Bill the SJW goy

Is anyone else bothered by Bill Nye Saces the World and his leftist views without debate, or his view on denying chromosomes, or even better Netflix removing a clip from an original bill nye episode where they explain there are only 2 genders.

It's kind of a sad reflection of mainstream society, but overall, it is just TV, they have an audience they wish to pander to and that's what they're doing.
I don't expect it to have any real, far reaching consequences. Seems like he's getting more hate than love over it.

His use of should could be ok, but I know it's not.

Welcome to modern propaganda.

I sent the sex junk video to my bluepilled friends and all of them were horrified and lost respect for bill

He's not a goy though.

Half of the humans are
So I think half of the
should be women.


Wait, netflix censored the original bill nye episode?

Not really. I believe in aliens. I am going to be out of the mainstream for a long time. And you ain't saving the world without them.

hmm I saw the clip and the way I saw it he was hoping? That half of scientists could be women.Not that they should be just because they are women.Its kind of like him saying "hey half this population is women,so I hope that half the scientists will be women trying to go into the field"

Then again,after that FUCKING AWFUL show...I cant really tell anymore.

Half of the humans are women, so I think that half of the construction workers, miners, sewer workers, truck drivers, janitors, car manufacturer workers, oil riggers etc. should be women.

It's very bothersome. most people are fortunately horrified by it, but the attempt of the marxist propagandists to use nostalgia as an appeal for their agenda is terrifying in of itself, and is something that I'm sure will eventually work if done more subtly

I always knew Bill Nye was awful, especially after he advocated for imprisonment of climate change deniers, but this caught even myself by surprise

He never said that there were only two genders from the original show.

I doubt he said what he said on the picture OP posted either.

>Allowing your opinion to be skewed by some faggot messing around with photoshop

type it in,go check the video.I saw it on bloomberg.He says it around 45 seconds in.

The way Netflix removed the old clip was sickening, it reeked of the rewriting of history that takes place in totalitarian states. I couldn't help but be reminded of the way the Soviet Union, or the Ministry of Truth from 1984, doctored old photos/documents.

>"We have always been at war with Eastasia."
>"There have always been 60 genders."

It doesn't just reek of it it's literally rewriting history. The easiest way to control the populace is to make all of them think they're insane and gaslighting is one of, if not the most, effective way to do that.

If half of humans are women, how is gender a spectrum? How are there 87 genders?

Is this assumption safe? ( equality of intelligence among races and genders)
It's like politically correct version of poor people are stupid because they're lazy, and reverse.

>tfw to intelligent to be logically consistent

Liberals are the new facists, they change facts to suit their beliefs now.

Welcome to the enlightened future!

>white people should be penalised for having more than one child
>also we need more immigrants to bring up birthrates

shill nye the acting guy

half of people are women, so I think half of garbagemen should be women