Saudi TV

top kek

They dont have the tech to use cgi with motion capture to project a black burka on top of her? Shame. Inshalah..

daily reminder that not only muslims cover their hair, but christians did it also and some even do it still today (mormons)

That's not how you use inshallah you fucking infidel

You're thinking of the Amish

Top fucking kek. Is this real?

Insh'Pedogod i will learn, my habibi

Holy fuck !! this is real??
They are really retarded LMAO

yeah thanks for correcting man

Kys muslim apologist, atheists go to hell.

Rofl thats not real, its from a satire facebook page.

The correct way is like, "we will make Finland into our Finnic caliphate, inshallah (god willing)
The more you know :^)

i don't bow down to immigrant religion like christianity

True it is hilarious imaging her not sucking his muslim cock like a good German.

no he's not

And btw... pic related

Yeah he is. Mormons don't cover their heads since the 30s.

so when u gonna blow up?

Finnic-Khanate soon

>me on the right

If they see the hair they must rape. It's in the koran.

Nice damage control, Abdul

Yes, it is actually real. I forget the guys title, but the dude in charge of making sure television is appropriate (Like our FCC chairman or whatever) had it censored for the broadcast haha

I'm with Finn bro on this. Agnostic

Okay that's fucking hilarious.

Even if I forced my dick into Merkel against her will, she would still be the one raping me.
Never seen a woman so ugly I get a reverse boner and tickle my prostate from inside.