Why do leftards like Avocados so much...

Why do leftards like Avocados so much ? Is it because they are flavorless and bland like their lives or is it because they are foreign and exotic ?

How can we solve the Avocucko problem ?

>Canadians still allowed to make threads

They're rich and delicious on a sandwich or in a taco. I guess it can't be helped that you don't enjoy them, but more for me.

its a pretty good source of fat macro idk if i can join in on this hating of vegetables on my politics board

People in the carribean have been eating this shit since the fucking 1st century, what are you talking about? Never eaten arroz con habichuelas chuleta maiz con aguacate? Fucking divine

wtf i hate avacados now

As if I needed another reason to hate fucking leafs. But you gave me one.

What if I cut avocado because I want to cut myself?

Ban assault avocados.

fuck off. Now food is leftist.

You fucks need to get out more.

>Be libtard
>Kill myself cutting fruit

Then you are edgy as fuck and deserve to bleed out.

first post is best post

this thread is useless and moronic. OP go fuck yourself

I have come to the conclusion that avocados are magic. Or maybe they are magicians, masters of disguise. They are a fruit but they aren’t sweet so they taste more like a vegetable. They are delicious in savoury dishes, particularly when paired with spices, lime, and garlic (mmmm, guacamole!). But they are also remarkably good in sweet recipes as well. They can be forward and in your face, being all “hey look at me, I am a delicious avocado”! Or they can be completely hidden, just hanging out in the recipe, boosting the nutrition without drawing attention to themselves. And with all those healthy fats, they can play the role of butter or other oils without skipping a beat. Avocados are, in short, astonishing.

avocados are delicious though

waah theres a trend it must be stopped it must be evil

Avocado, tomato and basil on toast with balsamic vinegar is my go to choice if I can't have a toast sandwich

Leftists are anti-individualist, hence they follow trends in order to lose their individuality. Same with "Harry Potter", "unicorns" and whatever other insane infantile bullshit they obsess over. They want a collectivist monoculture without diversity.

>mfw when i have an avocado tree.

Cry more alt-right.

Avocados are a fruit you swine. A gross fruit, like you.

kale and avocados are nutritious you contrarian faggot. if liberals started espousing the virtues of breathing you would hold your breath until you died. dont let libshits make ANYTHING off limits to you. ive seen tons of faggots on this board argue that pipe smoking, high quality alcohol, basic nutrition, and spirituality as "hipster bullshit" without even pondering the fact that they fell for the most basic jewish trick in the book.

The point isn't about eating avocados but about the offensively annoying pseudo virtue signalling by worshipping and obsessing over avocados on instagram or other social networks. Like "OMG I ate an avocado

How the fuck can people not cut an avacado? They're so soft you can just slice the knife through like butter.

>they are flavorless and bland
People usually don't eat them raw. They can be prepared to be super tasty. Don't blame people for your lack of skill in the kitchen.

Mom! I forgot to turn off the hose can you come here and help?

alright I'll bite

is this real?

What's wrong with avocados? You don't have to do the opposite of what leftists do

Shut the fuck up streetshitter.

When I do a ketogenic diet for a month each year, they are my staple due to their high fat content.

Mexico's gift to the world, bitches.

The combination of those colors makes either black (paint) or white (light), never brown.

You mean you cook them ? I've only eaten them raw with vinaigrette

also leftists like avocados because they're expensive and thus a food of the bourgeois

meanwhile sa is banned

Avocados have healthy oils, help you lose weight, have high content of vitamin E the only actual known bioactive antioxidant in the blood, good for ailing hearts, and pair great with many foods.

avocados are fuckin ace

your just fukin wrong cunt

hu, guess i stand corrected.

They fetishize everything brown. Acacados are like the most Mexican vegetable in existence.

Nothing to be done at this point except exterminate them, recolonize the school systems and make nationalism great again.


Also a superfood.

But how the fuck do you fuck up cutting one I will never know.

get out

Fuck off disgusting eternal leaf. Avocado's are delicious. Go slather some pine wood that you cant sell in maple syrup and eat that you massive faggot. Kill yourself.

>hipsters drive up the cost of yet another food

You cunts are worse than the Chinese. Fad locusts.

OP is a faggot. An hero.

Who else /AllergicToAvacodo/ here?

>Never eaten arroz con habichuelas
Fucking island nigger.

American media shilled that avocados are a super SUPER food. Left accepts this as fact now they live off it.just comes down to the left believes whatever they're told

this problem will solve itself

How do you even cut yourself cutting and avocado?


desu they taste and feel like silky shit but if you blend them into a smoothie/milkshake they create a really nice consistency and you don't actually have to taste them

Avocados in Canada don't taste the same as they do where you can get them fresh. Up here they're tasteless and and have a shitty texture to them for being frozen for so long. Only people who eat them are homesick mexicans and yoga people.

My life is flavourless and bland but I don't like avocados.

i agree with that, while theres nothing wrong with casually posting pictures of things you like, hipsters do make it obvious that they simply want to show how progressive and unique they are. just dont limit yourself because a lot of faggots like a thing, faggots like drinking water and hearing sounds too.

No u

Because cucks insist on eating them like niggers and not like based colonial masters who used to halve them, add a splash of vinegar or lemon juice with a dash of salt and pepper and eat daintily with a silver spoon as they watched their manservants cleaning the rolls in the baking sun of an African afternoon. That's why. This is how my colonial grandfather taught me how to eat them. Stay pleb.

At least I dont smell like taco

Their good on just about anything user including burgers.

Careful there user, it might actually happen if you push it to much. Remember Sweden banning assault cars.

Goddammit, use a SPOON you useless fucking neet.

Fucking leafs. This belongs on and your bullshit addition of "leftard" isn't enough. Where are the mods?

>cooked avocado
You nigger?

No you fucking stink like a fucking feral ape.

Is that the fabled mexican projection I have heard so much about?

How does this even happen?

I think it's fake, that picture, the pit of an avocado is very hard and push a knife straight through would cause the avocado to compeltely squash but it's still intact. You'd also be applying pressure when holding, actually squeezing it to a pulp.

You can easily that the pit with a knife and rotate it out.