Next staps in the culture war

The culture war is still going strong. Both sides has won and lost battles. The right for example is under continues attack. The left successfully hit Youtube and lots of channels are demonetized as a result. Since most uploaders on Youtube are right leaning, less money goes to right leaning people. Thus a slight win for the left.

Also other social media are under attack like here, just look at all the shill threads that are being made. For those who are redpilled, its not a problem, people rarely go bluepill when you know the truth. However some new people that aren't strongly redpilled could get influenced by the shill threads and leave Sup Forums and could go to the left side if they keep looking at the main stream media and left social media.

That said, isn't it time for a mayor counter attack on social media that has mainly left playerbase?

Were do the left go for their social media indoctrination?

How do we disrupt that indoctrination machine?

To be clear im not suggesting targeting the extreme left like antifa and the retard regressives, those are not salvageable and frankly they actually serve a good roll in getting the old school liberals and centrists to our side.

Please discuss.

Other urls found in this thread:

It is going to be a war between white christians and sand-niggers muslims.
What will remain from the world, it will be called the NWO.
They setteled this in the '70s

((( They )))

This idea is worth putting effort into. Make popular leftists song videos featuring the right footage

>Were do the left go for their social media indoctrination?

Leftists don't have to be indoctrinated on an anime forum like you fucking losers

>Were do the left go for their social media indoctrination?

Reddit. Twitter. Tumblr. It's mainly in the education system though.

Hou je kankerbek

I like this song now.

However it wont persuade any leftists to become right sadly.

tigan prost

the left side should be a scrawny arm and another scrawny arm with a jewish symbol


Thanks for your kind reply.

>Were do the left go for their social media indoctrination?
The internet. History books.

>How do we disrupt that indoctrination machine?
You can't. The Left already won. Every year more and more progressive policies get enacted even with more and more radically conservative rhetoric. Vote Trump in? He backs globalist policies and pretends not to. Most GOP don't give a fuck about starving the beast, they just want their gubmnt defense contracts to keep their constituents employed.

>people rarely go bluepill when you know the truth
If anything Sup Forums has shifted me more towards the left after all the Trump cocksucking.

>If anything Sup Forums has shifted me more towards the left after all the Trump cocksucking.
I see a lot of shills started to claim that they went left, is this new gaslighting attack?

>implying leftists can read or actually read Marx.
>shilling for ((left-victory))
>implying /r/TheDonald = Sup Forums

>Were do the left go for their social media indoctrination?

School, Public TV, School, Facebook, Twitter, School, College.

Yeah don't listen. Even if trump is a plant he is a plant that run on a platform for whites or at least it can be interpretated as such. So he's to be supported, we need to normalize the idea that u can wrangle white people into a voting bloc like the dems of us do with blacks or labour of the UK do with Muslims.

The strongest point we have imo is that historically we don't get welfare as much as them, so whenever the whine about bullshit, standard reply should be "people who thinks like you whines loud to get atention, meanwhile people who think like me will put their head down and work, we don't like your bullshit"

Shadilay, kek has confirmed.

Has to be. You can't just go back to being leftist after simmering in this melting pot for a while.

The old show of left vs right is beginning to fade. Some people see beyond this now to what they believe is the truth, namely globalism vs nationalism. This, however, is merely another layer, another false dichotomy, that assumes the place of the failing left/right idea. The reason behind these layers and their power of distraction is simple, control of the world is already in the hands of those who sought it.

Ask yourself when the last time any movement not co-opted or infiltrated was allowed to proceed naturally. Even the chans with their reputation for free thought are subject to manipulation. Even when the manipulation fails, as it often does, there is something in every cause that prevents even true believers from taking real action out into the world from places like here.

It is time that places like this and the people in them realize how bad things really are. Not so that they will despair, but so that energy and effort can be applied to the right cause in the correct direction. No matter how smart and capable you are victory will always elude your grasp if you don't understand the lay of the land and the nature of the battle to be fought.

You all deserve to be free. You all deserve to live in a nation that loves its people. Each and every one of us deserves better than a life chained to worldwide enslavement.

nah the right arm isn't scrawny, would be disingenuous to pretend it is. Instead, put a shackle on it, with a star of David on the metal band.