Anyone else noticing how everything is increasingly commercialised these days and how it sucks the fucking joy out of...

Anyone else noticing how everything is increasingly commercialised these days and how it sucks the fucking joy out of everything?

I get nostalgic about previous decades quite a lot, but I think it was because there was so much less regulation and there were plenty of potential markets that weren't fully understood.

>Take for example Facebook when it initially came out, the focus was on being able to connect with your friends, now it's just a cesspit for advertisers to market their shitty products to you
>Many people initially on YouTube used to create videos for fun, exploring this weird new platform. Now people try to follow a set of guidelines to try and 'engage their audience' and 'get likes'.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing capitalism, but I can't help but feel there's little room for genuine creativity these days because people are increasingly obsessed with the potential of making money, or are pushed to focus on only making money due to their poor financial situation.

When do you think we'll next break out of this pattern that I believe is leaving people miserable? Or, are we too brainwashed by these companies to risk trying anything else?

The death of spiritualism has lead to rampant consumerism and materialism filling that space in peoples lives often times becoming their singular driving force, to humanities detriment.

One of Stef's last videos had him talking with a guy who didn't want kids even though the love of his life his wife would leave him because he was so obsessed with material wealth.


Fuck off hipster the free market provides.

sure do


it's pretty horrible op. it makes me want to move somewhere beautiful, quiet and cheap and live a life of reading and meditating. gotta man up and make white babies though. do my part to save the world.

don't you have hatecrimes to stage and shekels to count?.

Jesus Christ, it's just gone to shit.

Ever since I heard that these days it's your attention and time that online marketers are competing for, it makes me want to just disconnect from the internet, but then I still feel hooked because there's certain friends I have who I know wouldn't speak with me if it wasn't via Facebook's Messenger.

If I'm honest, shills and shitposting aside, Sup Forums is probably one of the only places I come to that feels like it's real people posting because they want to.

A lot of my older friends have already come off social media. Some have bought the most basic phones so that they use it for just texting and phoning people.

It's difficult finding anyone who's like-minded when people are so wired in.

>Now people try to follow a set of guidelines to try and 'engage their audience' and 'get likes'.

Now it changed so right wing topics are being completely demonetized as an effort to tone down the nationalistic fervor taking hold, which is being forced by (((pic related))).

so we should all take shrooms ?

it was always commercialized, shit go back to the 1800s and it's dr dickbutt's hair tonic.

>dr dickbutt's hair tonic.
nothing else works!

the bearded lady has a secret! SHHHH! it's dr. dickbutt.

>open image
>see gracia martore mentioned as jewish

lol gtfo

h-how did you know I am a bearded lady

well you are from Australia

You sound like a kid who never worked before.
Everyone including companies have to make money to survive.
Advertising is required for companies to sell products. Websites only make money from selling ads.
It's annoying, but required to make money, otherwise there's no reason to produce content.

If she isn't a crypto, I don't know who is.


>defends commercialization
>uses ad block

people need to make money. money runs things and people are just machines. btw your favorite punk rock band sold out long ago after they decided to move out of their garage.

>money runs things
>people are machines
>punk rock
>not powerviolence/noise

I kinda miss when Youtube had a 5 star rating system

>The death of spiritualism has lead to rampant consumerism and materialism filling that space in peoples lives often times becoming their singular driving force, to humanities detriment.

Oh yeah because spiritualism wasn't a huge market when it was still a thing. Fuck wars were fought over relics as they brought business.

Everything except this cancerous shithole. Which is why Sup Forums is going to get shut down withing the next 5years.

Either find a way to profit or fuck off, the free market provides.

Will there be a disruptive platform that will take on these huge businesses?
Facebook, google, amazon, youtube, they seem like they will be around for ever, and nothing will be able to take them on, which is a scary thought.

You speak and think like a child

Nostalgia has become pretty cancerous to our culture. In my opinion it's a big reason why millennials aren't growing up. Technology is a big part of the problem, we can go online and look at "Le then things only Le nineties kids will remember," and we don't really have to grow out of that phase of our life. Then they use that to their advantage, trying to make nostalgic shit to pander to millennials. I was disgusted at the amount of 20 somethings walking around like zombies playing Pokémon Go, I was like didn't you grow out of that shit? But apparently not.

Read Baudrillard and Christopher Lasch

Is that a screencap from Code Geass?

Nostalgia isn't a cause it is a symptom. Millenials aren't "growing up" because they can't afford it. The US is becoming economically like a third world country. Expect your grandkids to be living with you man. It's all good though because weed will be legal by then.

Boring and obscurantist
Read Marshall McLuhan (also it will not be a shitty translation)
>continental philosophy
>not even once

Thanks for McLuhan, I didn't know about him

N.p. Sorry about my anti-baudrillard rant I was just being a dick.
Have you seen any documentaries by Adam Curtis? Century of the Self and Hypernormalization are very good.


No problem
No i haven't seen it, I will check it out
I already knew the "medium is the message" idea but didn't know where it came from

yes, at least an eighth

>these days
The 80s called, they want you to smoke helium.