Why does Sup Forums love Hitler when he wanted to kill our Slavic bros?


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>conflicting opinion

You'd think Sup Forums would only have one but Sup Forums usually has both

He probably thought the jew and the slav were the same

Every day the same threads, I can almost detect a pattern here guys

All of the real Slavs joined the SS.

Bolshevik revolution of 1919

The fact that all information on Hitler is skewed as cartoonishly evil should give you an idea of how much propaganda you've swallowed.

Hitler did not take over Germany, he was elected and for good reason. Also Italy and Japan were 100% on board with Hitler's plans, as well as American interests prior to Pearl Harbor.

>why are the polacks still alive after 6 years of occupation by the nazis? They were just going to take danzig/posen and colonize that land. They didn't even mind living among pols, many germans were half polish and indeed many pols lived in germany. It's just the way it'd always been.


hitlerdindu stormniggers are cancer, almost as bad as the t_d faggots

They did not


Fuck, Why it is small? Wait a minute....

not the best soruce, but here's some stormfront.org/forum/t15891/
>inb4 stormfag - I used duckduckgo

Hitler was disappointed that Stalin went against him, he described Russia as Germany's brother you retard

2nd from the left looks exactly like my sister at around 8-9 years, down to the clothes even

>10/10 Would bang


Here's a better one - sorry goys

Retarded meme. Most slavs were not targeted by Hitler. It was only Poles and Russians.

This is very interesting. Thanks!



This. He didn't consider Slavs as German equals, but neither he did Italians

This. The main reason Hitler should have lost

There is a hierarchy between Whites and non-whites where non-whites are forever inferior. Who said German at that time weren't superior to Slavs


Moldbug had an article where he looked up where this claim came from.

Basically during Nuremburg they accused the Nazis of planning to genocide the Slavs.

What they based this off of was a quote from some Nazi who said that millions of Slavs would die in combat during the conquest of Russia. So "millions of Slavs would die in combat" became "Nazis are planning to exterminate millions of Slavs".

But what about 'Drang nach Osten' and the desire for Lebensraum for Germans, which meant removing/eliminating/enslaving the Slavs to the east?

Is this quote true?

Never seen it before to be honest