How do we stop him? have we already lost a war we didn't know we were fighting?

how do we stop him? have we already lost a war we didn't know we were fighting?

Other urls found in this thread:

You accept that he is better than your european overlords, Russia is more free today than EU

HAHAHA good joke


Russia, bans pics.
German, shadow arrest and sensitive compulsory classes.
Nice try Hans.

>Human development
Hahahahahahhahahahahhahah, how many years you force your citizens to compulsory education + current value.
Great joke.

You can own guns in Russia

why stop him? He's doing God's work.

>germany good
Nice (((independent))) source there, krautcuck.


>be Sup Forums
>consider yourself woke and politically savy
>spend years exposing a jewish conspiracy that doesn't exist
>get used like cuck pawns in a russian conspiracy that actually does

Ahahahahaha. Stop. This is too good.

>German, shadow arrest and sensitive compulsory classes.

do you have some proofs for you claims?

Little do you know he is merely taking a stand against the banks in a double ploy. He knows, and they know. The world is just a stage to both sides.

How long is that manlet going to be in power?

you cant even buy a handgun there.

It's incredible funny how china is one of the most free countries in world today.
>Free smoke
>Free Abortion
>Real religious liberty (except Islam)
>No advertising regulation
>No political correct
The only thing you can't is speak against government direct

Only for hunting/sport, only with government permission. Using them for self defense WILL get you jailed.

The little did you know line was sarcastic, Germany



Russia literally did nothing wrong. Every Russian guy I've ever met has been bro-tier and every Russian girl I've met has seemed chill and fun.

Germany is a nation of cucks so it's no surprise they're crying but they need to accept that Russia is a great and free nation full of based conservatives and governed by strong leadership. Putin will be considered one of the greatest leaders in modern history. If you actually look at the evolution of Russia, compare how it was in the early 90s to how it is now, thanks to Putin, and it's night and day. He brought what was essentially a third world country at that time into wealth and prosperity relatively speaking.

As a leaf I'm actually jealous of Russia.

I should have wrote it out like EU

how many rubles do you get for posting this bullshit?

> how do we stop him?

sanctions on russian oligarchs.

They do this based on they people culture, german do the same but based on some cultural overlord will.

we fight and we win

do i hear some 3rd world country being jealous? do you even have proper toilets in brazil?

>free smoke


i wouldn't accept payment even if it was offered.

I've always admired Putin. You can't honestly tell me that you think what he has done for Russia over the last ~20 years is worse than what Merkel has done to your country, can you?

Merkels a fucking nation-destroying bitch, she's the epitome of weakness and blind vitriol and has pretty much single-handedly destroyed Europe.

China government didn't decide someday that smoking was bad and decided to ban it.
I can speak what I want here, I can read what I want here, I free, but you don't know what freedom look like.

I think we can all agree that putin is a joke. He barely has a handle on his own country and he's already looking outward. I don't think it'll last much longer.

>I can speak what I want here, I can read what I want here, I free, but you don't know what freedom look like.

you should read some books about English grammar.

you'll get compulsory classes in Russia for speaking anything bad about Muslims like nowhere else

the entire nation of Russia is watching its mouth, believe me

bitch if you don't know how to stop reality from happening then you're actually god damned fucking normal.

if you're not smart enough to reshape reality then just shut the fuck up and masturbate for the rest of your life. that is your 'win'


Typical German, I'm forbid to speak about theme my overlords forbid me but ok, my English is good.
Have you lied in Russia? When I did, I've hear a shit ton of anti-muslin thing.

Not really, I know people who own hunting rifles without licence and use it for hunting, it's not a secret for local cops but they never had troubles for this.
Also there is not many cases involving shooting but last case involving shooting was justified as self defence.

looks like Russia is out of money. They can't even hire proper shills anymore...

>Russian shills
Get of here shill.

go die on diarrhea, poor fag.

Russia is like brazil, there are laws, but no one really care for some. A german will never understand it.

Yeah all fund were spend on haxxors, don't worry Abdul our god emperor will help Germans elect next Hitler.

>Russia is like brazil, there are laws, but no one really care for some. A german will never understand it.

what a great country to live in... I'm sure. Probably the reason why so many Russians and Brazilians trying to flee your shitholes and immigrate to Europe or the US.

reddit nigger

First time feeling denial?

Man as I said, I'm poor but I'm free, some people here prefer to live in a cage of gold, their chose. But you Hans will never know what is to chose.

Why bother pretending to be an American

We don't anymore, I was in Germany 4 years ago but now ill go to fuckin Turkey for vacation rather than any eu shithole.

try showing a graph that goes back to when he was first elected ffs

Putin never called me a white cishet male who needs his privilege checked, so why should I care if he beats (((us)))? Not that Putin doesn't suck Jew dick, as well, but he does go against their schemes more than my government.

>ignores everything I posted, cites made up anecdotes

didn't know your were an actual russian troll

it is literally illegal to insult the feelings of “feelings of religious believers” in russia since 2013

fucking idiots faggot niggers. we like russia here. there are no russian shills.


i could easily immigrate into brazil or any other 2nd world shit hole while you would be deported everywhere else.

You are jealous that dogs love Putin more than your bitch refugee loving leader

I can't wait to see Putin absolutely stomp NATO and its Jewish overlords. You germancucks have it coming. You will have wished to been alive in 1939 than now.

Illegal, do you how Russia work? it's illegal to eat watermelon in my city in Brasil, but different from Europeans law didn't have much power here or in Russia.

Why would you stop Putin?

Putin is better than your current suicidal psycho-death cult leadership. Putin doesn't intentionally eradicate his own nation.

looks like a decline while the west grew 20-30%

You can't live a week without the baby sister state to take care of you.


no, we don't like russia here you fucking shill

there's literally nothing to like about it

I agree.
He's not a pussy about things.

You may have lost

I have won a war I knew I was fighintg

>what are sanctions
>what are globalist agendas that influence the West to take more hostile and tougher trading stances against Russia

Noooo! That's not real is it?!
That is awesome! hahahaha! I like him even more.

Quiet, Magyar, an American is talking, y'know, the people who matter.

>what are sanctions
the price the price for the krim

>>what are globalist agendas that influence the West to take more hostile and tougher trading stances against Russia

also Putin's fault

Yes,which was forced after pussy riot thing and supported by most people, why passing laws preventing retards from breaking in to church and disturb people is a bad thing ?

better pick and choose wisely, too many (((oligarchs))) are operating in the west, dont want to hurt their feelings or they'll come crawling back here like dejected animals

people get prosecuted for insulting the feeling of religious in russia

even online, even for just a like on social media

[email protected]

German fuck other country, again, and it's that country fault.

Suck ZOGmerica's dick a little harder, Herr Cuck!

Its no big deal OK. Russia sucks, we know. It's basically entirely reliant on oil to keep yourselves from sinking into oblivion. We know. And it's OK. But they need to stop fucking with other countries. No one wants that garbage country and its midget leader as their ally.

>people get prosecuted for insulting the feeling of religious in russia
People get prosecuted for hurting the feelings of kikes, SJWs and invaders in the EU, don't pretend you fags are pillars of free expression.

They can get, which is a complete different thing, you can go arrested in Brazil for sleeping in the metro, but this don't mean you will be.

yeah we have totalitarian speech laws like the rest of yurop, go figure. at the very least we dont go to jail for "homophobia" laws or whatever. invite in (((western))) ideals and we can be totalitarian AND progressive - like the rest of yurop.

sure things can be better, but they sure as hell can be worse. the (((west))) can take their liberal democracy and choke on it.

>banning jehova's witnesses
GOOD. Those extremist fucks won't be knocking on any doors annoying the shit outta people there.

>fellow burger
>telling anyone to stop fucking with other countries
kys my dude!

It is real, he claims he didn't mean to scare her so badly though

WTF is the US doing?
You are making us look bad. stop it idiot

yeah i would rather suck American dicks instead of Putin's dick.

Name a single country that is aligned with Russian and is NOT a total shithole.

anyone can report you going back years and the police will investigate

brazil is not relevant because it's not a police state like russia

>who the fuck would be stupid enough to believe the "muh Russians!" mainstream media line
>check flag
Righto then.

Nope, there was one case and its failed.
>even for just a like on social media

>yeah i would rather suck American dicks instead of Putin's dick.
or you could always choose self determination, or is that now a crime in germany?

I'm glad he did fucking mentally ill degenerates

I'm just saying no ones like "oh damn if only my country was best buddies with Russia life would be so much better." I've been over there and people are alright but you can tell the country is pretty much shit. World would be better off without it.

That's the 1st thing I noticed too was his face hahaaha. That smirk.
Thanks for posting those

>People get prosecuted for hurting the feelings of kikes, SJWs and invaders in the EU, don't pretend you fags are pillars of free expression.

cool ignorant redneck fantasies

Name a single country aligned with America that's not Saudi Arabia or Israel that isn't committing demographic suicide and letting neo-Marxism run it into the ground?

We voted for Trump so he'd hopefully stop wasting money trying to get into other countries for four years.

Brazil is completely corrupt like Russia, and in corrupt countries, you will get arrested only if the local cops/powerful guys want want.


Go out in public and deny the Holocaust or say mean things about immigrants on Twitter.


Putin loves doggos!

>the (((west))) can take their liberal democracy and choke on it.
many of those democracies are much more right wing than your shitty Pootistan

> stop Putin
literally from what

>Putin is a dictator
>kills journalists
>outlaws freedom of speech
>importants millions of muslims
>builds mosques all over formerly christian cities
>some kind of Eurasian mutt
>sells his people out to globalist bankers in exchange for imperialist expansion

why would anyone on Sup Forums support this clown? Can somebody please explain this to me? He's not a good person.