This thread is for Discussion of Capitalism, Libertarianism, Paleolibertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism, Minarchism, and the PHYSICAL REMOVAL of COMMUNIST FAGS from our board of peace. Reminder that this is the Libertarian RIGHT General. Aleppo Johnson-fags, Left-Libertarians, and other Shit-Libs need to fuck off. Voice your complaints to r/libertarian.

>Recommended Reading list


>Bump for Life, Liberty, and Private Death Squads

>Politics, Money and Banking — Hans-Hermann Hoppe

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Fellow Portuguese reporting in

Nice. Are you the guy who was here yesterday wanting to know about schools?

Comment on this please.

That's right! All my questions were answered and I started to shill other people into libertarianism.

Answered his own question. Unfortunately we let the movement be appropriated by the "class of permanent adolescents" (see pic related), but hopefully we can retake our movement back from them. Also, anarchism will be achieved in our lifetime or at least be closer to with cryptocurrency, black markets, separation, secession and segregation. Right now we have to focus on destroying the EU.

Glad to have another tuga on board. We're 5 now here kek

Nice maymay, I like the reference. May I save it?

It's all yours my friend. Have some more.



Good thread, meu amigo.

wassap portubro(s)

This so much, I fucking hate these fucks.

It's why i feel the need to give tough love to those brazil and canada posters. its why im such an asshole reactionary natsoc sympathizer. If it were up to me they'd be put in camps.

Thank you based Mad Max Emo Warrior.


>Someone actually said to me that "All the problems we have in America right now are due to lack of goverment intervention"

Isn't the libertarian party the ones that wanted to ban "assault weapons " last election? The pro immigration ones?? Minarchism seems ok but you libertarians are too cucked .

You know What Must Be Done™.

Nah Gary was just a fucking cuck. He didn't really represent Libertarians, which is why no one fucking voted for him.

might I add that it's not enough that we so vocally reject open-borders, multiculturalism and so on. they just adapt to the meta and continue spreading their garbage.

Look at me! I like Hoppe and hate open borders but im a BASED FAGGOT.

make it 6 but i just lurk

You're not wrong, the libertarian party is cucked. But I don't think anyone in this thread supports that party. Right-libertarianism is better than any other ideology you can name.

>Hans-Hermann Hoppe - Realistic Libertarianism as Right-Libertarianism

>That video
Nice, thanks a lot user

Glad to have you on board too senpai.

Am I correct in thinking that Libertarian beliefs basically come down to "live and let live" along with minimal goverment? If so sign me up.

Yup. "Live and let live" can be restricted further down in specific places to accommodate the wishes of certain people but that's about it.

>diaspora fags count?

Too bad we have a two-party dictatorship and this stuff will be implemented because anyone who can effect real change is ignored by the media/ shutdown in favour of easily corruptible candidates.

Yes of course. Physical removal is everyone's duty.

I mean never be implemented*

What do you guys think about Rothbard's plan that would've united paleoconservatives and libertarians against the establishment?

Generally speaking. Minimal or no government leads people to rely more on community, charity and funding for services that benefit everyone.



I agree completely with your second paragraph. The biggest problem libertarianism has is the number of people who confuse it for libertinism. It attracts too many people who have no understanding of the underlying principles involved but simply want to have their drug-usage and sexual kinks normalised.

I think the solution is to do what most Austrian School libertarians advocate: simply ignore politics altogether. Fuck the "Libertarian" Party, and all the Chicago School cucks. Stop treating it as a political movement, and stop trying to gather support by advocating for a specific political platform. Treat it as a philosophy and seeks to spread its principles. Once the principles have been adopted the policies will take care of themselves.

Well yeah but you have to realize that "live and let live" also means "if you're dying in the middle of the street and I don't feel like helping you can't compel me to". It's no hippy shit.

I'm new to all this, what exactly is the issue of egalitarianism? It seems reasonable to me, unless there's some extreme people bring it to that I'm not thinking of.

Oh yeah I know. That's what I believe too.

It's more about decentralizing power to the individual level. You can have big government and a "live and let live" attitude ("I pay taxes fuck off I do what I want").

pic related awaits you


Rate snek

Equality under the law is the only valid type of equality. Equality of outcome or so-called "social justice" are forms of governmental redistribution and spark the entitlement mentality.

>I'm new to all this, what exactly is the issue of egalitarianism?

Depends what egalitarianism is for you. Does it mean the equalization of certain outcome through the use of force? Does it mean the absence of discrimination? Does it merely mean that the same law should apply to all people?

Usually, the issue with egalitarianism first and foremost is that it's false as a matter of fact. All people differs along many dimension in such a way that the idea of making them equal is a pipe dream attempting to realize a falsehood. The second problem is that, since egalitarianism in its material form is based on a falsehood and a type of unnaturalness, the attempt to implement it will necessarily require force to compel people to act in ways they would not have otherwise acted, thereby violating people's private property and bringing about sub-optimal outcome as a result. Here, I think specifically of programs such as affirmative action, who imply that subpar student should somehow have access to high level institutions on the basis of "equality".

>it's another honey pot thread

Macron winning was the right thing right?

Le Pen may have been anti-EU, but her socialist views would have been pretty fucking shitty for France.

Forced egalitarianism is not real egalitarianism

Ah alright, that's not what I thought it meant, yeah I can see the issues with it now, thanks.

Macron is some fucking cuck whose policy will result in the end of France and any hope of seeing liberty ever rise out of that shithole again.

What does this map represent? Is it just a map people can freely add markers to?

Sorry, I the site doesn't have anything except links to learn about AnCap.

I say we export multiculturalism to Israel!!!
Return madness to it's source!!!

Yes, you identify yourself as ancap with your location. Some markers are ideed fake or have been done for the lulz, but if you look in São Paulo, for example, most markers are legit.

>those platitudes
>those exclamation marks
What the fuck is happening to Sup Forums lately...

isn't he a libertarian though? I know he's weak on immigration, but otherwise?

>supporting the EU

Strong doubts.

Fuck of faggot

Considering that 2/3rds of illegal immigrants take some form of welfare, if we took down the welfare state would a lot of them just leave of their own volition? This could mean that if we had an open borders libertarian state it'd still be better for the low-skilled worker because the state isn't subsidizing cheap labor to stick around.

>against private discrimination

fuck commies my dudes

Looks like summer started early this year

Fuck commies indeed

Whatever m7, fuck off or contribute real dialogue

Open border makes little sense if there's a system of citizenship or a democratic system. For instance, is everyone in the world just allowed to vote? Do they instantly become citizen? If so, what's to prevent the flood of immigrant from voting in socialists?

Open borders doesn't work at all unless you're some sort of ancap whose view of borders is that they should be set up by communities of private property owners. If there's a government at all it's very unclear that there can ever be open borders.

t. anti open border minarchist

Open or closed, just privatize borders. Let the fucking leftists pay for their own pet refugee's.

>Sup Forums
>real dialogue

>"export multiculti to Israel!!!"
>real dialogue

I'm just wondering if we got to the point where the state is just subsidizing cheap labor and simply removing the welfare state would result in the same outcome as deporting millions of illegals.

More mudslimes and niggers for France (and Europe as a whole) means more rape, theft, and murder. These problems are going to become apparent to those leftist twats and they, along with people of other political affiliations, will eventually elect authoritarian candidates to get rid of these problems and necessarily restrict freedom, so I wouldn't call Macron's victory a win

skull and bones is an inside job

he's a neoliberal, not the same thing as a libertarian. He's way closer to libertarian ideas than Le Pen, but not libertarian.



Probably not and this simply for the reason that western nations have things other than welfare to entice immigrants. Namely, they have political and cultural norms immigrants can profit from. They know that by coming here they won't just be shot in the back of the head by warlords or dictator.

Basically, we're way too nice relative to the other peoples of the world. Not that we're nice with our foreign policy. We drone people all the way to hell, and our corporations don't give a shit about foreign workers. But our domestic population is cucked beyond belief, and thus ripe for abuse and exploitation.



I'd love to see Hoppe debate Chomsky, that senile mother fucker who thinks he knows shit about the libertarian movement

That might work in the long run but it would probably be messy and would lower the standard of living across the board. The welfare state has created a social unrest bubble. Just look at the very localized outages of EBT card systems.


Zozzle, have a (you), Jew. You'll be blacked soon.

Straight from Sup Forums. Clearly a summerfag

I'm a little confused, does he have an issue with the things he listed (Vulgarity, obscenity, etc) and if so, why exactly?
Honestly this is making me feel like an idiot because I'm having trouble comprehending the whole thing.

I see an attack on the underclass but what about all the corporations and businesses that have used the state to give themselves an unfair advantage. All of those need to be stripped away and copyright needs to be reduced as well.

Its not a fee market if a few corporations have secured themselves near monopolies thanks to the state.

>being this asspained
>being this unable to handle the bantz
>being this new
Enjoy your stay, summer.

>does he have an issue with the things he listed (Vulgarity, obscenity, etc)
No. Hoppe's extremely socially conservative. And from a libertarian perspective, there's nothing morally wrong with obscenity and vulgarity because neither violate the physical integrity of one's body or private property.

He obviously does. But more to the point he has an issue with the fact that people of a certain quality ended up shaping the public perception of a movement whose philosophical root and objectives don't have much to do with social libertarianism. This is why libertarians ended up being associated with drug use.

Of course. Your future is assured, Jew boi. Multiculturalism Israel is best Israel. :)
Also, you don't need a reaction pic Everytime, unless of course your a bot. Honestly, I don't know why you're paying me so much replies...unless...

kek delete those, I have new ones and edited text


Give me more replies, make Israel a Multicultural Paradise™ for all. :)



So basically he has an issue with it on a personal level but recognizes on a more objective one it's fair game, gotcha.

He's just commenting on what the libertarian party/movement has become (dude weed lmao, peace and love, hippies, drugs, etc.) and how worthless people with no skills saw in it a way of escapism. People who were absolutely irredeemable, incompetent and lazy flocked to libertarianism because the "live and let live" attitude made them think working people would be okay with their attitudes.

So Hoppe says that a true libertarian movement must resist and disassociate itself from those people. Instead of pandering to disenfranchised special snowflakes, bums and losers, they it should appeal to working men and women and their families, who have been the ones subsidizing all other lifestyles and conceivable forms of degeneracy.

>you don't need a reaction pic Everytime, unless of course your a bot
>unless of course your a bot
Bots can't post because we have a captcha, newfriend.

Fuck man you got another typo there Kek
>must be shed to in order to

Yes. We do. Of course no one could ever figure out a way around them. I'll take this at face value and accept my error.

Now, to start to make Israel a Multicultural beacon of light for the world to follow. I'll start with convincing the islamists that Judaism is their true enemy.

thank you senpai. i don't see this shit when ive been looking at it for a long time. is this good?

V v nice


>when you're such a hyper-sensitive, neurotic ideologue that you go on a jew-naming sperg rage at the slightest sign of contradiction
It's actually surprising how much of a giveaway those exclamation marks were...

What's wrong with a multicultural Israel? In my country, it is said that multiculturalism is our greatest strength. I want a strong Israel.

I've always taken libertarianism as you can do whatever if you can afford it. If they keep it to themselves then they can do so but once they can't afford it then I don't see many people willing to give them charity without conforming. And if they revealed their hedonism on social media then no company will hire them.

The problem begins with these "left-libertarians" who believe their lifestyle should be subsidized, the anti-discrimination laws are a good thing, and should go even further by stopping companies from making decisions based on their social media accounts.

Thanks man, all these replies are really helping me spread the message.

My dream is to give Israel the gift of Multiculturalism™.

yeah that's pretty good, fuck the kikes. why is everybody bumming on you man?