Today somebody called me "fascist" for trying to be pragmatic about arabic massive immigration and Macron/Le Pen debate

Today somebody called me "fascist" for trying to be pragmatic about arabic massive immigration and Macron/Le Pen debate.

It hurts.

Same poor Spaniard

>my feefees

Leftists can't make any actual argument for why mass shitskin immigration is a good thing (because there is none) so they just call their opposition names like fascist, racist, nazi, etc.

He said it was about "being human" and the lesser evil.

Side with the fascists. Get called a fascist Cry.

Bring back Franco

Let them know that the word fascism derives from "fasces" which is a bundle of rods bound together so that they can be stronger. Fascism is based around strength through unity. Unite the people, use that unity to strengthen the government, and use that strength towards whatever your end goal is (be it capitalism, communism, world peace, genocide, etc)

If you aren't focused on unity and power, you aren't a fascist. Fascists would only oppose mass immigration if it would assist in uniting the country.

Additionally, fascists would support the EU as it would be far easier to reform the EU into a fascist empire than it would be to leave the EU and conquer the continent for a new union.

Yeah, except that's retarded. Your country is barely staying afloat, you don't need more people when you have double digit youth unemployment.

You should have smacked him one.

Calling someone such when they're not is like calling someone a nigger.

You're opposed to the UN's undemocratic decision to flood Europe, Japan, Korea, and North America with peasants to pay for the elderly's Social Security. The elderly who (((chose not to have kids))).

No. That would be really stupid. Why nobody think of intermediate alternatives focused on improving instead of a) take it to the extremes or b) social self-destruction?

Just go with rabbinic questions, "Why am I a fascist?" "What is a fascist?" "Why aren't you a fascist?" and so on, it keeps you from losing and your opponent has to think for themselves.

Most migrants will say French people do it too. Let's say there's a big rape scandal. The ones caught are black and Arabs. In France cucks will say,. In France there are 3 rapes a day so the rape scandal is not important. Those rape stats are really not official.

>Today somebody called me a "Nazi" for trying to be pragmatic about Jewish massive control and Hitler

>It hurts.

Literally you.

Unless you have different opinions/solutions than the facho, then you're a facho, congratulations.

Fasces permeate, pics related
Hamilton with Fastest under hand

Oops typo. Fasces.

Here's the seal of the US senate. Crossed fasces at bottom

lmao pussy bitch sensitive like liberos

US dime, until 1945 :/

Replaced with FDR dime

No, that doesn't work at all. The intent behind the word is simply to associate negative emotions with the person, and the more times OP speaks the word "fascist", no matter what he says, the more people will associate negative feelings with him.

retards gonna retard

Emblem of us national Guard.

Crossed fasces

The best way to counter their argument is to say "Yeah, you're right, I'm a fascist, what are you gonna do about it ?". They always get confused and start yelling random BS because they don't expect it.

Lincoln Memorial

Hands supported by fasces

US Congress, fasces abutting flag

say your grandpa was killed by nazis

The next stage from here is acknowledging they are entitled to that view of you, no matter if it's true or not. You must realise that these views you subscribe to are not entirely popular within the status quo so this sort of response is to be expected.

I did this once when someone called me a racist although I was a bit more polite about it. I simply said "yes I am. I'm sorry but that's just how I feel".

Sure, of course, leftists must also expect that they will be shot when they attempt to organize the mass-rape of children.

Actually, one of my ancestors killed lots of jews. Not a spaniard, btw.

Hahaha. It is so true. Stereotypes are fun

Fucking racist. Women are the nature's way to select greatness that secures the survival of our species.

If woman want superior Arabic cock, then who are you to deny them of it? Get used to me drilling your wife, cuck.

wear the label proudly

If le pen loses you fucks will never hear the end of it here.

you get run over standing in the middle of the road

centrists always end up letting things get so bad, so slowly that in the end you are left with bloodshed as the only option

centrism is a safe position of weakness trying to avoid hard decisions and real responsibility in the name of desperately clinging to an illusory status quo

Quit whining. Get over being called racist, fascist, antisemitic. A better future is far more important than your feels

Those who cannot understand both sides of the debate aren't really worth the hassle.

so its related etymologiclly to the word faggot

so OP is a faggot

the more you know