When will the human race realize that religion is the problem?

When will the human race realize that religion is the problem?

Your religion is the problem. But Catholicism is the one True Church of God.

>a fucking leaf
I'm an atheist you nigger

religion is not a problem. think of religion as military deception narrative describing operations of area 51. people know very little about religion and it's purpose. it's used only for herding purposes, social organizing and unionizing. so claiming religion is the problem is the same as claiming that the problem is the windmill on the hill making annoying squeaking sounds. religion is a weapon and only few know how to use it.

My god you are one stupid delusional cuck

fuck you roach

religion is a good excuse to act high and mighty as if Im "god's chosen" and steal your shit.

judaism is the true "church" of god. catholicism is a shitty fanfiction. you're a kike and you don't even know it.

Right because Madonna and Child = ballistics and splitting atoms. Love to read that manifesto when you're finished.

Without religion there would be no Jews.
You still think religion isn't a problem or do you have the IQ of a nigger?

A world without religion is literally a non-civilized one

>Inb4 muh Sweden
their economy is shit,their taxes are high af,there are no houses to house the youth of the nation and also it is cold af. And all of that despite them avoiding all armed conflicts for 200 years

>Be Catholic
>Don't practice the religion
>Worship god only when you are at the verge of death or when you want an excuse to be able to commit every sin known to man,which is normalized only in Christian countries.

fuck your retarded religion
>pic related

Boy are you stupid.

I'm not the follower of a delusional kike thinking he was a prophet

>Without religion there would be no Jews.
borats are not jews. they are non state actors performing certain role on the stage of military deception theater. notice nowadays the same zionism relay race template is being performed by the same borats, but using religion of state of islam. The side car seems to be array of swastika worshiping hindu shitbags. Maybe they are steering committee.

We'd still have fighter planes, nuclear weapons, machine guns, land mines, lethal gas, sharp objects. This has got to one of the stupidest statements in modern times:
>if only religion didn't exist....

oh num, num, num..

america and europe are worse the less religious they become


the reddest pill

thick as bricks.

Religion isn't the problem, Muslims are. You don't see anyone else of any other religion crashing planes into buildings and setting off bombs to kill the people who believe in a different God

>muh religion is best
>nuh uh..muh religion is best

you are the problem...arguing over which one is the least shitty is a distraction. quit cutting up your kid's dicks and wake up

Religion is necessary to keep the dumb masses in line.

there are only three types of religion
messiah is coming
messiah was here
no messiahs

>believing in an organization whose tradition is to completely disregard the scripture their group is based on

>i'm going to kill my son because god told me to

When did you realize all Abrahamic religions are cancer?

>Without religion there would be no Jews.
How delusional you can be? Without religion people just will look for any other way of group people against others in order to gain power. You have to be a manchild if you don't realize any conflict is about power. You have examples as Capitalism vs Communism, that was not a inherently religious related conflict. You have to wake up or stop shilling or shitposting.

theonomous culture:
>law of God is supposedly so embedded into our hearts that we all emotively or otherwise think in the same categories
>objective moral truth values and duties and rights exist
>example: Natural Law, 'We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights'

autonomous culture:
>each person dictates their own moral prerogatives
>moral relativism, subjectivism, no ontic referent
>everyone is equally right
this is where we are now.
it's why we have 47 genders and canadians legally have sex with dogs.
how do you conserve traditions and values when everyone's retarded ideas have to be viewed as equally correct, and why should anyone care, about anything?

Sam Harris sounds like a retard

>religion in 2017

He is arguing about the people who causes the problems.

you forgot to add "AD" (anno domini, the year of our Lord)

>religion in ........
I'm sorry that you believe in fairy tales

Atheist and any other Non-Christians are the problem

Dues Vult, Charlemagne did nothing wrong!

when will the human race realize humans are the problem.

>too low IQ to understand how you can have morals without religion
This is the type of person religion is designed for. This guy would probably be out in the streets gunning people down at random because 'lol nothin' matters dude' if it weren't for the threat of an invisible man in the sky who would send him to suffer for eternity for it.

nothin' matters dude
>the truth

>too low IQ to understand how you can have morals without religion
please, spell it out for me then, let the light of your euphoria grace me with the truth

i recognize people can have morals without any ontic referent, but those would be subjective,
i'm talking about objective ones, moral realism

>This guy would probably be out in the streets gunning people down at random because 'lol nothin' matters dude'
are you saying that's irrational?

You won't be when Islam finds you in their midst. You'll lift up your eyes in hell.

the problem is every structured system of beliefs, because they prevent people from thinking for themselves. So the most viral ideas take over as opposed to the most logical

>the problem is every structured system of beliefs, because they prevent people from thinking for themselves
that's wrong though
most thinkers who were worth a shit throughout history thought for themselves and were part of a structured system of beliefs

>religion is the problem
stupid people are the problem

stupidity is the worst sin

Religion is for stupid and weak people.

The problem are religions that...
>believe in a transcendent god
A transcendent god has to reveal himself. That leads automatically to only a few people being chosen, i.e. the jews or the christians (people, who heared and believe in "the word of god") and muslims (people, who obey allah and live according his rules).
Believing in a transcendent god, who is literally "otherworldly", is pretty stupid. And it causes A LOT of trouble.
>are not compatible with secularization
e.g.: Islam. It just wants to rule over every part of human life.

>Stupid and weak people
>Who was the prophet Muhammad?

Listen here you moron subhuman...
Mohammad was a clever and strong man who fucked 9(?) women and let other morons to worship him. The morons are the ones who follow him and his stupid religion

(((Religion))) is.
But real Islam, for example is unknown by modern "islamists".
Allah hates dumb people and ordered to everyone to educate themselfs.
I am a Christian and did read it from islam scientiests.

>Mohammed was clever
He thought that earth was flat and that the sun would disappear in mud during the night...

>Mohammed was clever

I'm not muslim. Allah doesnt hate dumb people. he needs dumb people! like you! If you believe a a fucking jew is a son of god you're a moron too. Christianity is the biggest trick Jews have made

Your shitty religion is the problem Turk, as well as the other sand-people/jew stick religions. Fuck off

I didn't meant he was clever as Newton or Davinci. He was able to control stupid masses. Apparently that was his skill.

I do not belive in God, the Creator.
I just know he (she, it) is reality.

>fuck a chick and cum on her titis
>god smites you

>He was able to control stupid masses
Then how do you explain the huge amount of apostates appearing suddenly after he dies?

>religion is for stupid people
>religious people created the largest empire then known and made progress in science and math

You see this is why people sees you Turks as cockroaches. You abandoned your origin (Islam). Before you saw yourselves as the Defenders of Islam hence why you had a large empire and respect and feared. But now you are just a puppet for NATO.


When will atheists realize that people are the problem and religion is just one small symptom of that problem?

Religion didn't invent itself, retard. People invented it.

I purpose we all enter temples of jews, muslims and christians and honor Satan in the temple while blaspheming jesus allah, yhwh and the holy spirit.

What?! How the fuck I would know? What you're saying is irrelevant.
Religion is a thing that says "go and die for God, when you die you will be rewarded in heaven". So they did that. This system was successful until Europeans started to abondon the dogmas of their religion and advance. Islam is the main reason why Ottoman empire is fucked up.

oh yeah sucking baby dicks is very holy and good for society

>This system was successful

They went to heaven?

I don't know.
I meant they conquered Balkans and shit.


According to Islam, Satan is a retarded Djinn who has his pride too far up his ass to do anything worthwhile with his life.

It is also Humans are the best of creations and we are able to innovate, invent, create, and do things other creatures, including Djinns and Angels, had no idea of. Which is why Satan is jealous of Humanity.

Hence by honoring Satan you are a subhuman for worshipping some retard that his beneath you.

No atheist by any means, but are you into religion to suck jeebus mums virgin tits?

fuck, I can't sneak my fedora under my turban.

they'll kill me if they see it.

Don't be like that, we will bring bacon sammitchs

The Atheist Experience has started..

The west only started abandoning their religion in mid 20th Century after WWII. With Christianity they had morality, culture, and family values. Now you can see the shitty result of them abandoning their faith for yourself in their society today.

Have you considered that we may not be fedoras?

my banana is ready

Stick it up your ass, Satan wills.

Religion was for keeping stupid people (the majority) under control.
Religion was (is?) the most effective way to manipulate/control huge masses.

I'd say any ideology followed faithfully leads to ruin. Radical centrism is the true red pill. It's the only way to avoid purity spirals.

Kemalist degenerate cunt


still waiting, any other fedora want to give it a shot?

>I'm an atheist you nigger

that's even worse. don't even get me started on how atheists plunging the west into an existential crisis, rejecting spirituality and embracing leftism, communism and replacing god with big government is some of the worst shit you could possibly be or do.

It's nice and cheap.

Not a fedora by any means, but the fact that your religion doesn't even justify "morals" adds up even more to the equation of why it is fake.

>Not a fedora by any means
>your religion doesn't even justify "morals"
when did i say what my religion was?
whether or not my particular religion is true is outside the scope of my argument anyway

if you need an imaginary carrot (heaven) and stick (hell) to keep you from acting like a monkey savage to other people then you are a broken person

Look at that jew face.

Atheists are worse than Islamic because they are degenerate.

I didn't said they abondoned the religion completely. They kept religion for some other purposes but abondoned the stupidity of it. So they advanced. Believing people can have morality and culture only with religion is stupid. I don't believe there's no god, no punishment but I am a fucking good man! Being a degenerate atheist is the result of the shock deriving from leaving the religion's rules.


No, I'm sure I have a belief, I just don't disclose it, fag.

>Objective morality
This meme again. You've yet to prove:
Objective morality exists
God is necessarily for objective morality to exist
God exists

To add to this, to make objective morality useful you also need to prove:
God communicated his morals exactly to humans
These morals have been passed down faithfully through countless generations

Some big hurdles there desu. I like my subjective morals. I'm only human, I don't like to assume I understand God's thinking.

pass that message to turkey dictator

And when atheists do bad things, it's also because of religion. Kinda like when women do bad things ultimately it's the fault of the patriarchy. Or when a racial minority does something bad it's the fault of white people and racism.

>if you need an imaginary carrot (heaven) and stick (hell)
i don't, you're missing the point.
there could be no afterlife, reward or punishment and what i'm saying would still hold

>keep you from acting like a monkey savage to other people then you are a broken person
without an ontic referent giving you the ability to say something actually "IS" right or actually "IS" wrong objectively, whether or not a person is "broken" is subjective to the individual making the appraisal.

Fuck! Grammar error

Catholicism is like AIDS. It's not harmful in itself but it disable the host immunity against other threats.

It's the reason Hitler lost and why we are still losing.

Because atheists never act high and mighty. I mean, it's not like the problem with humanity could be the *people* or anything.

except none of this is true when your god is forgiving because people just do what they want anyway and pray for forgiveness

it's all a joke

>When will the human race realize that religion is the problem?
Normies need religion or they turn into hedonistic pieces of shit. I'm atheist myself, but I'd rather live in a country with strong Christian values than be among a bunch of enlightened fedora-tippers, or worse, the depraved drug-abusing promiscuous normies that (((they))) are encouraging.

Humanity fights wars for other reasons than religious reasons.

>You've yet to prove:
>Objective morality exists
>God is necessarily for objective morality to exist
>God exists
because i'm not arguing for the truth of any of those things right now

>To add to this, to make objective morality useful
i don't care if it's useful, my argument is that moral relativism is detrimental

>i like my subjective morals.
i bet

It is not only religion but every cultural identity which serves as opium for the people.

Depressingly this is why society has gotten degenerate.

I dunno what to blame.