progressivism do with anything? Are you so small minded that you must put everyone in a box before you engage with them? Does it really make it easier for you?

Dick = Male
Pussy = Female
Did you learn something?

Biological sex, I should have said. I'm using their definition because normal people don't talk about gender nonsense in the first place, so you'll mostly see that definition if the subject ever comes up in conversation.

That's exactly my point. "Gender", by their own definition, is nothing more than a unique set of personality traits. It must follow that everyone on the planet has a singular gender, which then makes the entire discussion pointless. They complain that dividing people into "male" and "female" genders (not sexes, recall) is too coarse a method of differentiation. But by that reasoning, so is dividing everyone into only 36 genders. The logical result of this premise is to specify gender in such a detailed way that everybody on the planet has their own gender. Which is what normal people call "personality".

The fact that "gender studies" is an academic discipline in top-tier universities is a joke. The entire idea is undone after 30 seconds of examination.

Yes, that is sex. Gender on the other hand is a bit more complex concept than dick and twat.

By this train of thought the word "species" should simply represent one specific term, rather than the hundreds of thousands of individual creatures of which it defines.I see no reason why a word cannot represent thousands of categorizations, for this is commonplace in all languages. What this appears to be is a hesitation to change a word, an occurrence so commonplace that I am forced to believe there is an alternative motivation of those who oppose such a trivial affair.

I know this is bait, but I'll shoot it anyway.

XX. XY. No others exist except for genetic abnormalities that die in a generation.
Penis. Vagina. No others exist except genetic abnormalities that die in a generation.

It's a scientific classification, not a fucking internet status bar you can change day by day.

Well, gender in their formulation works the same as you mention with "species". Specie (subspecie, technically) would be the smallest taxonomic classification, just as Joe Smith would logically be the most narrowly-defined gender. But "gender" as a blanket term would work the same way as "species".

At this point I don't even know if I'm making sense, this is getting deep into semantics.