Hourly laugh at France thread

*breathes is*

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Muslims won in France.

White peoples of France should leave.

>the french people overwhelmingly elect an anti-french cuckold granny fucker to lead their nation

How fast is Napoleon spinning in his grave right now?

>Long ago decide to move out of England because it's a country that is slowly going to the dogs.
>Move to France.
>Despite being more racist than English people, the French still vote for a globalist cuck who will lower everyone's living standards and turn everything brown.

Where do I go now? I don't think I can handle learning an impossible slavic language.Am I doomed?


Macron will win, which every person above 18 and with a half functioning brain knew anyway.

Now we get to rub it in Sup Forums's retarded face.


What's going on? Are the results overwhelming?


There is no results yet.


>t-t-there's still hope


Obvious defeatist shill



cucked for 50 years, cucked for 50 to come

>Pol is one person
I am /comfy/ right with ya. Just shows Anglo-supeority.

Die traitor.

She doesn't have that same guts of a chance of Trump and Brexit. Face it france. Focus on making your country hell on the liberals


It's over. Jews invented 4D chess, and it's obvious they can also rig the rules to win. This current match has been going on since 1939.

And your people helped (((them))) burger.

I'd rather be a traitorous expat than an English cuck with a black dick in my arse. Hell, if I find a country that I truly believe in I'll happily renounce my English citizenship. England was once great, but its people and government have completely betrayed their inheritance. It's broken beyond repair m8.

The match is still ongoing slavshit. Frances is just an expendable pawn piece.

Trump went up against a hated establishment symbol who doubled down on identity politics. Le Pen is going up against a Normal Norman presenting himself as both anti-establishment lite and a voice of reason.

Mother fucker ran a smart campaign. The globalists learned the lessons of 2016 and made necessary adjustments.

So you chose FRANCE of all places? I live in a nice 95% white part of England where people are still proud. Enjoy hopping around the world not realising you are the one with the problem.

My friend moved here from London. Has much the same outlook on his country of birth. A kind of deep spiteful hatred that is both depressing in it's totality and impressive in it's magnitude.


>be american
>live in a fucking zoo where 60% of people under 20 y.o are non-white
>elect Trump
>get betrayed and cucked but choose to ignore the fact that the choice was an illusion from the start
>convince yourself that you are winning

You effectively became a good goy.

France has zero excuse for this. I will remind you baguettes every day how badly you fucked up. Enjoy getting dominated by Muhammad.

better start citizenship for the united states. it will take years to go through the process

My issue isn't finding a place with white people. My hometown in England is a nice countryside village. My issue is finding somewhere where it's intellectually uncucked. As a school teacher I saw what the blairite government did to the curriculum in England and I see how powerless teachers are to fight against the post-colonial guilt that infests our public conscience. France also suffers from this bullshit but to a lesser degree.

Have you ever lived in France? Culturally it's very very different. Believe it or not, people are much more racist and nationalistic than the English imo. I think French people are (for better or worse) more principled and poltically engaged than English people who have basically been brainwashed by American style consumerism.
I'm half French anyway so maybe it's easier for me to understand the culture here but if you lived here I think you'd understand.

Yes, Lepen isn't going to win but can you imagine Nick Griffin or any other anti-immigration/muslim candidate in England EVER gaining political traction? Brits are too afraid of being considered racist to ever mount effective resistance.