There something you fucks don't understand about french people

There something you fucks don't understand about french people.

We're an happy bunch of proud and arrogant people. If you tell us what to do (especially in english), we'll do the opposite just to be annoying cunts.

So please, keep on telling us to vote for Le Pen, se how it will work out tommorow.

Other urls found in this thread:

You're right, I probably should use more popular language in France. Just for you, bby
اللعنة من الضفدع

is is what you get when someone applies that logic every time they're told to get educated.

Don't chop your tadpole off, Frog

>>be french
>>brag about being stuck up
>>make us have fun
>>we laugh
>>you laugh
>>a baguette gets stuck in your arse

Yes, pretty soon you'll get your marching orders from Saudi clerics in Arabic instead of English, I guess that's better for France, inshallah


>proud and arrogant

Don't kill yourself.

French people are submissive by their nature. They're about about their loss record. Hell, they're losing right now!

>Every poll says Macron will crush Le Pen
>Polls are actually accurate here unlike in inferior Anglo countries.
>Macron our new president
>The wave of far-right populism that started in the US stops tomorrow.
>France once again the bulwark of democracy and progressivism
>Anglos BTFO

Obama told you to vote Macron.

using the broken google translate! what a cuck

Good thing Obama told us what to do in english.

You're already a (((US))) puppet.

>I'm a cuck because I don't know proper arabic
lmao look in the mirror, knowing proper arabic makes you a cuck.

>knows this cause fluent in arabdick

Sup Forums hate France cause the french are too cultivated and sophisticated for the fat autistic NEETS around here !

If you think that will stop anything, you don't realise the shit you're in

Have we found Achmed, or are the French so cucked that is now among them mandatory to learn the language of their future conquerors?

Idk why french ppl posting here are so autistic. I suspect them to be unemployed far-left nerds.

*laughs in spain* (the s is silent)

France is heading toward a full blown race war, le pen is completely irrelevant and is only a band aid if she wins, Paris looks like Darfur and will only get worse until a literal civil war.

If numbers the attacks will start Monday and Sup Forums will laugh at us.

Don't you have some dicks to suck while begging mohammed and allah for mercy

>electing the proxy from Bruxelles
>once again the bulwark of democracy

hon hon

Macaroni will fick the country up further and set up the basis for a stronger, more united right wing movement.

knowing Arabic means that Abdel has to go back.
Rentres-chez toi, boucaque.

>implying anyone gives a fuck about your country either way

If Le Pen wins we get entertainment and if Macaroni wins France ceases to exist. We can't lose.

It seems our superiority is causing some controversy again
Why does every country that hasn't got its shit together feel the need to lash out at us ? Get good and then we'll talk

OH YES! Keep bringing the niggers in, the French are lovin' it!

In fact, you might soon have truckloads of immigrants every week. Just follow the Swedish model.

Soon you will be replace, don't worry. Don't worry about having children, propagating your genes. Leave the hard work of having families to the nice and strong Muslim immigrants. French culture will be in their good hands soon.

If Macron wins I convert to Islam and gonna get a truck driver license

Claims to be cultured and educated... can't even speak English.

I guess you're too "cultivated" for me to understand

It's ok, next time a truck run over your people, just remember it is YOUR fault and you could have avoided it.

>surrounded by sandmen
>country is good


Don't listen to this cunt, french people hate other people's will but are just FUCKING SHEEPS when it comes to listen translated videos of your stephen colbert bitch saying we need to vote for macaron

So Le Pen will win because news and entertainment all say vote Macron?

Just out of spite youd vote for some one you wouldnt otherwise vote for?
This must be a proxy, frenchies are easily manipulated if this is true kek

I just want to know: frogs are tasty?

France is beyond saving.

Your cuckshed of a country is going to be majority North African without a couple decades, Le Pen or no Le Pen.

I love you guys, even if we will elect a gerontophil cuck as president.
we get the president we deserve

That your English is fucking horrible because you're full of shit and you ruin every online game experience ever.

Get lost in your nigger infested shithole.


I order you to vote Macron.

Sharia Law is better than Macron. We must push to establish the caliphate in France to save our dignity.

I don't live in Paris so the brown people hysteria doesn't concern me

I fully agree. In fact the less I know, the happier I am. Sometimes I wish I could just sleep my life away. Don't you feel a bit sleepy too user? Did you get enough sleep today? How about a few more hours? How about getting back in bed and just forgetting about all you troubles? Come on user, just be happy, take a nap

This kills the froggot.


That's why I'm not contributing any fucking memes to the French.

I hope your country burns and you suffer at the hand of the niggers you brought in, without having a way to defend yourselves due to your cucked laws.

Meanwhile I will be here laughing seeing the end of France.

This the brainwashing is really heavy here, you have every media and newspapers against Le Pen and even universities boards tell their students how to vote
We are waking up but I'm afraid it won't be enough

Then America will get all the redpilled French and all your cucks and niggers will be able to come and pollute France even more :DD Trump 2020!

Obama, Merkel, Schultz etc. tell the French to vote Macron. I have hopes.

Touché, fair point
There's a lot freemasons here though, behind all the noble rethoric they usually don't like to be surrounded by anything but cheese-fed purebred frenchouille

Of course it won't be enough dipshit.

Do the maths.

We have 10 millions shitskins allowed to vote.
They all despise Le Pen.

Macron did 8 millions during the first round.
Le Pen 7 millions.

>I don't live in Paris so the brown people hysteria doesn't concern me

It will concern you once their population spreads to the countryside over the next 10 years

>I don't live in Paris so the brown people hysteria doesn't concern me

Macron, a Rotschild guy.. sheeps everywhere, ruled be the few..
in US, UK, Israel, everywhere even Russia, check who owns and prints your money for free and you will know who owns you.

Every big cities are full of shitskin or niggers, just because you don't see them doesn't mean they aren't here you dingus

Bretagne Master race as always

I surrender to you will.


The biggest cucks in the entire country.

No. Brittony ost cucked region in France. Votes for left & far-left and wishes for more cultural enrichment. I live there, I know the drill. It's becoming Bagdad just like in the south and Paris and you're happy. lol

Americans do understand it.

They are the same way.

Every Hollywood celebrity going on TV and ordering them to vote for Hillary or else you're stupid and racist.....

All that accomplished was to ensure they voted for Trump.

Americans understand this very well.

>Bretagne Master race as always
Fuck you Bretagne, you deserve a truck.


>Meanwhile I will be here laughing
You surely won't laugh for long.

Kek approves of this plan. It is now an obligation. Break it and tempt His wrath.

5 years of Macron will be the best medicine for them. They still aren't getting the message.

Allahmagne and the French Calipahte will rule Europe and put fear and respect for Allah (pbuh) back into the infidels.
Hail Macron.

If we had the same electoral system as the US, whence peasant states have as much power as cucked cosmpolitans, it'd have been a tie for Le Pen/Macron

you are literally a play thing for a dictator

Actually I want something more… spicy than a truck license

You'll see one day

Don't vote for Le Pen, vote for Merkel, see if I care, it'll only make you non-people even more of a joke.

I think OP might be right in few cases.

>France bans extremely skinny models.

Mashallah brother.
Anglo infidels will pay for their sins.
Muhammad (pbuh) will be proud.

do what you want I don't really give a shit.

Et moi qui pensais que les bretons étaient un peu plus chauvins que la moyenne...

>more… spicy than a truck license
Please do not move, the DGSI will be at your door in 30 minutes.


no one should care about Francistan

Learn to read nigger I never implied le pen will win
Everyone with a working brain knows it won't be enough to counter macron because most of millenials here are leftist cucks who would rather vote for macron than le pen

>Et moi qui pensais que les bretons étaient un peu plus chauvins que la moyenne...
No, they're full leftist cucks.

They're so white they do not understand how bad things are.

Things are really bad.

Why? I just want to drive something else instead?

D-Don't misunderstand me, user…

Fuck off you traitorous leftist piece of shit. Also, the guy you posted don't even remotely look french

You're going to get exactly what you deserve mon ami.


Progressivism like telling your factory workers to fuck off their jobs are leaving and they're obsolete, deal with it? Progressivism as in being slaves of international bankers? Or progressivism like importing an Islamic caliphate?


But noone actually browses 4chin.

And all the lying media and all the EU bosses and all the Krauts tell U to vote Macron.

Does it mean that Le Pen, by your own logic, will win?

Do the maths.

Millenials don't have 18 years old, so they can't vote.

au contraire. les mouvements régionalistes ont étés récupérés par les gauchistes depuis l'après-guerre.

>Millenials don't have 18 years old
Millennials do not mean they are born post 2000, you ignorant fuck.

>"demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s "
You're probably a millennial yourself.

Those you're referring to are Gen Z.

The French haven't been sophisticated since the Jacobin revolution. A nation of uppity and unruly peasants who sniff their own farts and proclaim it high culture.

on voit que t'es un vrai francais

Some normies who would otherwise never even consider the FN will actually vote Le Pen this time around because they're sick of the "system" and shit candidates. But I doubt that will be nearly enough to change the outcome.

Just imagine how better off we'd be if Louis XVI said those exact words to George III.

Weren't the French all "muh culture" like 10 years ago? Which way is French Guyana going? Have they implemented Sharia too?

Non je suis né en 1970 connard

N'est-ce pas

and this is also the reason why if le pen loses she will definitely win in 5 years

>on voit que t'es un vrai francais
Don't blame him, we have an education almost as bad as american's.

Since we're less white years after years, we have to dumb down the educational programs, else the non-whites cannot graduate high school