People of France who have not voted yet

People of France who have not voted yet.,

Please for the love of God will you PLEASE get out and vote Le Pen.

I urge you to address the fact that Europe is in danger of crashing off a cliff in the next 50-100 years if it continues in the direction it is heading.

Imagine the horrors that await Europe in the future if mindless left wing over-tolerance ignores dangerous patterns clearly visible today.

A vote for Le Pen is a vote towards helping point Europe in a better direction for the future.

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I know Stefan Molyneux gets some shit on Sup Forums but listening to a few of his videos explains in detail some of the future problems France could be dealing with if Macron gets into power today.



Fuck lads I accidentally voted Macron I just realized this. What do?


I am praying for my french bros

I really want to do gay sex with Francois Hollande. Hnnnngghhh. He could teach me French kissing. Hnnngghhhhh

Nope, not voting for either they are both trash. Although for politcal game reasons I hope lepen wins. But I can't vote for her because it would make my life much more difficult (no double nationalities and shit).

Kek is not with us this time. Sadly, Macron will win.

As much as we give the frogs a bit of stick, we genuinely don't want France to become the next Sweden or Germany.

This is a VITAL election for Europe, not just France.

> in the next 50-100 years
I admire your optimism

who the fuck cares about you

Imagine the future of Europe when Putin's little slut takes over in France?

There is no difference, all candidates in all elections suck.

Double nationality is moronic.

Every fuking western country needs to look out for each other, forget about the past, and preserve ourselves

Imagine the future of Europe when there are no borders.

votez ici, vote here

go back to france and ask for a new election

You hope she will win but you will not vote for her? Don't be such a fucking coward.


For the country not for my personal interests that come before.

Are you fucking serious?

>Can't vote for either bc they are shit
>But hope lepen wins
>But not rly cause will make my life hard

Just because you've labelled two things in your head as "bad" doesn't make them equal.

You fucking french deserve everything that happens to you.

It will take time to implement changes, and for a while Marine will be weak even if she wins. Just give her vote. I wouldn't worry.

Stop voting Le Pen

Might not desu senpai


This is a critical point in their history; will they learn their lesson and resist or will they roll over for the Germans again?

Just did my part

The only time I ever voted in my life was for Brexit, you French fucks better not be more autistic than even me.

Yeah bro, FUCK western civilization. I mean it was nice, but I can't be mildly inconvenienced at the customs house.

If you represent modern europe, we are truly fucked.

You can do it frogs, take your country back!

Vote le pen for this dead french girl.

Exactly. It's not a joke anymore.

It used to be clear to most Westerners 10-20 years ago that you could easily say: "France is a good place to go on holiday", rather than now we say "France USED to be a good place to go."

That's the problem I'm seeing.


Go now and vote for Le Pen.

Not just for France, but for the preservation of Europe and European values, tradition and culture.

Come on!

>not posting the real image

lol, get fucked, baguettes. Macron (aka Merkel's fuckboi) has already won.


Good man.

true, and every frenchman has known this since the 23rd.
Non french don't understand our politics.

Don't worry, I voted yesterday in NYC. For Macron that is.


This is France.

Le Pen is shit and so are you.


And this is also France.

Just watch how your country becomes even more Islamized if Macron wins.

I think you're preaching to the choir here, mate.

Forgot pic. derp

Fukkin' get 'em.

This map makes me want to puke

Waste of time, she will lose.

Yes it is somewhat cartoonish since it is from a travel website, but still representative of some aspects of your country in a positive way, I'm on your side believe it or not and care about France since it is a good country in Europe.

I don't want to start saying France USED to be a good country.

>Let Pen wins, gradual progress back towards traditionalism that will eventually fall back into degeneracy
>Other cuck wins, Europe falls into chaos and war, fourth Reich rises

Haven't read the diary yet have you kiddo? Big things need to come for big changes to come. If your girl loses its no big deal, just keep stocking up on ammo and stay ready.

>ethnic Chinese
>supports French nationalists
>but doesn't feel like going through the pain of going outside and voting for someone who doesn't even belong to his own race
What do you think of me, guys?

France has fallen since 1993, traites de maastricht. It's over for us and has been since then. Seguin was right.

It's okay my British cousin. Even if France votes to implode on itself, we still got each others' backs.

Dear Froggie neighbours!
The Brit is right. The EU hasn't learned one bit from the Brexit. It is still headed for desaster in a Swedish kind of way. If we don't stop this here and now, we will not be different from North Africa in 50 - 100 years. Please don't believe liberal and socialist bullshit, it has all turned out to be wrong.

Don't you think you're preaching to the choir user, are you okay?

Just vote for le Pen and then go back to Algeria.
Be useful for once in your life Karim.

Go vote u pussy

I think that if you can't assimilate to a country and recognize that it has a racial majority that you don't belong to, then you should get the fuck out of it, cuck.

If everywhere turns into an islamic caliphate, you will not be safe anywhere.


We have a state election in a quarter of Germany next sunday and a federal election in September.
I've got my voter's card right here next to me and am ready to make a change!

Unfortunately you are right, it shouldn't have to get to that point, we should be smart enough to see a huge problem growing in advance of civil war, but it seems like the direction is going to become impossible to sort out diplomatically.

>Le Pen

If you don't assimilate then go in China. We don't need people who live in this country without identifying themselves as french citizens.
If you don't want to go to China go vote.

What is the problem here? Just don't vote and play video game instead. What is going to happen to you?

I don't give a care about not being French, I'll keep staying here because as long as I want to because I have the right to. At least I am honest about admitting I don't feel French and I wouldn't give a care if the white race went extinct though I sympathize with you. You have no right to tell me to get out of your countries when your countries have given me the right to stay.

I can return to China anywhere I can and I'm pretty sure Chinese people aren't like white cucks who welcome invaders instead of fighting back.

I never said there was anything wrong with me :^)

France is finished - it's cucked too much.

You make me feel good about what we did to you slit-eyed barbarians with opium.

Voting Le Pen is more important than video games today.

Accelerationism literally never works under any context.

>Muslims massacred Charlie Hebdo, then hundreds at Bataclan, then hundred more at Nice and then cut the head off a priest in his own church while he celebrated mass
>the French vote for the guy who wants more Muslims

This is why we think the French are cowards. This is why we call you surrender monkeys. What will it take for you to get off the bench and into the game?

Brits should have stayed in Hong Kong.
Just like you never left Guantanamo as you had agreed to do.

Well, WE didn't agree to. The President did. I don't recall Congress saying that we would leave.

But yes, I agree. Brits should have stayed in Hong Kong and convinced the Chinese that Muslim spleens were a source of vitality, because that is precisely how you wipe a species off the face of the Earth.

You're right. I read somewhere that powdered rhinoceros horn is now worth more than it's weight in gold and even heroin!

>surrender monkeys
That's just a meme though honestly, just look at history and our number of victories over defeats.

Yeah. There are so many species that have gone extinct or become nearly extinct because some slopes thought that their organs were an aphrodisiac or some shit like that.

We kind of did that with the American bison, but that wasn't because we thought it had mystical powers or whatever. We just liked the meat and hide.

I suppose you fellows did that with various peoples around 70 years ago, hehe.

Look at the ones in recent history.

>thinking a fourth reich will rise
It'll be more like this:
>EU slides into chaos, with increasing frequency of terrorist attacks
>Individual countries in the EU lose the ability to seal their borders as dealing with urban insurgency becomes more difficult
>Mossad triggers more political crises in the Middle East and North Africa
>Largest ever wave of migrants flows into Europe, leading to permanent destabilization of national states

Oh shit I forgot ! But I'm enjoying the beautiful countryside of my area.

Ever since Napoleon you have been nothing but surrender monkeys.

who's /Gironde/ here ?

France did more to genocide indigenous white people than any nation.

>be occitan
>speak your mother language which is occitan and which is spoken in Marseilles
>French government uses Vergonha to shame your speaking your language (
>French government at the same time destroy you ethnically by settling Arabs and Niggers in Marseilles
>niggers and Arabs are more french than you afterall, they believe in "muh french values"
>Occitan people today gone

The same happened to white Bretons, Elsaser, Burgundians and to white Corsicans. Why do Americucks loves France so much?

Last time I checked, every Chinese who knows a bit about muslims know what muslims are like. Please stop thinking everyone is as stupid as white people. Anyway, white people actually also know what muslims are like, the difference lies in the fact they pretend they don't know anything in order to claim they have compassion and feel good aboutit. Typical hypocrisy from white people who can't mind their own business and who are paying the price for it. Farewell, white people!

>love France
They allied with Turkroaches, go figure.

Why would they go to china if they can rape, pillage, steal, and destroy Europe with impunity in France?

> Nah don't be cucked by establishment fashie rubbish.
> Fascism is capitalism's response to crisis, covered in a false front of anti-establishment language but still the same old bs but worse
> Scapegoating marginalised people won't save us we need to recognise the real enemy

My teacher in school talked occitan.

>Faragebot is desperate because a Macron victory will mean his plans of seeing the EU collapse will go down the shitter

Sorry sweetie, Britain is all alone. Now man the fuck up and fix our economy after the shitstorm you caused.

You have to go back.

>Please for the love of God will you PLEASE get out and vote Le Pen.


I wish I could live in a white London and visit a white Paris.

Any frog who can vote for Le Pen and doesn't will be exterminated when the allied troops march through France in the Anglo-Eurabian war.

A soulless, selfish, disrespectful chink that just uses the world for personal gain regardless of its effect on others, just like the stereotype. You should be ashamed at proving your race to be lesser.

>Stop thinking everyone is as stupid as white people

Yeah okay, well while we've been moving mountains and laying the foundation for modern society for the past several thousand years, you've been wallowing in venereal diseases and the corpses of dead pandas over in your uncivilized, backwards little self-important boondock of a nation state. China's biggest contribution to the world was Szechuan sauce, Morty.

Anna, I'm sure you can remain half-bong.

>uses the world for personal gain
>uses the world
Wow, weird way to phrase things. Hey, I didn't break any laws and I'm paying my taxes, I have every right to benefit from your laws, okay? I'm also not into hidden drug dealings.

>personal gain
Oh, so you aren't interested in personal gain? Isn't the existence of the white race something like a personal gain to you? Are you also going to forbid yourself from living?

You're a lesser mythomaniac human, no wonder why Africans don't like white people.

China is developing quantum technology, America is spending billions on a stone wall.

J'ai une excellente idée: si vous pensez toujours que vous voulez voter pour Macaroni & Cheese, réfléchissez au sujet de votre avenir. Accédez à Sup Forums et attendez les threads REKT mettant en vedette de nombreuses images d'ISIS meurtrières telles que des homosexuels supposés qui sont jetés des toits, des décapitations d'adolescents et d'autres personnes innocentes. Après avoir regardé les threads ISIS REKT, faites des recherches sur les meurtres d'honneur. À titre d'exemple: récemment un musulman a assassiné sa propre soeur après sa rentrée d'être kidnappé. Alors qu'elle a été enlevée, elle a été violée par des super-héros musulmans. Quand elle est rentrée à la maison, son frère l'a assassinée parce qu'elle était une «putain» et que son temps de victime de viol a fait honte à sa famille. Les musulmans. Après avoir lu beaucoup d'autres histoires inspirantes sur la façon dont les musulmans traitent leurs femmes cessent de lire pendant un certain temps et vont trouver d'autres threads ISIS REKT. Ensuite, allez à liveleak et regardez les vidéos de meurtres ISIS. Ensuite, pensez profondément avant de voter pour Macron. Voulez-vous que l'islam entre dans votre vie pour toujours? Voulez-vous l'islam et ses influences soudent de plus en plus de pouvoir politique? Un vote pour Macron est un vote pour l'islam et un vote pour le terrorisme et un vote pour le cancer.

China has 4 times as many people, yet produces half as much in GDP, and much of that comes directly from industrial espionage in Western countries.

Meanwhile, they're irreversibly poisoning their groundwater and farmlands, and are about to experience the largest population crash in history.

Chinese people literally purchase cans of fresh air from the US and Canada just to experience what clean air is like.