Trump is turning into a globalist?

Trump is turning into a globalist?




He literally said he was a globalist.

>implying Drumpf hasn't been a globalist since day one

Trump only likes winners

Le Penis proved that wymen belong in the kitchen.

OP is moron.

See, OP, that is called : Diplomacy.

That's the skil that Americans and Europeans absolutely do not have, thus your dump astoundment.

I miss the Trump we elected.

Trudeau doesn't give a rat's ass about the middle class.

I still remember his last minute youtube ads saying he would tax the 1% more.

I laughed so hard.

Plus he was reading a cue card.

You're part of Europe too. Doesn't matter of you're the secret lab in the mountains

Trump was never a nationalist and he was never racially aware.

Bannon was used to help secure votes by making people think Trump wasn't in with the Jews.

He literally called himself a nationalist and a globalist. This must be his globalist side speaking.

Neither does Trump. They're both almost the same.

The definition of globalist in terms of how we use it hasn't really become that mainstream. Because that sounds incredibly contradicting it can only mean Trump has a different idea of globalist, which is probably based mainly on international trade.

>turning into

>yeah, lets just start off by insulting one of our closest historical ally's new president.

>it can only mean Trump has a different idea of globalist,

That's why when he was elected he said we must reject "the false song of globalism"?

What the liar? you still have him.


He's just trying to fit in with his alt right buddy: Richard Spencer.

"turning into" ?
