Mass Conditioning

Nine times out of ten when I tell people I served in the military I receive the same robotic response, "thank you for your service." I am absolutely terrified and impressed by how effective this conditioning is.

I am curious to know if anyone else knows any other examples of conditioning on this level.

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Just watch.

The Jews are God's chosen people.

How long until a retarded jarhead comes into this thread assuming that not wanting to receive a conditioned response is evidence that you don't like that he killed for Israel?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Fuck off, cunt.
It's like clapping, it's more of a tradition thing out of respect for those who fight for our nation.
I bet you think shaking hands is conditioning.

I enjoy how canadians have been conditioned to hate their own country and sell off the land to china and usa.

If you ever want to take over a country, just fill it with shitskins and retards.

Nine times out of ten when I sneeze I receive the same robotic response, "God bless you." I am absolutely impressed and terrified by how effective this conditioning is

It's literal brainwashing. Their brains are so scrambled that that phrase is the only thing they can think to utter.


MY best friend is in the navy. I hang out on the naval base a lot

He says the same thing. It's hilarious because I know that nobody in the navy does shit and it's just a big hoax

What is the difference between conditioning and tradition?

What's the hoax?

well we jerk off thats something

time to stand up lazy ameriburger

They say it out of politeness even if they don't believe it.

What should they say instead?

What else do you want me to say, fag?
Thank you for being a welfare leech? Fuck off.

we can support your willingness to protect us without agreeing with the wars you got sent in.

i understand you have guilt, it doesn't mean we hold you responsible for it.

That's the old anthem dumbass. Here's the new one.

>What should they say instead?
>What else do you want me to say, fag?


You call the Americans lazy?

I have friends from the Netherlands that just had to give up their house to immigrants.

ROFL. Yeah. Were the lazy ones.

Anything else, or nothing, it doesn't matter to me. I am looking for more examples of mass conditioning.

>People try to be nice to me, sigh, fucking sheeple

Should have died for Israel, bub

>those who fight for our nation

how bluepilled is this cucklet am*ritrash?

If it makes you feel any better, I never thank vets for their service.

It's a very well phrased response. I think even for people who aren't fond of the military, everyone has a level of respect for those who put their life on the line to protect their country. It's a response that shows respect for the people, even if they don't like the entity. But it doesn't condemn the entity either, so the phrase also works for those who both like the military and respect troops.

That actually sounds really hot.

Will you tie me up afterwards and touch my naked body?

>I am curious to know if anyone else knows any other examples of conditioning on this level.

People are conditioned to hate those with high IQ.

You'll get knee jerk emotional responses, hatred, etc... if you mention that high IQ people are hated.

Unless you mention that the specific high IQ person in question is jewish, and then they reverse their stance so fast it will make your head spin.

Jews are trying to weed intelligence out of the goy gene pool.

Nine times out of ten when I tell people it's my birthday I receive the same robotic response, "happy birthday." I am absolutely terrified and impressed by how effective this conditioning is.

I am curious to know if anyone else knows any other examples of conditioning on this level.

If you worship veterans so much why did you tell one to fuck off

I've never felt the need to thank a vet. I appreciate what they've done, but all vets I know personally came home and bought homes and trucks. What more do they need? I have the same shit but I had to work for it. None of the guys I know we're ever in combat. They were all chute riggers or mechanics.

Nine times out of ten when I ask people how they're doing I receive the same robotic response, "Good, you?" I am absolutely terrified and impressed by how effective this conditioning is.

A guy on a plane asked me if I was in the military and I said no (maybe my hair threw him off?) while a stewardess walked by. She thank you'ed for your service over the intercom. We were the only ones on the plane...

The more you work wth the public the more you realize everyone says the same basic lines.

The only source I could think of was television.

feels bad man

This airforce chick sucked my cock once. I thanked her for her service.

Yeah, but germans are guilty about everything.
What's new.

I have a tradition I'm trying to make make widespread. Whenever I talk to a German I tell them the holocaust never happened.

Nine times out of ten when I tell people "thank you" I receive the same robotic response, "you're welcome." I am absolutely terrified and impressed by how effective this conditioning is.

In reality it's just one of those things where nobody can say anything else. What are they suppose to say? Let's talk about those people that you killed? Or how many of your friends did you watch die?
Seriously man, what do you want them to say?
Thanking you is about the only polite thing they can do. Like seeing someone and saying, "hi, how are you doing?" I don't give a crap how someone is doing, but I still say it because there is nothing else to say and it's polite.

i say it, genuinely. i didn't go, you did. thanks

i dont respect the people in military lol

i think theyre retards for risking their lives

if you said you served in the military i would immediately think youre really dumb


I'll have to try that out.

I like this one better.

Too bad you guys get supremely butthurt when people ask how many sandniggers you've killed.

>mass conditioning
Condition this *whips out meaty cock and shoves it into your mouth*

You take yourself too seriously you fucking autist lmao, enjoy dying at 35 from a stress induced heart attack. Imagine being so pathetic you actually make a thread like this, I'm surprised you even made it past basic you little bitch.

Hey man someone's gotta do it. Killing will always be vital. So yes thank you for killing so I don't have to. It is an accurate response and deserved too. I don't expect everyone to understand this though. Especially not a slimey canadian.

Thank you for your service. You are a true American hero.

just mention anything about jews in a less than worshipful manner

>I am curious to know if anyone else knows any other examples of conditioning on this level.
When someone says "Thank you," the reply is "You're welcome." When someone answers a phone, the response is "Hello." When someone sneezes, the response is "God bless you." Late in the year, "Merry Christmas," is often added to greetings or farewells.

Fuck off mudslime scum.

only a remnant of a remnant are.

most of the modern jews, the ashkenazi are just khazarians that converted 1100 years ago.

Worship and respect are two different things.
What else could I expect from a fucking leaf?

People have had pretty negative reactions to finding out my IQ, even when they fucking asked. No one gets salty with tall people in the same situation. I'm not even that bright. It must suck for people in the 150 plus range. Who do you even talk to...

Thank you NFL

That has been going on for a very long time.
Veterans were not always treated as nicely as they are now.


We haven't always had a volunteer military.

You don't rag on tradition.
There's always a purpose.

>Israel is our greatest ally. I am a friend of Israel.
>But the holocaust!
>But the crusades!

Thank you for your service.

Why were veterans who were drafted treated worse than those who volunteered?

because no honorific is absolute in our society?

fucking canadians.

There was a time when it was true.
Servicemen are not at fault for the policies.
The respect is still earned.

Yes goy its vital to kill for israel!

I make a conscious effort to not say God bless you when people sneeze. God is dead and we killed him

Same thing, easy solution is just not to tell people. That's what I do.

Thank you for your service.

Why are people who give to charity regarded more highly than those who are mugged?

I imagine that being in the military, you would have an understanding of the actual historical reasons draftees have been treated badly historically.

Military doesnt do anything senpai. Just a bunch of young people talking smack until knock off, getting paid on the taxpayers dime.

t. Soldier

Oddly enough that's not something that was discussed much.

>I am curious to know if anyone else knows any other examples of conditioning on this level.

How about "good morning" and "good night"?

I think this is not the conditioning you're looking for, dude, this is just social convention. Conditioning is when something causes you to act against your interests or in a very peculiar way.

Lmao, no shit dude. It's downright scary!

watch the dentist anesthesia videos of kids on youtube

they all talk like niggers? why?

years of black propaganda has saturated their brains

Nine times out of ten when I share a meal with someone, I observe the same robotic response, clapping their hands together and saying "itadukimas." I am absolutely terrified and impressed by how effective this conditioning is.

What other occupation receives a robotic response after being mentioned?

>when I tell people I served in the military


Nine times out of ten when I post on Sup Forums, I observe the same robotic response, "kys, fag. Back to plebbit." I am absolutely terrified and impressed by how effective this conditioning is.

when i tell people it is my birthday, people say "happy birthday" its horrible how brainwashed the sheeps are ;)

They say mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery. I appreciate it!

i served in the australian army, people here dont really say much. they say similar though.

some have asked me if i've killed anyone.

i almost always say " yes, plenty"

there jaw drops and they give me an evil look. i dont get it. what were they expecting me to say?

kys, fag. Back to plebbit.

They're probably just trying to be nice to you, I mean what do you except them to say, "good work invading a third world country to murder farmers trying to defend their homes and get a million innocent civilians killed so Saudi Arabia can build a pipeline, hope you become the 24th veteran to kill themselves every day so there's one an hour"?

Yes. I would rather they be honest and say that. At least they would have formed some sort of opinion on the matter.

That's the point isn't it? Diverting attention from the reason for the war and blindly showing support to the troops.

Conscript armies were mostly from lower classes, so there's some class baggage, but mostly it's because conscript armies generally didn't treat civilians very well, either those of their own nations or those of occupied territories. Even apart from different expectations about the role of soldiers, conscripts don't want to be there, so leadership often used a loose leash on pillage and rape in order to direct frustrations away from them. The leash was tighter among domestic populations, but it was traditional for armies to move in and confiscate housing and supplies, which was common enough that the US Constitution specifically prohibits it. The notion that soldiers are supposed to have good behavior is rare historically, and the actual implementation is rather rarer.

Volunteer armies are made of people who signed up for it, so good behavior is easier to enforce. Still, civilian casualties are usually enough to draw condemnation, and there are occasional atrocities that paint the military with a broad brush in public perception, which can manifest as anti-soldier sentiment among civilians (most notably during the Vietnam War in recent US history). Fast ubiquitous global communication is a thing these days, so for pragmatic reasons if nothing else, it's good for PR to make sure soldiers are well-behaved, and that has indeed shifted public perception.

But what's the difference?

>Yes. I would rather they be honest and say that.
But most people don't think that. Most people are mostly concerned with their own concerns rather than a part of the status quo that doesn't affect them and is not likely to change. A vague sense that particular wars or leadership decisions are bad, but it's nice that people give service for the country is a typical off the cuff description if people aren't given time or reason to put together a more detailed response. Did you ask any followup questions in your encounters?

Once upon a time, when someone sneezed, it was common to hear someone else say:

>God Bless you.

Then in the late 80's (((they))) switched it up on TV and movies to

Now NO ONE says it anymore unless I'm in a small town somewhere.

No, not after leaving the military. While I was in I would ask my peers what they thought about the war and most people never put much thought into their responses.

Thank you for your service

Not sure if this is true ashkenazi jews have very strong semetic male lineage. And also you don't convert to jew religion.



Nine times out of ten when I do maths I receive the same robotic response, "God I suck at maths." I am absolutely impressed and terrified by how effective this conditioning is

Not sure about this. What i know about in europe when the military sacked towns or something else there was a great shame. And it was often to the loss of control of the men and not by the general orders or negligence. The generals honor would be destroyed by such actions and other nations could use it as a reason to invade and also you lost relations with the church.

You have to go back.

That's just a verbal tradition. I would honestly wager that at least 50% of those people have a negative opinion of military members and chose not to voice their opinion out of politeness

tradition is conditioning put in place to ensure the existence of the trube/group/nation. Maeeiage traditions, work traditions, etc.

After I have been counting muh shekels no matter how thoroughly i bathe,and wash my hands i always get lewd looks from some jews at the knows.pic related
Also whenever I was in uniform north african and blacks would instinctively try and go away from me(probably because they were either carrying marihuana or other drugs or because they hadn't payer for the metro ticket or so other thing but it was beautiful (like turning the light at a garage and all the roaches scatter around)