The Alt Right is starting to embarrass itself. You guys are overplaying your hand...

The Alt Right is starting to embarrass itself. You guys are overplaying your hand. Yes the zeitgeist was temporarily in your favor, but you went and ruined it. Let me explain:

>be nationalist
>Trump wins
>immediately pivot to ethnonationalism
>"muh dont punch right"
>try to repeat the email scandal for Macron
Seriously do you know how pathetic that is? *eyeroll* I dont know if you people are tone deaf or what but that was so cliche.

You had an opportunity, alt right, to actually be better than the liberals. You actually had the chance to be fully civic nationalist, and promote america first over globalism. But you decided to abandon your ethnic counterparts, you turned your back and embraced parochialism and fear instead. You made the pivot to ethnonationalism from simply America First. And this will be your downfall.

Despite how stupid come civ nats sound, they are actually right. Being civ nat doesnt mean you have to be more liberal than the liberals, but it also doesnt mean you have to actually be a racist or a bigot just because you're tired of being called that. You had a choice to be better, to be noble, to be welcoming, but you trafficked in division and race war memes instead.

You lost.

Eat shit niglet.


>alt right
>being anything but cringey skellington losers who meme in real life and have the_donald as their homepage

pic related

>You lost.
we'll see who wins the upcoming civil war you you dumbass.

>immediately pivot to ethnonationalism
>"muh dont punch right"

I don't know what either of these mean.

If you call yourself "alt right" you are embarrassing yourself.

>Being civ nat doesnt mean you have to be more liberal than the liberals,
it actually does though. civic nationalism is what brought us to where we are today, which is america splitting into factions, for anyone that has their eyes open

You are a retard. As if le pen would have been able to prevent anything. The things have to happen and the people have to see it's the liberals fault.

the balkanization of white america

Tip-top kek. Stay mad, Sup Forumstards.

No, identity politics is what brought us to where we are today. The Trump Train was initally about transcending identity politics (see his RT today) but got co-opted by the people on here trying to fight fire with fire.

The nazis are the biggest distraction to the movement. People don't like being associated with Nazis and perfectly reasonable and based people stay away from things like Anti-Comm because the Nat Socs are associated. National Socialism is still a leftist ideology it's still socialism and fails for the same reason Communism fails. I wish they would just fuck off. Liberty is a good message and they are crowding it out with their idiocy

all your abstractions and intellectual explanations are proven completely facile. identity politics doesn't exist, what you are attempting to describe is human nature.

the national socialists aren't responsible for the state of affairs, the current consensus is brought to you be the establishment. people are moving to the national socialists and other movements because of the disastrous decisions made by the established order.

civic nationalism is just a slower death for whites, better shits hit the fan quickly, so there can be a real uprising.

>there is no middle ground between open borders and gtkrwn

there isn't. the consensus opinion is that nations don't exist and borders are a thing of the past. even the gradient to the right of center believes so.

>One election (with a jewish controlled opposition shill candidate) is lost.

Suddenly a million despair shills/despair shill threads flood Sup Forums to try and discourage natsoc's even further.

I wonder who could be behind these threads?

>elected Trump
>starting to embarrass itself.


Also the fact that everyone associated with the ''alt right'' have been cringy autists

>alt right
you got the wrong board, Kyle.

Yes this, democracy is a joke.

stfu. You know nothing. All it takes is a serious attack

You can support strong borders, support reforming the legal immigration system, without making the unethical decision to hate minorities that are already U.S. Citizens. Not only is it unethical, but it is low IQ to alienate non whites that are already U.S. Citizens.

God fuck off reddit. Nobody cares about your shit opinions that are spaced like a fucking middle school essay.

Le Pen is garbage and so are all the anti-Eu retards. The true solution is to fix the EU and become a European brotherhood of whites.

Sup Forums is a rdeddit colony

Meme magic wasn't lost, reddit lost.
KEK is prevailing, the grand chaos will be here soon.
All the posts with Holy 7s aimed for Macron as shitposting aided his victory.
It's punishment to the autistic sperg niggers that flooded our board.

France could have saved their borders from being flooded by Islamic migrants, but we have to look out for our own borders first.

Kek was never in your favor, it was always about the Nuclear Holocaust, it was ALWAYS about the deructio͘n ̷o͘f̡ ̸th̷is ̸pa͟t̵h͠et̛ìc s̛peci͝es, t͝h͝i̕ś w̴éa̸k̸ a̴n̢d͘ un̢cooṕer̸a̕ti͜ve ̷sp̕e͟cie͠s͝.
̡B̨a'a͟l̨ has d͞e͞e͜m̷ed ͘y̵oú ̛f̕a̡ta̷l,̛ an͟d a p̢r͠o̶bl͞em͟, ̡as ́so it̸ ̛i͡s̡.
Onl͠y̵ ̛a̵ s͟eléct́ fe̕w͢ ͜ẁil͘l ŗemai͠n͝,͡ a͠n̷d̀ ͟t̴he͠y ̴w͜įll be his͠. Y̴o̡u w͟i͞ll̸ never ha͢ve ͟p͞ea̢ce.
͢Onl̛y dea̵th.

Anything other than ethno-nationalism and you will always lose ground.

National socialists don't have to be ethnonational socialists. This is my only point. Careful which bridge you cross.

Wrong. You will lose ground because of ethno-nationalism. You will not lose ground if you are a nationalist, whether you want to be nat soc or nat cap or whatever.

>talking to the Alt right as if it is a person
Clearly another delusional cock holster liberal hell bent on being as retarded as possible. Good job

Sadly it is the successfactor much like early atheists where smug cringe autists publicly expose themselves. Please look yourself in the mirror. I would like to believe that these cringelords are all civic-nationalists.

Back to tumblr faggot

It will become evident that racism and ethnonationalism is the way to go. It will become the only possibility in the future, for everyone.

It will only happen once the majority of weak willed whites race mix themselves out of existence. Also low birthrates of liberals means that in the future, whites will only live in a select few nations, or we balkanize.

Fucking gold

Sure, maybe if I spent all day on Sup Forums like you. But if you plan to have a life, then the opposite will become evident for you.