Just like how we conquered Constantinople, just like how we conquered Anatolia...

Just like how we conquered Constantinople, just like how we conquered Anatolia, just like how we conquered once-used-to-be-christian Egypt, Levant, North Africa and Iran, we will conquer Europe, we will conquer Asia and then we will conquer the whole world. Whereever we go, we will wave the banners of Allah.
Allah is on our side. Your fake gods are not real.
Allahu Akbar
Ash Hadu An La Ilaha IllAllah Wa Ashadu An Na Muhammadan Abduhu Wa Rasulu, La ilaha illal la Muhammed ur rasul allah

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why do muslims pretend like we couldn't reduce the muslim population to 0 in a matter of seconds?

Hurddhurdd Muh Allahs Muh Islams Muh old wars muh getting ass raped by USA bombs everyday




The daily turk baiter is here again. They always fall for it lmfao

Listen here sandnigger, I'll retake Constantinople after I crusade your men and country. The tenth crusade will be the crusade of reckoning and like St. George, I will lead the assault on the nonbelievers. Your land and women will be ours. Prepare to get fucked by the long and girthy dick of Christianity.

Deus Vult, we will retake Jerusalem and we will retake Constantinople

And then we dismantled your empire and give the land to gods chosen people

Hopefully the theory on whether or not roaches can survive a nuclear war is gonna get tested real soon.

lol this

Have you been to your biggest cities lately
Hw many muslims do you see?
that's right. your kids will be Abdullah, not John.

Imagine the very last scene of the last Little House on the Prairie episode, but with nuclear weapons.

I know an insect wouldn't understand this reference to a Christian television program, but go ahead, use your imagination.


you have to go back
pic related





Have you been to YOUR biggest cities lately?
How many muslims do YOU see?

would rather live in a country with 4.5% muslims than a country with 99%

>hurr durr, let us in the eu, were european

fuck off lad.

This is a people board not a roach motel, t*rk

>Islamic army
>Bunch of swords and horses
You realize we have guns now, right? And they're better than your shitty swords and horses. If the USA wanted to, we could easily take Constantinople back, and all of Turkey as well. 2nd Byzantine empire when?

Then why are you christian subhumans posting on this board
Do you actually think we want to join EU because we think we're european? that's wrong.
We want to join EU so that we can turn it into a caliphate and destroy the christianity. Just like in good old days.
Our muslim akhis are doing a pretty good job in your cities and countries. they breed faster than sissy christians.


i didn't know the montenegro bros were so hard against the turks in these modern times, ah well, i say fuck the god damn turks also. they worship a faggot pedophile

>most secular islamic country
>alcohol legal
>prostitution legal
>turning anyone into a caliphate

you will get jihad'd way before us lad.

I cant describe my hate for your kind


>Ash Hadu An La Ilaha IllAllah Wa Ashadu An Na Muhammadan Abduhu Wa Rasulu, La ilaha illal la Muhammed ur rasul allah

I'm convinced Arabic isn't a language. It's just one guy yodeling at another, who pretends to understand him and yodels back, and then everyone fires their AK47s into the air and yodels together

allah is the devil youll get destroyed by a weak army that comes out of nowhere just like in vienna or lepanto

Religion thread?
I'm quite happy with my God, now fuck off. Alla is not real by the way, you mindless insect.

i think that we serbs and turks should collaborate in killing off the biggest threat to world peace which is the US

>Imblying can accomblish all that with sub 70 iq.

OP does not know is history. He forgets that we already drove them out of Europe once and we'll do it again.
Also, the only reason why Muslims are allowed to exist is oil. You're living on borrowed time and when the need for oil ends, so will you.

why would a Czech care abut an US soldier?
I've always thought you're retarded, roaches, but this is just pushing it to a new level.

When you niggers conquer America I'll be impressed. We have 100 million rednecks with guns.


Hey Turkroach. You're back! Dont worry, we're still waiting. RLTW

Keep dreaming

Remember when you guys got btfo by poos?


Dead muslims during crusades.

Shut the fuck up jamal and make me some kebab!

Muhammad was a homoseual who kissed young boys on the mouth.

turkroach shoo

back under your damp rock

Äbälä wäbälä simsalabim..

Wow got one, congratulations for your great victory! Your funny boi.

>just like some racially unrelated ideology made us their servants we are going to turn good lands and civilized countries to shit and the serpents of some desert bandit
>soon the world will be the servant of some Arab desert bandit ideology we have been for centuries now.
>the desert bandits lies is our reality
>his lies are better than other lies
>ashwharbbbllrrrgg wharbl hrrgngbbrllr waharblegrrrgurgl nnhhgggbbrrlbl Ah Ah whagurgle muhawhahrrbllrlrllll [saliba drooling]

Mh okay. Good luck then...?^^'

That is a fucking brutal way to die.

not really, you would be dead in an instant


>calling other nations subhuman
hahaha xD


>implying god is real

top kek

God is not real
Allah is.

Bring knights of Rhodes too.

They want a rematch.

are you fucking retarded? You want to conquer the world while murdering your own kind. Not a smart way to go. Whites conquered the world because we are amazing on the other hand you can't even figure out who is your enemy.

>Tfw mudslime problem solves itself

Ottoman source claim Carolux Rex was a trap.
He apparently seduced half of Ottoman Palace.

Is that true?


>implying atheism is the truth
fucking kek


I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:

And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Why don't you talk about spain? You tried to conquer Spain and if it took us 1000 years old to get you the fuck out of Europe, we did. And we stopped your fucking armies in many places like Lepanto.

The european spirit is alive. It's true you're winning some battles. But don't claim victory yet.

We will annihilate every single muslim. It's a matter of time. You say you will conquer the world? My poor friend. Nobody can kill the european spirit.

Plato, Aristotle, Alexander The Great, Julius Caesar, Marcus Aurelius, Charles Martel, The old Popes, The Catholic Kings, Caesar Borgia, Charles The V, The founder fathers, Napoleon, Nietzsche, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco...

We have inherited their will and this cannot be stopped. You, your race and your GOD will perish. Wait and see.

Be proud to be subhuman cockroach.
You didnt conquer nothing. You only destabilize your own land. Shitskins are invtited to Europe and feed while native citizens work. This is not conquer. This is just stupidy of degenrated politics. You have your islamic london and paris already. Only reason you are even to do anythink becose traitors support you. We could solve your problem in 3 months. Just cut all wellfare and shut down electricity in your ghetos.

What a suprise. Like nobody knows it.



>tfw rice field
China had enslaved us for over 1000 years then got BTFO'd by a fucking fisherman. Not even Nip or Faguette or even Mighty Burger can conquer us. We will be the last defense line against Islamic sandniggers.


>Alexander the Great

Lol he considered his empire a successor to the Persian empire, not some faggot icenigger empire.


Considered themselves Greek, not European. They viewed Europeans as savages, the only people who were comparable to the Greeks at the time were the Indians as indicated by Hellenic writings.

>you didn't conquer nothing

So they conquered something? Lol.

The only bigger faggot than OP is Muhammad

1. Persians at that time were not muslim. They were the greatest empire and were pretty advanced compared to the rest of the world and a kid just fucked them up

2. A fucking canadian is gonna teach me something about european history? There was not an idea of Europe like at that time like there is today. But what is Europe now? Europe is basically Greek Culture + Roman/latin Culture + Christanity. And we won't let some goat fuckers get anything.

Please, I've been in Canada and it's basically a Chinese colony. Go to China Town and eat some dog and then read a fucking book.

t. English teacher in Japan

Lol, let's stick to English m8, you're not too informed on history.

>a kid just fucked them up

Nah, the achaemenids fell through internal conflict, Alexander just sweeped up the remains. Which is also why he spent years conquering small areas in bactria because they were not part of the Achaemenids and therefore were able to put up a stiff resistance.

The greek/Roman culture is lost when you add something as retarded as Christianity into the mix. Even you agree that Muslim Persians are nothing like zoroastrians yet you have managed to delude yourself into thinking that pre-Christian Europe is akin to modern day Europe. Fucking lel, all you Semites are the same.

>Please, I've been in Canada and it's basically a Chinese colony. Go to China Town and eat some dog and then read a fucking book.

I'd imagine so, half the English teachers in Japan are just Weebs from here

Good thing the Chinse lack altruism and would easily decimate you in a war

You can't even understand the Declaration of Independence of America without studying Plato and you're telling me there's not a direct relation between Ancient Greece and Modern Europe.

Seriously, you Canadians deserve to have Trudeau as president forever. Can't wait to see until you're all muslim trans-lesbian chinese and everything you eat is just dogs, cats and insects.

t. Japanese English Teacher

>You can't even understand the Declaration of Independence of America without studying Plato and you're telling me there's not a direct relation between Ancient Greece and Modern Europe.

You know, generally when people make insanely unlikely claims they'll provide some evidence. I'm guessing this does not apply to balding 30 year old white guys with body pillows.

>Can't wait to see until you're all muslim trans-lesbian chinese and everything you eat is just dogs, cats and insects.

Zoroastrians are vegetarian. GG.