Who in their right mind would vote an extreme-right candidate? Bad enough to vote for a far-right, Nazi-sque party like the Republican Party in America (pic related - it's more scary than you think), but Le Pen is even more right-wing than that.

Please, from a decent human being - do not vote Le Pen. Vote Macron. Vote for actual policies, not racism, sexism, French supremacism, homophobia, anti-EU and disgusting fearmongering.

You'd have to be a horrible human being and a poo-poo-head to vote for Le Pig.

Other urls found in this thread:

Heil fucking Hitler, faggot

What ''extreme'' did Bannon ever did you paranoid Libtard?
Sexism? But isn't Le Pen Women?

>Who in their right mind would vote to stop being invaded, roll over already and die!

>not racism, sexism, French supremacism, homophobia, anti-EU and disgusting fearmongering.

Leftist Name calling didn't help you against Trump, identify politics didn't help you against Trump. Keep doing that in 2020 and lose again, Libtard

Sup Forums is full of stupid obese poor people.
They do not understand the modern world because they do not go outside.
Also don't worry Le Pen doesn't stand a chance.

The future is female you fag, deal with it. Le Pen is mightier than the sword!

oh look it's french CTR

What the fuck is that meme called, OP?? Antifa anime girl?

Also 1488 fuck Macron. Macrumpfkins are about to get BTFO today.

I was wondering when these worthless shareblue losers would start showing up. And here they are in all of their shame. I wonder how much Soros pays for them to post from their parents basement

why did libs choose an anime frog girl for their shitty meme mascot?

Boooo boooo on you

OP is a fag

what the fuck happened Sup Forums lately anyways? ever since /bant/ was created shitposters and other Sup Forums users are now going there and now Sup Forums has newfags like OP trying to fit in with their leftist retard beliefs

Damnit, stop using froppy, you bastards.

>Liberals getting mad because they think trump is a fascist
>Me getting pissed because he doesnt go far enough

>from a decent human being
Who likes to be ass raped by muslims.

nice slide thread you fucking dumbcunt

hope your mum catches breast cancer from you

>far right

>Lower taxes on the middle class, and increased state support for the elderly, disabled and children. She wants to safeguard France's 35-hour work week and strengthen other protections for workers.

>French supremacism

fucking lol. has to be b8



You're ignorant. You rather have open borders and ship over millions of (radical) muslims who have anti-western culture and values, want Sharia law and attack from inside your country and build parallel societies.


Facism is merging of corporations and governments to oppress governments. (Like, for example, when Time Warner, owner of CNN lobbies the congress to shut down their competition and brand them 'fake news')

Don't use big words, that you don't understand what they mean.

to opress the people*

what does froppy have to do with this?

>extreme-right candidate?

I didn't know Penny was a libertarian or anarchist

I think it's suppose to be like a reverse pepe or something. Wish they picked Bakugo instead.

You couldn't even change the file name you ShariaBlue shill? How fucking lazy are you?