9gag buries a shitty meme block

>9gag buries a shitty meme block
>We find the supposed location
>You know what to do next

Location : google.com/maps/place/36°56'46.2"N 2°24'32.5"W/@36.9478215,-2.4087401,219a,35y,180h,39.32t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d36.9461641!4d-2.4090153

where them spaniards at

Did they kill the truck driver afterwards?

draw a dick on it

There's already a dickbutt on it

jizz on it

there is no pepe on it
kek wills it

Dissolve the rock.


Actually it's pretty cool

Where are the fking spanitards? We need like 50 gallons of vinegar to dissolve this shit.


Someone should send it to the middle east. We all know what ISIS likes to do to those type of things...

>tfw no interesting shit happens in your country
we dont even have terrorist attacks or shootouts

Dude you live next door to a warzone, I'm sure government can't possibly stop you if you decided tomorrow to pick up a cheap Ak and start blasting ISIS camel jockeys .

Not to mention that i'd say it's a safe bet that CCTV is minuscule and your police forensics unit is non-existent.

just carve a 'Hitler did nothing wrong' above that smiley face or on the side. destroying it is a shit idea

Unfortunately AK prices are skyrocketing(like every other gun) due to being surrounded by war on every border (Iraq, syria, lebanon, palestine/israel) and the syrian rapefugees smuggling guns are scared of the death penalty(which is another reason we don't have as many terrorost attacks as europe).

Dude you are making excuses, Try living in a 1st world nation where they have micro-CCTV cameras up you asshole, and everything is taxed or regulated.

Get a Firearm and start snuffing out "Tourist terrorists" we certainly don't want them returning to a comfy middle class lifestyle in the west.

I will see if I can buy a hunting rifle for rapefugee camps.

Shadilay brother.

>our fun

Imagine humanity going extint and all they find is that piece of shit..

I think /pol is censoring these fucking assholes. yesterday after thread maxed out 2 more popped up and were then 404ed

Ok. I'll buy a ticket to Africa or wherever it's buried, and I'll dig it up with my bare hands.

Do you think a pol\tard has the money to go excavate that shit and nkt get caught?

i did it already faggot

delet thread

job done

What do you think this is? Ireland's Blarney Stone?

Douse it in brick acid

ha ha very funny guys

At first I thought it was a good idea but then the admins choose the most shit tier normie memes to be voted for by the users.
Fags don't even know what is going on in their own website.

>>You know what to do next


I fucking knew it

Keep in mind this is with our current context of memes. In a millennia when this gets dug up and memes are but a distant memory, these will be as fresh and original as they come.

Still gay though.

it'll fucking dissolve and the carvings will be unreadable, it's made out of limestone

no fun allowed am i doing it right guys?? XDDD

Exact spot, triangulating the bushes.


>What is the Al Karak Castle attack


I have seen quite a few Photoshops in my life, but this is by far the worst Photoshop job I have ever seen. It's the work of a complete novice.

Please, remove yourself from this place and be a good Catholic and retake the Holy Land instead.

I can already tell you one thing, nothing is going to happen.
A normal spaniard doesn't give a single fuck about this retarded anglo website.

Especially one from Almeria.

You can make money off of it!
Capture the monolith!
Break it down into smaller pieces and sell it on eBay!

This is actually a great idea.

You just need to tip this to a bunch of gypsies in the area and they'll do it.

Just say there is copper inside the totem or some shit so they need to break it apart

Please inform ForoCoches about this


it called a stele you uncultured twat

confirmed either of these two work

forocoches is full of shitposting, chan style
if we ever create a federation, it should be part of it

Fuck off back to the_donald.


the engraving looks really shallow, that shit won't last long, relatively speaking

Thats 1000kms from where I live