I'm so fucking done with all of this bullshit.
I fucking state an opinion which is backed up statistics and fact (the fact that about 88% of children who identify as transgender, usually grow out of it), I get fucking yelled at and painted as a fucking Nazi.
I criticize Islam for being an inherently violent ideology, cite historical information about Islam and how it spread, and I get yelled at and called a fucking Nazi.
I TRY to have civil discussions, I never raise my voice, I'm always respectful, and I get yelled at and called a fucking Nazi.
I'm not even full-blown 14/88, if anything I'm a centrist with conservative tendencies and leanings, but STILL, I am called a fucking Nazi.
How is it that even my family, MY OWN FUCKING FAMILY, can't see things from my perspective, realize that I'm not talking out of my ass, and I'm not being "disrespectful", just because I say things which may make them uncomfortable, or even offend them.
Why is it that people don't realize that regardless of their feelings, some truths are uncomfortable, and need to be confronted. WHY IS IT THAT EVERYONE IS LIVING IN SUCH A SMALL FUCKING BOX OF THEIR OWN FEELINGS, WHY CAN'T PEOPLE BE FUCKING OBJECTIVE FOR ONCE IN THEIR LIVES.
I love my family to death, and I would do anything/die for them if that's what was needed, but I'm getting really fucking sick of being labeled as a Nazi, unsympathetic, cruel, piece of shit for having a fucking civil discussion.
I'm not going to say I'm wrong or apologize to anyone for my opinions, because guess what? They're opinions, and you shouldn't get so fucking hot under the collar every time someone has an opinion that's different to yours. If I was being disrespectful, I'll apologize. If I was acting out of control or violent, I'll apologize. If I'm wrong about any statistics or facts or anything, I'll apologize.

your mom hates you

But GOD HELP YOU if you ask for an apology when they're being disrespectful, interrupting, or acting like complete fucking assholes. I was happy to drop it and just move on, BUT NOOOOOO, we can't act like a regular fucking family until I bend the fucking knee.
Well, too fucking bad. They can hate me all they fucking want, but I'm not about to compromise who I am because your feelings got hurt.

Welcome to reality, sunshine.

jesus christ /pol is not your personal blog faggot

What exactly are you trying to prove?

Here's the dirty little secret, OP. This is exactly how most actual Nazis get started, by questioning (((who))) put those people into boxes made of their own feelings.

Right now she does, because I suggested she takes the day off (because she is seriously sick, like almost debilitated) instead of teaching middle-school kids about sex-ed and gender and all that bullshit.
I'm not going to apologize for saying that a middle school kid who identifies as "transgender" may just be seeking attention, or going through a phase. (hence the previous post, statistic).

Why should you give a fuck? Grow a set of balls. If you're getting called a Nazi that's a badge of courage and sign that you're doing something right. Embrace your righteous self.

Calm down, you little faggot. Stop discussing politics with morons. Discuss politics with the supreme gentlemen of Sup Forums

Just embrace it and become a fucking Nazi, take away their shitty ammo. The more Nazis, the quicker the country moves toward a SOLUTION.

This, go to Sup Forums for advice

I know, I'm sorry, and I really rarely post this type of crap, I just needed a place to fucking vent, and Sup Forums is the only place I can even remotely talk about this shit.
I'm sure it's the same for others.

Word nigga

tides are slowly turning...i feel you though...

Honestly I'm fucking starting to go even further right just because these people are fucking insufferable. Can no one discuss politics in a civil, yet objective manner?
It's ridiculous.

You gotta blow up on em every now and then and provide them with all of the facts for them to see themselves.

Laughing out loud at this thread bluds

They want you to tolerate degeneracy, but they will not tolerate diversity of thought and ideas. Hypocrisy runs deep in the narrow minded. Let them call you names and attack your person, because that means they cant attack your argument.

Pussy don't apologise

I'm honestly starting to see that now.
It just makes me think how many people who are labeled "insane" or whatever are actually fucking the most enlightened people.
Like seriously, I'm a mild conservative and they look and talk to me like I'm from another planet.

user, there will come a day when everything we all know and love will come crashing down on top of us.

In the meantime, get ready. Learn everything you can and train yourself against the harshest conditions. If you master both the mind and body, and with a little luck you may be ready for that fateful day.

Never fucking apologize for who you are.

brainwashed doesnt know he/she is being brainwashed now does he/she?

rather than telling the truth blatantly, lead on things towards logic, but without connection to politics. people talk about something, you throw in logic, logic that also applies elsewhere, the elsewhere that is your point of view

>I'm not even full-blown 14/188

Sounds like that's your problem, friend.

If everybody thinks all right-wingers are Nazis anyway, why not just come out as a full blown Nazi?

4th Reich when?

Holocaust didn't happen brah

I was apologizing for filling up Sup Forums with my own problems (I know the guidelines and customs here, I fucking hate seeing shit like this plug up Sup Forums too, but I just need to talk with people who get me, and get my situation.)

It's funny, because shit like this is why I am becoming more and more right every damn day.

I agree. Keep asking them questions so they can face their own contradictions and draw their own conclusions. Absolute truth is rare as truth is objective.

thanks babe. ;) x

Bringing up stats is the worst way to argue with these people. The best way is to just ask them questions. Do you have a problem with afircans mutilating their daughters? Reply - Yes of course. Then say well why not when (((they))) do it to their boys. Things like that work great make them see the flaws in their own logic

Austic idiot. Never try to convince family of anything or discuss politics with them as it accomplishes nothing.

If you are passionate about politics you are very likely an annoying person in other ways.


You'll adjust better after you finish high school.

You try to have civil discussions with idiots and wonder why it all goes to shit? They're programmed to fight you every step of the way the second you utter a syllable of criticism against gays/minorities/the "disadvantaged"/etc.

This is on you. Do what most of us did long ago: keep quiet and don't bother engaging with morons that can ruin your family life or career for voicing your opinion. Then vote appropriately.

In the Same situation, Op.

Almost broke up with my girlfriend for her not being able to accept that quantitative data> a few emotional stories. Also, even being the top of my class at university (Polisci w/ concentration in IR) I need to watch what I say. Its fucking annoying, and I can't wait to be able to say it with a degree behind me as well.

awwww buck up lil guy u ok


Your mother works with adolescents and has formed her views from her own experience at hand.
By the sounds of things you have formed your views on the basis of internet shit posting.

Be careful when using the internet.

It just kills me that my own family (again, I love them to death, and they're the most important people in my life) can't see the truth that is directly in front of them. Not even that, but just plain ignoring my points. I link them to all these scientific studies and journals supporting my claims, nut I honestly doubt they even look at them.
It's all so tiresome.

Because it's dumb.

Based user.
Never sacrifice the truth for cowards.

It is impolite to discuss politics with family; friends maybe on a case by case basis. Don't reveal your power level unless someone tips their hand first and you are certain they are being honest with you.


Well considering the nature of children, let alone the statistics, these kids are just finding things to do in our first world where real problems don't exist.

the socratic method
lead them through the labyrinth of their mind
you start stablishing the basic facts, by asking if they agree with them
the simplest, most irrefutable
this is hard, as it requires analysis of the issue
then build on top of them
through a series of answer themselves have provided they'll have no escape

>I state an opinion backed by statistics

This statement makes no sense, your opinions are influenced by facts but in the end they're your own opinion, maybe try not coming off as a douche? Don't talk about your opinion, stick to facts

That's what they want, for you to submit or go crazy and become what they accuse you of being. Just breathe.

White guilt

I have more desires to shoot and murder everyone now thanks to this board

I thought my hate for minorities was justified but having my hate fueling me even more?
I'll snap at any second

user, welcome to reality as it stands right now. I'm sorry you're finally getting a reality check of how things are.
Little more than half the world will turn down a discussion on the bases of it not fitting their agenda.
People like you are rare, and I will say I've been in your situation. Hell; I've been denied publishing articles in my university's student news paper. Simply of the bases of it not fitting their agenda.
The world right now is a scary place for people like you, and it's only going to get worse over time unless something changes its path.

Which at the moment doesn't seem likely.

I like to get them to condone things i don't even agree with myself eg. So you think that whites calling for an ethnocentric state are racist? Most of the world outside the West practices at least a mild form of ethnocentricism so are you saying everyone but westeners are racist? Reply em, er, well no

I experience the very same thing user with mine.

Prepare yourself. On that day, the world as we know it will come to an end. But it shall be reborn and made anew. It will be up to those who survive on how it is rebuilt. Improve yourself so that you may forge a new dynasty that will last for one thousand years.

The ting about my mother is that she is a good woman, and a very kind and gentle-hearted one. But she takes any sob-story, anybody who is "oppressed" or disadvantaged, as an infallible source of goodness.
Just the other week there was a really over-dramatic and bitchy girl from my school who tried killing herself, and my mum immediately dies with her because "she's the victim".
She barely knows the person and how they behave, but because they were sad and pathetic, she immediately jumps on their side.
I hate it.

>I criticize Islam for being an inherently violent ideology

Your problem is you are a dumbass, not other people.

You realize the CIA installed Khamenei in Iran right? Listen to some Fara Mansoor interviews.

Now, Khamenei invented "suicide" sacrifice. They sent little kids to the mine fields in the Iraq-Iran war to clear the way for the Iranian army.

Next, there was staged conflict between Hafez Assad and Israel. Some suicide bombing started here with Hezbollah defending Lebanon against Israeli incursion, albeit very limited and highly propagandized. Mostly people just fighting to death no matter what.

Western intelligence, disappointed in their ability to rouse suicidal aggression (rather than defense), took it a step further. Israel captured about 400 Hamas militants and shipped them into Hezbollah controlled territory. Hezbollah (proxy of Iran, controlled by CIA puppet Khamenei) then taught Hamas how to build suicide bombs all while the Israeli military stood watch over the camp where Hezbollah was holding Hamas.

Then Israel released the Hamas militants back into the Palestinian territories and suicide bombs started for real. Israel WANTED suicide bombers, the CIA proxy armies trained them how to do it, and Israeli agents stood guard over the camp where they learned how to suicide bomb.


They needed this myth of widespread Islamic lunacy in your minds in the 90s in the lead up to 9/11, otherwise no one would have believed it.

TL;DR you are retarded OP

You really shouldn't worry about race and religion to the point where you're creating as divide between your famiky, friends and community. I agree it's impossible to call gays and Trans kids out on their silliness, but it's ultimately just that. They're silly. I know people here are all riled up and pissed, but if they had constructive shit to do they wouldn't be so angry. Let go of the anger, it's a meme used to rally up a political movement. You don't have to be a pawn.

The final redpill is to own it, user. These niggers dont even know what a nazi is, it's a knee jerk reaction programmed by Jewish propaganda on the most subversive way possible. Educate them on what a nazi is, saying the whole Jewish question does not at all mean death to joos, it just means dont let them be happy merchants all over your goddamn countrymen. Tell them how nazi germany was a heavan on earth, cut down and destroyed by the demons thay still plague the world today.

This was me before I went full 1488.

Takes time to convince ppl btw. If it is possible at all... They have been so brainwashed. Also women are more emotional so stats will not work as well.

>I'm getting really fucking sick of being labeled as a Nazi, unsympathetic, cruel, piece of shit

Enlightenment means not caring about any of this. Extract that which is useful from this suffering and discard what remains. You can't change normies or NPCs; that's why they're normies and NPCs. Keep striving.

>I love my family to death, and I would do anything/die for them

"But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother."

calm down. They want you to be this way, Don't get bogged down by secondary subjects, get off pol, give your heart to God, and live the life you've always wanted through him. You know deep down you've always wanted that.

You sound like me user. I haven't spoken to my family in a year. It's like they're brainwashed; they're incapable of hearing a different opinion.

And stop apologizing so much, faggot.

Honestly I was "redpilled" about a year ago, and I've noticed how many friends I've lost just in my last year of HS.
I try to keep a lid on it, and I'm more or less "popular" among my peers in the grade, but I have noticed that people tend to flip out and not discuss relevant or interesting things, like politics.
It's all just social shit, and what's on Netflix with them.

Many of us in here have been where you are, your resolve will stiffen with age and you won't care as much about what you think because you will know deep down that you are right and they are wrong and that their ways bring death and destruction, we want peace in our lands

older generations are what ruined society, so of course they're going to call you a Nazi and this or that. take a look around user, do these really seem like the type of people who have their head on straight? they're literally feeding children feminizing drugs, they're fucking sick. the world is going crazy and only a small number of us are aware of what's really going on.

My mam cries when she watches fucking x-factor for fuck sake

>islam is a religion of peace, 1400 years of violent conquest is a cia psyop

Show them the facts user, thats all you can do. If it makes you feel any better, there is a reason Trump won, regardless of nearly every poll saying otherwise. You aren't the only one OP, you are not alone.

Imma post sumtin good for you op give me a sec

Give up on addressing 99% of normies directly about most very controversial things... As long as we keep making dank memes that bring people to us we have purpose. Plus causing chaos for the leftest faggots is a joy in life.

I worded that poorly, but most of my talking points are backed up by facts.
And read the damn post, I don't act like a douche.

I think you need to neck yourself.

Check em

Yeah because islam didnt butcher its way across the world long before Khamenei you traitor


>mild conservative

You're not mild anymore. Mild conservatism doesn't believe in statistics like you do.

Stay different the normies are the insane ones

unfortunately my step-dad is a Jew so even if I try to explain to them that history is written by the victor, and a lot of our thoughts on Nazis and the Third-Reich have largely been misconstrued by wartime propaganda, I get labeled as insensitive.

This too. God is just and loving. He will never let you down. Even if you dont like the outcome, he always has your best interest in mind.

ur in the redpill evangelist stage. its a painful experience but eventually youll just start accepting the fact that most people are irredeemable. and youre in good company, alot of people rejected the son of God while he was literally walking and talking on the earth.

just start narrowing your focus and try to find the people with fertile soil in their head. you wont have much success trying to cudgel people in random debates,

"Independent" here, and I get it. I'm not sure if things have actually changed or I just grew up, but it feels like you can't talk politics anymore at all. People are on edge, looking for "signs" that you're secretly whatever they hate. The black and white thinking is out of control to the point where if you disagree with a single thing they say, you're literally worse than Hitler and Satan.

It's an age of no compromise, no empathy, no humanity. It's sad, but I stay relatively quiet hoping to ride it out.

Your finished then you will always be one of (((them)))


yours is a classic situation of someone who knows the truth but doesn't know how to form a good argument. Never fear though, it just means you're young. Study well, read classical philosophy, and do sports + physical exercise. People will take you a lot more seriously then.

"study, read classical philosophy, and exercise" is my advice to literally any young person in your situation. I say this because it works.


Does greek and christian and other religions mythology kind of tell storys about how brains work like in the way of common thought loops etc

I turned to Christ at the beginning of this year, I was just in a sorry state and he was the only redeeming thing I could see in this world filled with evil.
I'm not a perfect Christian, in fact I don't attend church or really pray that much, but I know Christ loves me in his heart, and I love him, and I want to dedicate my life to preserving his church and religion, even if others are not willing.

Good advice from the former kangs n sheet

You'll get to that point soon enough. Right now, you're questioning why the world is like this. Why is it so ignorant? You'll begin to hate it more and more until you wish to be opposed to it in any way possible. That's when you'll join us. You'll see past the lies you've been fed since childhood and realize who was really right.

He means read on the nature of the gods. Read a fair bit of cicero


So einfach

Wtf. Is this real?

Thats true don't forget it. Praise the sun

You are stuck with them. You can't get through to them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.

In other words, for these people, the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible. To rid society of these people you need another 15 or 20 years to educate a new generation of patriotically minded and common sense people who would be acting in favor and in the interests of society.

Its ok bro, Us goyim know. we know so they must shut it down, we will be the heroes that the sheeples wont even be aware of.



Did I fly to America and write this post in my sleep last night? Are you me?

thanks user, I've been delving a lot more into classic literature recently because I want to be able to be well-informed and have formulated arguments that aren't just word-vomit.
Just ordered "Meditations" off amazon, hoping to get some wisdom.

You didn't know the holocaust was a lie? Oh good your early. Look at treblinka earth readings, auschwitz testimony from jews who tell the truth. Search the Leuchter report. You have a lot to learn but i sense the force is strong in this one

Stay strong user the revolution is coming

>I TRY to have civil discussions, I never raise my voice, I'm always respectful, and I get yelled at and called a fucking Nazi.

That's what you're doing wrong. It's the same like beta orbiter "nice guys" who don't understand why they won't get any women.
Raise your voice, civil discussion is a waste of your time.

Have a good life user keep up the hope, i just want to...

funny thing is I'm actually from Australia originally. Born and raised in shit-tier Melbourne, moved state-side 4 years ago.

Please, can you guys recommend some bare essentials? 1 or 2 at least to get me started
