Sup Forums is right once more

>check out the HPV molecular structure on Wikipedia
>shit all sorts of construction materials
JUST fucking check this out

Other urls found in this thread: large T antigen helicase domain&rlz=1C1MSIM_enAR699AR699&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjcqae0xdzTAhWKiZAKHVDMBP8Q_AUICigB&biw=853&bih=433&gws_rd=cr&ei=g2wOWaf4FYf4wATq3KOAAg

Okay, what am I supposed to be seeing?


oh dog

Don't post a thread unless you have something coherent to explain. I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about

The virus is a star of david you retard

hava vagina hava vagina hava vagina
you get your own star, hey!
cancer ne run ne run
bleed out your bum your bum
hava vagina and you get the hpv oy!


detected newfag

come to see the 4chin hacker rumors?

you do realize that anyone with a wikipedia account can edit a page right

Not for that long

nyuoh my gawd.

>israel creates the most advanced computer virus (Stuxnet)
>israel creates the most advanced artificial human virus
they will genocide anyone who doesn't have jewish dna.


Star of David's payots


Holy shit

The image on wikipedia was added on March 2009
It was added to the page by one of the 3 main maintainers 7 years later
The TEM image was moved down to the virology header about 5 years prior or so, in 2011
It honestly doesn't seem that much of a problem, it was used by the other language pages probably.
Also if you're curious, this is the source of the image


>muh wikipedia can't be trusted large T antigen helicase domain&rlz=1C1MSIM_enAR699AR699&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjcqae0xdzTAhWKiZAKHVDMBP8Q_AUICigB&biw=853&bih=433&gws_rd=cr&ei=g2wOWaf4FYf4wATq3KOAAg

Also yeah

if you squint your eyes, you can see two happy mechants rubbing their alpha-helixes

Who would have thunk that nature likes to organize in symmetrical shapes.


Seems kinda like a coincidence that 2 of the worst things in existence have the same look doesn't it?