YRYL Your Rage You Lose - "Your daily redpill" edition


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anyone still in this thread? Should I keep going ?


Tbqhwy pham if all western countries remained at

True but that's would never happen


what a beast

its like those kids have never seen a white man...they are subconsciously attracted to his beauty and superiority

whats wrong with your finger?



Lol, 5%? We're at least at 20% in Sweden in terms of practicing Muslims. 5% was 3 decades ago.

The back of the bus sure is big nowadays

>people think MLP will have a chance in 2022 if she loses today

Demographics are destiny




What the fuck happened to Clerical Celibacy? And you better not tell me that bitch is carpet munching outside of marriage.

Today's elections will define the future of Europe imo

thats not really rage worthy though whats on the phones is more important to them than high European culture.



looks tasty, no wonder merkele is doing this



>woman in position of power

Say what?



Get on my level



this one gets me all the time

Ahh Shit

I lost.

I lost my shit, fucking gutter cunts!

Look at his incompetent cunt fucking face.

they're using the bloody app from the museum. And if that is bullshit its high art and this is a bunch of fucking kids. They're not gonna be interested nor should you expect them to be.

fuck you i came to be mad not sad

Is (((Bilderberg))) foundation feeding MKUltra drugs to it's "guests"?
I don't think this insanity can be explained otherwise.


this is posted so many times. They are using an app provided by the museum to read more about the art.

What a fucking cunt, he should be publicly hanged for making such a retarded statement. If I was that girl's father I'd want to go after the Somali kid, and then this fucker.


fucking triggered

He's actually an old anarch-capitalist. His prime minister when he was minister was Fredrik Reinfeldt, who early in his political career talked about how the Swedes are lazy and dumb and how we have to dismantle the welfare system. It's not entirely unfeasible that they want to destroy the social democratic hegemony that we've had for pretty much a 100 years through destroying the demographic. Anarchists don't generally believe in states or nations so they wouldn't care.

Cucked by your own father. Lol what i woman trusting liberal idiot. I hope that kid rocks his life and never talks to his retard dipshit dad again.

can someone get me a sauce for this

what do you call it? sweater?

shitfuckingcunt this got to me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Rape culture in action.

those guys look alirte!
what's the big fuckn deal.
worked with poeople from round the world and the hardest working friendliest looke djust like pic centre.
stop being so fuckn scared and go outside.
literally don't care if u call me jew or shill or whatever get a life

a military or torture museum may hold their interest abit better..

yes, it's a sweater, not jersey

but somehow white men have to apologies for everything bad happened in the society?

really makes me think

and Paris, and London, and Nice, and St Petersberg, and the rapes in Europe, and the crimes committed by us, and Paris again, and Paris again, and Orlando, and San Bernandino, and don't forget 9/11, and 7/7

>using comic sans for an official letter

underrated kek, almost didn't notice the other tabs open

A lesbian wants to remove crosses from a heathen temple? The pagans are stirring up again. Curious

I think the parent who did this should be raped and killed, promptly. I would never do it or tell someone to, but if I were a judge, that is what I would sentence


>read also: Sweden to become a third world country by 2030, according to un

This is supposed to be a YRYL? Thank god, if it were YLYL I'd have fucking lost at that.

No way is this real. Even OUR greens aren't this fucking stupid

thanks for the good laugh butter knife


good thing that Hong Kong isn't a part of this degeneracy

What's comic sans?

This makes me want to cry.

I love how committed this man is to the customs of reddit when he blogs this, it reads like a teenager wrote it.

a font.


tl;dr its what you use in comics and is known for its informality. If you would use it as a business or an essay people won't be amused, hell I think most universities wont allow you to publish in comic sans.

wrong fucking place to be writing that stuff ahmed

this never fails to piss me off

are you rdy bois?


cause imma drop dem red pills

This is fair tho. it was an oversight on the army's part, they didn't realise that it damaged women's hips and they forced them to cripple themselves. The women stuck with it because they love the army and this country that much. And once enough army doctors noticed and pointed it out; the army did the responsible thing and paid the people a generous but proportionate amount to help alleviate the problems that they caused.


Gonna need source on that OP, sounds too outrageous to be true.



Fuck off, spoonfeeder. It takes the cuck less time to fucking google it than to ask the fucking question in the first place, let alone the time you spent getting the link and adding your reddit-tier tldr. Let that faggot figure it out by himself. The collective works of humanity are, for the most part, available online at his fucking fingertips. If he can't figure it out with that at his disposal, then he doesn't fucking deserve to know.



watch these things will make sense

These will make you think

Why do liberals celebrate this stuff so much?


They hate white people

They hate the whites more than they do terrorists, they genuinely think that whites were responsible for the misery of the poo people and we only got lucky

Damn something like this happened in my school. A girl said she got raped by a teacher, instantly he got send home to wait out the investigation, police were called, girl got sent to therapy. After a week of non-conclusive research she spilled the beans and admitted she lied about it to get back at him for giving her a low grade and refusing to let her to a resit (she had no rights to). The teacher got a honorable discharge.

Fuck I think I lost.

it's too early for me to be this mad


>Talk with female friend about wage gap
>Says the only man in the company earns significantly more than any other woman for doing the same job
>Turns out he only earns 60€ more because he drives them all to work and lifts all the heavy shit for them.

I hate that bitch now.

This one is just sad.

This one is legitimately fucked. The school I teach at just had a GSA Pride day of sorts, but kids were free to sit out if they didn't want to participate and that's the way it should be.


That's all good and well but what about the fucking Saracens from Särkland?

He should of hit her back

>that last one
Is that a fucking fetus? Christ.