Why do burgers hate mexicans? they seem based and white

why do burgers hate mexicans? they seem based and white

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Because im being taxed to pay for them

We don't hate them, there's a lot of good folks out there

As an aggregate though they are just leeching a shitload of money and services and sending remittances to Mexico.

NAFTA basically turned Mexico into a vampire nation

>the tax/pay meme

why they assume their tax money still belong to them ?

>pay for them
is this white to you?

Really based

I dont mind paying taxes. Just not for you

>seem white
Depends. If they're crossing the border illegally to live on our dime, then no, they're not. But if they kill a negro, I.E. George Zimmerman style, then they're white.

>implying there aren't white mexicans

they are jealous
>mexicans are harder workers
>mexicans are outbreeding whites
>mexicans are catholic
>majority of white women who marry outside of their race, marry mexicans
>they grew up eating mac n cheese and meatloaf instead of tamales and pozole
>they have no culture so they hate anyone who does

not this crap again

Some of ´em bring gangs, violence and drugs. Also lower education standars, cheap labour so factories can lower their salaries, etc, etc.

In the other hand, conservative hispanics are fine. They´re good people but..it ´d be better for both parts to have a real control over immigration, so the good people can apply while we keep scum out, being it good for both americans and "good" immigrants"

*Happens the same in Spain with hispanic immigration, that´s why

Sup Forums random answer:
>Implying any immigration is good. omg, race war now

not for me becuse i live in mexico, also you must pay taxes and leave the goverment manage that money without saying every 5 minutes: hurr...im not paying mexicans...

Most Mexicans are decent people who just want a better life for their family. The problem is, that better life is coming to America, dropping 5 anchor babies, then never disciplining them and letting them make a scene in public, steal, be violent, join gangs, etc. There are too many Mexicans here for welfare and food stamps, even the ones who work hard want gibs.

They look like they don't belong to this century.

They should add globalism to this list, I bet we'll never get flying cars and travel the universe. We tried and we lost.

>Tfw my name is Javier
Should be changed to Jose, everyone knows a Jose in latin America

The 300 in taxes she paid doesn't even come close to the schooling and other public resources that she used whie her illegal parents weren't paying taxes.

I appreciate that she's paying taxes but for her to pretend like she isn't a net burden on society is bullshit.

Is living in Mexico really that shitty? I've heard of how low the wages are and how the crime rate is a nuisance in common day life.
Also Mexico seems overpopulated

>tfw half mexican half white
I am America incarnate.

If they respected our borders like the leafs do i wouldnt hate them. The illegals i see here are like 4'10" and dark brown and ride bicycles everywhere. They are quiet, kept to themselves, and non-threatening. They still need to go back. The thing with mexicans is some have a lot of spanish in them and are pretty smart, and other are like full blown miyan and not really human

>Sometimes burns houses down due to faulty, quick wiring
>Aye yi yi my dick works I must be superior
>Protestants and Orthodox BTFO by La Raza
>Tiny portion of white girls wants my beaner peener tee hee
>White women give birth to college students and feed them a regular college cuck diet - Pablo told me this and he is never wrong
>Getting drunk, phoning everything in, and being ruthless, bloodthirsty squatters is a culture, gringo

You have to go back, Pablo.

Yep. Under the standard deduction my brother,a us citizen with a Masters degree (substitute teacher, less than 12k a year agi) got a larger refund than his federal and state income tax liability. State paid for his health insurance (private not medicaid) too.

You can pay sales tax maybe some income and other taxes. Can still come out way ahead if you're illegal. In NY they practically give shit away.


We don't hate the white ones.

It's the non-white Mexicans we don't like.

Mexican isn't a race

>Getting drunk, phoning everything in, and being ruthless, bloodthirsty squatters is a culture, gringo

thats not our culture.

U mad

dont worry, we the white mexicans dont like the brown ones neither.

They're fucking leeches. That being said I would trade them for blacks any day tbqh.

i don't hate them, they just aren't american.

Yes, and you guys know that I and millions of others have to and take advantage of the system still wanting more

>butthurt namefag makes a bunch of shit up about mexicans because Juan cucked him
nothing out of the ordinary folks


Because there are too many of them in my country illegally.

Dios mio!

I actually quite like Mexican culture. Learning Spanish is something that I've always been interested in doing but I've just been lazy about it.

Too knee-jerk. You should've gone with correcting my English.

maybe based, defintely not white

>Is living in Mexico really that shitty
It depends
> I've heard of how low the wages are and how the crime rate is a nuisance in common day life.
Probably american media exaggerating about everything like always
>Also Mexico seems overpopulated
Not that much

Still better than Puerto Sabroso

Because they are like rossia's gopniks.
Except they have many more children, and do not shower.

I just think building a big wall would be pretty cool and give me something to root for

I've been pretty depressed over the last 10 years

What's a burger? A German?

>La hija del bichote del cartel
Aka the girl that will get the cartel to kill you if you fuck with her

i love mexico. lots of burgers do. mexican immigration to this country is such a non-issue in reality. they work hard, are christian and for the most part are not a drain on society. if we could remove negros and replace them with beaners, that would be ideal. they will outbreed both blacks and white anyway so we better learn spanish.


But... But... Muh dick! Not all Mexicans are like that!

You wont make it in this life SA

correcting grammar as an argument might be the norm on reddit, but things are different here. for starters, we don't have accounts and there is an ID system so there is no need for a username tarfag

Sorry nigger but this country is fucking huge for the 120 million people we have, i went on a drive on Wednesday and didn't see one person for two hours, the jews tell us we're over populated but they don't tell that to the niggers, chinks or streetshitters.

jesus christ look at MIDF in this thread

>if we could remove negros and replace them with beaners, that would be ideal. they will outbreed both blacks and white anyway so we
better learn spanish.

our land should be from British and Mexican ancestry only, not African.


No, we are all like that. White people could take a lesson instead of letting their sisters be raped by Jamal without ramification.(and masturbating over it like cucks)

Some of them are based and a lot of them are brown. A lot of them are incapable of making a living here without the gibs though. Then there are the La Raza faggots who want to turn the SW US into a third world shithole.

How pissed off would you be if you had some Mongols claiming that since the Mongolian, at one point in history controlled large swaths of Russia, Russia was Mongolian clay, and went up and down the streets of Irkutsk waiving the Mongolian flag chanting "MONGOLIA! MONGOLIA!"

Mexicans will do that shit in places like Albuquerque, but not enough people are awake to how insidious it is to take direct action yet.

>we better learn spanish.
You better start calling yourself Mexican

>why do burgers hate mexicans?


They're NOT white. They're 2nd class citizens and bring a lowered quality of life to wherever they move en masse and start breeding out of control like the cockroaches they are.

>even the ones who work hard want gibs.
No, senpai. My family doesn't want gibs.

>dad owns a welding business (born/raised in Mexico, came to burgerland in the '70s)
>mom is an elementary school teacher (born/raised in burgerland)
>brother is a firefighter/ paramedic
>I'm a clinical microbiologist at a level 1 trauma hospital

We just want to live in a civilized country.

>us white
>that pic white
Man you fucking suck.

They all claim to love mexico yet none of them stay there.

Yeah, what the fuck was the Alamo even about anyway?

Red pill me on Costa Ricans.
They seem to be very light, which makes me think they're mostly of Spanish descent with a touch of Native.

I do

>Red pill me on Costa Ricans.

They're mexishits. Definitively not white.

Legal immigrant? Yeah, then your parents were resourceful enough to go through that bureaucratic process and are going to be a cut above the average Mexican.

what happens when u reduce the standard for immigration

Based and white? They are almost nigger tier. The only saving grace is that they hate niggers. But they are still horrible to live next to.

Some day, Jose, you'll learn that there are problems that can't be solved with machetes, truck tires, and gasoline.

>all these butthurt whiteys whining about immigration
>whining that they are out of work because they have no marketable skills and still demand a living wage
>whining because their women prefer mexicans
>whining becuase they are being outbred by these supposed sub humans
how about making the government change immigration laws. i don't mean (((trump))) either because he isn't gonna do shit

>They are almost nigger tier. The only saving grace is that they hate niggers.

The largest ancestries of American Whites are: German Americans (16.5%), Irish Americans (11.9%), English Americans (9.2%), Welsh Americans (6%), Scots-Irish Americans (12%), Italian Americans (5.5%), Mexican Americans (5.4%), French Americans (4%), Polish Americans (3%), Scottish Americans (1.9%), Dutch Americans (1.6%), Finnish Americans (2%), Danish Americans (5%), Norwegian Americans (1.5%), and Swedish Americans (1.4%).[10][not specific enough to verify][11] However, the English-Americans and British-Americans demography is considered a serious under-count as the stock tend to self-report and identify as simply 'Americans' (6.9%), due to the length of time they have inhabited America.[6][7][8][9]

Some day, Nicholas, you'll learn that some problems have to be solved with machetes. Tires and gasoline is strictly an American thing.(it is a black country after all)

I know your a dark shit skin Mexican. Any of the white ones immigrated to California after Mexican revolution.

If I had to pick a non-white future for North America then I would definitely choose a Spanish North America over some Islamo-Canadian North America. It feels much more right.

Are you a pussy or a reddit fag?

as long as i can hook up with latinas with big tits, eat tortas and drink jaritos all the time, im good. ive been assimilated already....

Holy shit is MIDF real?

Look at this fucking thread. Mexicans are savage squat people with disgusting unaesthetic genetics. I hate them on par with niggers, they are the same in my eyes. They are absolute scum of society. They are thieves, lazy-asses, drug addicts, and crabs in a bucket. Some of the worst fucking people to ever exist - like I said, they're on par with niggers.

>>whining because their women prefer mexicans

Mexishit fantasy #1841894 (right behind "mexicans are white"):

I have not known a SINGLE, attractive, self-respecting white woman to want to date a fucking mexican. Even your so called "light skinned" ones get super fucking jealous and an inferiority complex (and rightfully so because you're not white) when a good looking white male is nearby.

>Black country
[Citation needed]

See pic.

don't be a retard. "mexican" is not a race. there are tons of white mexicans......

If Trump goes full Hitler....will you be Mengele to my Himmler?

Let's beat Hitler's alleged high score once Trump goes full Hitler and starts opening concentration camps?

daily reminder that white men are naturally submissive so they hate any race that is dominant. same reason they like their "based asians" asians are the only race more submissive than whites

>there are tons of white mexicans......

How do you logically equate BROWN SKIN to being "white"?

Has the jewish controlled media and self hating liberal whites pumped THAT much white guilt up your spic ass you honestly think you're white?


Fuck off beaner.


What? I can't have an interest in the history, food, and art of other places in the world?

t. cumskin

>How do you logically equate BROWN SKIN to being "white"?

>Over half of Americans view this as the height of American history

Because Mexicans are subhuman, on par with nogs. They're alcoholics who beat their wifes, have no empathy for animals, they leach tax dollars, barely contribute to society, yet have the gall to claim they're enriching us with their fucking disgusting culture.

forgot the >

Daily reminder

There is legitimately nothing wrong with hitting your wife if its for a good reason.

shhh no tears only tacos now.

They are violent a lazy. Why do you think all of Latin America is a violent shithole? Dumb Russian faggot. Like all of the most violent countries on the planet are in Latin American countries, worse than fucking Africa.

Bitch is a 2/10.

Paco looks like he just hit the mexishit lotteria.

By any chance is there a 25 year old Honda Civic with chrome rims and "powered by zacatecas" bumper stickers in the background?

Fucking beaners.

Good riddance to inferior white DNA.

Baby won't look white and it won't get treated as an equal of the other little white children.

That's the point, they never have good reasons. They're all impotent chubby manlets with anger issues and alcohol problems, which they precede to take out on their kids and wife.

- t. white man dating a hispanic girl who cut off contact with her parents as soon as we started living together because they're violent subhumans

the fucking tears in this thread holy shit i bet none of you sheltered autists have ever even talked to a mexican

Jose, please. What are you doing? Are you actively TRYING to increase American support for Trump's wall?

Yeah right nigger, this is a Spaniard, they are based and white. Your picture is a picture of a bottom feeding parasite mexi-nigger and the scorn of the world. Even actual white Spanish descendants in Mexico talk sit about them because of their fucking retarded nigger qualities...

>have no empathy for animals


Because Mexicans are subhuman, on par with nogs

>treated as an equal of the other little white children.
No, being non-white in US you are treated as royalty

>they seem based and white
the only based ones are the ones staying their country trying to make it better through whatever means

And a select percentage are genuinely white.

We hate them because they game our systems and welfare for their benefit. Shame on us for allowing it be raped the way it is, and shame on us more for the bizarre attitude to allow it to not just continue, but to pervade and prosper in their favor.

Then there's the whole "took our jobs" thing. They did take jobs: jobs that were not our first choice and certainly ones that younger generations found grueling and tiresome. The issue I'm pointing at is where the money is going: not back into our systems, into our economy.

Is it really inflation/devaluation of our dollar that has caused sharp costs in public infrastructure and services? Not as much as we are told...

Then (((they))) place unnecessary burden on our infrastructures even more. Public schools were already a curse, but to place non-english speaking kids into them then forcing the school to cater to their needs is quite the show. We can only be as smart as the dumbest in the class.

Jails and prisons begin to hold more of their numbers not just because of their growing populations, but because they know how lenient we are with crimes. Not to mention free shelter and food.

mexico was conquered by spaniards. the ruling class is white goofus. skinhead plz......