Treyvon Martin witness Rachel Jeantel makes "Transformation"

Funniest trial ever
I bet if they asked to read something now she still couldnt do it

Wow she transformed into a literal gorilla.

Nah. She started out as a gorilla. Then she ended up as godzilla

I just learned to wipe my ass, will the (((news))) do a story on me?


I saw this and I stood up and applaud for 5 minutes. My wife's black 8 year old son was also applauding

>follow my dreams and go to college

Yo, she's literally retarded. How the fuck does she expect to get in?. Someone needs to sit her down and tell her college isnt in the cards.

is this another one of those BLACK WOMEN SO FINE threads?


Cant even understand the bitch

tl;dr the transformation is that she can read now.


There are plenty of colleges that will take the money and give her a diploma

Not gonna lie, former Trayvon supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching his trial crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let Rachel read cursive again.

It was a great trial because usually the prosecution will provide evidence and the defense tries to put doubt in the jury's mind. With that case it was the opposite.

Still a fat monster with fake hair. Wow. Blown away.

Her lawyer.
> I couldn't turn a blind's eye


Those guys that grilled her on how to read for 7 hours a day are SPLC agents.

You think this hood rat has the money or even desire to hire a team of tutors to learn how to read? Of course not. It's all paid for by the SPLC which always supports non-whites in violence cases regardless if they're a victim or perpetrator.

No prizes for guessing which ethnicity the founder of the SPLC is from.

I figured they were part of something. The whole thing is so ridiculous, but why are they even bothering with this story?

Jesus Christ, the balls of these media kikes to put that kind of show on. They just plop that turd out there and demand everyone pretend it isn't shit. That thing is literally a retarded animal sucking up resources without understanding and they want us to pretend it's a person.

This really made up for my boyfriend's wife's 5 year old literal shake-crying on 11-8-16 AKA nine-eleven-two.

Where have you been? College admission has virtually nothing to do with intellectual curiosity or academic capability anymore. Entry is primarily determined by where you fall on the oppression spectrum: wheelchair-bound transgender pygymy on one side, hetero white male on the other. I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that if she simply wrote down the link to this YouTube video as her letter of intent, she'd be admitted to the vast majority of universities.