I cried for the first time about 9/11 today. I've always felt strongly about it, of course...

I cried for the first time about 9/11 today. I've always felt strongly about it, of course, and I have no idea why today specifically. But I just suddenly felt the urge to watch some of the footage again, and when I did I wept uncontrollably for minutes. I'm starting to think that I've been holding it back all this time, and it's only now cropped up. I know some of you will invariably call me a pussy for this shit, but I don't give a fuck. Fuck me, a lot of people need to be crucified in this world. Sorry for wasting a thread on this shit, I just need to vent a bit to people who understand.

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nah m8 i get it.
trust me we murrifats would probably get mad pissed if you guys got one of your main cities fucked up and thousands ate shit.

I'm here for you user

I'm the same way

Whenever I think about a horrible tragedy (e.g. 9/11, the sinking of the Titanic, the Holocaust, etc.) I start tearing up.

US government creates little 9/11's every hour. Weep for those dead too.

Thank you. As odd as it may sound to say of the companionship of anonymous strangers on a mongolian rice farming scroll, I appreciate it.




>me irl

topkek user

You had to have been there to know how out of control everything felt. There was a attack going on and nobody could do anything to stop it.

False flag . I crack up every time I watch it

Is this you user?

Or this?

People still died.

It's the clingers and jumpers that get to me, OP

i legit cried when i watched that attack in france with the truck, didnt help i was on a shitload of acid

Fuck Israel for doing 9/11
They will pay

9/11 was the start of this shit, I swear to god. Blow up some towers and the rest of the rats get a set of balls on them.

I was 6 when it happened. Still remember when the second plane hit.

Here's some music that I think really gets across the feeling of 9/11


I don't know how I should feel.
I mean I never cried about it, I felt really bad when I first heard about it. Maybe a little unsafe.

>Horrible tragedy
Pick one please

i think i was around 5, i didn't really understand the significance and why my parents were so upset at the time

That's not it. It's that we botched the response.

The World we have now, the world Sup Forums worships of Nationalism and race purity is the exact future Bin Laden hoped for.

Burning it all down was his plan, and he baited all the haters to become his allies.

Bin Laden would want LaPen before Macron for sure. Hillary and Trump would both serve his purpose.

Bin Laden is winning. And you all take blame.

>I'm sad about violence
>Lets crucify more people

starting with you

its almost as if there some brawndo has electrolytes kind of delusion so deep you cant recognize basic contradictions of logic in your own statements

thank the kikes for that feel leafboi

"They hate our freedom"

Dropped you dumb leaf

These people launch indiscriminate terror attacks across the world in order to intimidate the world at large into submission. The people in those towers had nothing to do with the Middle East. They weren't even in the same fucking continent. They were just trying to do their jobs, feed their children, live their lives in whatever precious little peace this world could allow for them.

They're dead now, because some sand niggers have wet dreams of ruling the world through terror and fear. To say that they deserve crucifixion is an understatement, it'd simply be an appropriate gate to eternal damnation. I have zero remorse for the righteous fury they're awakening in the west. We razed Rome to it's foundations, and we'll obliterate Mecca to ash.

Nah, you're a fucking retard, he wanted the entire World to be Muslims. You're also a faggot.

>I know some of you will invariably call me a pussy for this shit, but I don't give a fuck.
OP cant inb4

9/11 was the absolute shifting of the paradigm.

I still remember being a child and watching at couple leap hand and hand to their deaths

I could write volumes on what I felt in that moment

Maybe you would enjoy my write-up, the 9/11 catharsis was a major barrier to my "activation" so to speak.

A lot of people who make light of 9/11 are young kids who have no grasp on what the victims actually experienced before they died.

I know I was the same way.

pretty sure they did titanic too, the motive and "unsinkable" just screams noseberg

I started crying when I saw the French terrorists attack at the bataclan theater

I'm a professional musician. That was just so sad to see a bunch of people go out to see an indie band and get mowed down/tortured by a bunch of goatfuckers.

Sandy Hook had me fucked up. Inb4 "It never happened." yeah whatever. At the time, the headline story was "20 1st graders and 6 adults shot dead."

Not exactly a comfy Friday evening news story

I kept hoping the casulties would rise above 100 and it did. Stayed up all night on Sup Forums and almost shit my pants laughing because of that Australian.

I enjoy reflecting on tragedies I lived through. I was very young during 9/11 so I don't recall much.

Boston Marathon: Glued to the TV because the ensuing manhunt was insane
Sandy Hook: genuine grief
2016 Dallas police ambush: pure rage
Pulse Nightclub: Dark sense of vindication because it was only a matter of time until a deranged towlie went apeshit

^ Just a few that stand out

Well after I cried, somebody posted "The Sinful Nation of France" sermon by Steven Anderson and I laughed very hard. Classic stuff

>Crying for 3000 people you didn't know that died 16 years ago.
You have a cushy life.

yeah I feel so bad for those (((bankers and investors))) who died in the attack

so tragic

Kill your self please leaf.

one time the clock was 9:11 and i cried
no homo

Says the Achmed as he receives handouts from the German government.

Christians and whites need to stick together. Fuck all Jews and Muslims.

jews did it, was an offering
falseflag, was a hoax. was connected to the (((cult))). the kids were sacrificed elsewhere

Amerifats are predictable and stupid with the lowest post quality of all nations on Sup Forums.

>I cried for the first time about 9/11 today
kikes don't share the same sentiment

Good one, Mahmoud.

yes, OP
I also cry when I see controlled demolitions.

oh please indulge me: Did you draw that Sandy Hook conclusion the day it happened?

look up the familes' connections to local lodges and strange churches. all im going to say

you didn't answer my question

yes and so did the majority of Sup Forums at the time. also it was predicted on here months in advance. it was obvious.

Mecca isn't going to be turned to ash, Canada's military is too shitty

alright, fair enough. see, at the time, all I 'knew' was that 20 kids just got massacred and that was unsettling.

The thought of 9/11 usually never upset me, but I watched this the other day and choked up. Honestly could not stop thinking about it for a few days, and I've seen a lot of gore that has never phased me. This got me though.
>the fucking end

they wouldve been better off dying there.

Listening to the phone calls with desperate people still inside the WTC right before the building collapses still scare me to this day. It's the sudden shriek of fear that quickly gets cut off by drawn out static that I can't get over.

Yup, what I just posted. It's something about it, the fear in their voice is so fucking real that it makes me uncomfortable.
Imagine just the floor collapsing beneath your feet for you to fall and eventually be crushed by the ceiling above you.
Imagine the panic you would feel in that short time.