How does it feel knowing that the white race will be gone in a few centuries and all white countries will be destroyed

how does it feel knowing that the white race will be gone in a few centuries and all white countries will be destroyed


We will have a colony on mars. The Martian Republic will return in a couple centuries to reclaim earth which will be a giant brazil by then.

Oddly satisfying knowing without any aid from whites africa will starve to death. And the middle east will literally annihilate themselves because of different views on things. Asians will overpopulate and use up all forms of natural resources. Basically without whitey keeping the balance in check you are all fucked.

Also sage

Good, because you'll all be property of China, if they don't genocide you

our future bloodline will be blacked no matter what

His head looks like an egg in this picture.

I'm not white, I'm ethnic Chinese, so it's not like I care.

China is more civilized than white people (white society is full of crazy people fighting for LGBTTQQIAAP schyzophrenic theories whereas China is full of scientists working on quantum technology.

We'll be dead by then. At least we can enjoy it while it lasts.

what a faggot

Chinese are soulless bugs mate. your homelands are a dystopian hellhole where you enslave your own people. Literal sub-humans

Feel's bad. I can't imagine a world without white wombs to pollute.

feels bad man

The real red pill: /polp is contributing to the white race dying out by spending time here and not spending time making more white babies.

its satisfying to know this entire planet will burn and cause every non-white a tremendously painful death

that's called total meme war warfare

I feel great knowing I was a member of the white race and nothing can take that away. The nigger world of the future will starve to death.

'Civilized' if you can call thieving, cheating, and swindling sub-humans so. Just as bad as Indians.

Sure they are

And when they genicide non-Han Chinese through gene therapy, everyone can blame white people

It's because of the smartest of the Jews controlling the stupidest of the goy.

There are only 13 million of them, I don't think they are superior by any means, but they have an innate desire for control, and they shamelessly work together while spreading the message that europeans working together is racist.


t. High IQ european

If whites go everyone loses anyway

Feels good because once whitey is gone, everyone else is gone too.

Wait you think Jamal ibn Spearchucker is actually going to build and invent?