Compton teen heads to Harvard

He doesn't actually go to school in Compton though.

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Isn't this that failed movie?

even if they work shit jobs I bet at least one of his parents would score really high on an IQ test

>breaking news
>nigger let into college

>at least one of his parents

Is that Kid from Kid n Play?

> Black person makes it to college
This makes the news????

>5:46 66*


>shithole like Compton gets dragged down by democratic policies for decades
>liberals turn hood niggers into some form of romantic knights
>liberals parade people around that made it out of their home made death trap

when did you realize that liberals need these shitholes to make themselves feel better about themselves?

are they the real white supremacists by accident or is it intended?

And I'm sure he'll graduate too lol

a monkey getting into university is intriguing for a lot of people

His mother is a public school teacher yet she sends her child to a private school.

they're rare but you won't see many people outworking the rednecks and blacks in a high-level class
especially rednecks. good luck getting any professor time during office hours with a couple of those around

contrary to what the jews tell you, undergrad at harvard is ridiculously easy to graduate from, sorry suzuki

>black person going to college is news


Are they fucking racist or something?

(((affirmative action)))

> blacks need considerably less points to get into unis
Good luck Elijah

>soft bigotry of low expectations

>star football player, track athlete
He was there to play sports. Private high schools are notorious for recruiting grade school kids to play sports for them.

His 3.9 and 1500 were too good for Harvard to turn down... seeing that he is black. A disadvantaged white or asian would not have gotten in. A jew would have. Welcome to the reality of Ivy League Admissions.

wait a teacher makes 100k? wtf?

where did you get that info and why the fuck does some sheboon public school teacher make $81 grand a year? That's insane

What is the niggers opinion on tire necklacing?

over $100 k **

look up the IQ's by race in America.

They have a gofuckme page even though mom makes $100k.


This is just condescending. Why do white liberals do this? It seems even kind of racist.
Treating black people like children that need to be given extra praise whenever make any achievements.

>mother makes 6 figures
>goes to 85% white private school
>graduates as gets accepted to prestigious university
Truly a rags to riches story

>Kid n Play
i remember that cartoon

California will go bankrupt. Government workers are ripping everyone off but nobody cares.

these stupid niggers have to repeat certain trends, even though the early 90s was stupid as fuck they don't care.

>affirmative action
>black only scholarships
>african american studies
>separate dorms for black studies students

Yet when a nigger goes to college it's still treated as a rare oddity worthy of praise. As if niggers are still nothing more than ghetto rats, the far left can some times be way more racist than Sup Forums if you think about it.

lol you have no idea man....

what does officer/bonus assignment mean? military?

it's not that they don't care, they are just so stupid they can't detect it happening. Only in cali does it take 10-15 years to put down 3 miles of road or add a few lanes to the highway.

>ITT: Affirmative Action

Her name is searchable here.

>LAUSD educators typically earned $75,504 last year



And these teachers only work half the year.

>In terms of base pay, teachers collect salaries for 182 days of work per year, including two without students. Additionally, they received 22 paid holidays, according to LAUSD.

I went to university

wheres my article?

I'm guessing it's school police (we employ guys with guns to try to keep the negros from chimping in America).

The overtime pay is probably from doing after school sports events.

That is just a regular city police officer. They are allowed unlimited overtime.

It seems to me that only activists vote. Normies don't want to be bothered with politics. In the last LA city election only 11% of the registered voters participated.

>Iskfksj skfji ksfjskju skfji ksfjks ksjgie

Dumb nigger probably spent a good chunk of that 600 on the case. 3.2Ghz (((Intel))) CPU and only 500GB of hard drive space.

Median salary for teachers in the US is about $60k not including benefits. They have excellent healthcare and pensions. Schools are only in session 180 days a year and they get vacation, sick, and personal days on top of that. They are unionized so it's almost impossible to fire a teacher except for gross misconduct. If they teach for 30 years (age 52 if you start after college) they get 80% of their salary for the rest of their lives.

Isn't Humpty like 50?
this black teen meme is getting silly

thats a bit high, but 60k sounds reasonable to me. there should be monetary incentive to get capable teachers. though the unionizing and it being impossible to fire them is a bit dodgy.
also how do they get benefits and extra pay? i mean what sort of thing do you have to do as a teacher to get a bonus? sounds a bit ridiculous to me

>almost impossible to fire a teacher except for gross misconduct.
No its impossible. Even Mark Berndt go to resign instead of being fired and retains lifetime health coverage and his pension, totaling $3,891.17 monthly in pretax benefits. If he lives to the average age of a man in California, he'll reap about $1 million.

>what sort of thing do you have to do as a teacher to get a bonus?
It doesn't exist in this state. The unions are opposed to anything that measures performance.

when will we finally overcome our racism and allow these poor misunderstood gentlemen to flower like the geniuses they are?

The exception is they can get paid more for the high education they obtain.

Teacher pay is based on years of experience and how many teaching degrees/certifications you have. The teachers unions are highly opposed to merit-based pay, teacher evaluations, and standardized testing. Also do not think a teaching degree is focused on the subject you are actually teaching, it's 90% "methods" So an undergrad chemistry major with a 4.0 gpa could not be hired to teach middle school science but a 2.9 """education""" major who took general science courses would be.