I'll be going to college soon. Should I make it easy and keep my head down/write leftist be to get good marks

I'll be going to college soon. Should I make it easy and keep my head down/write leftist be to get good marks,
Be that obstinate libertarian that refuses to bow to 'the man'

Or anything in between. Seriously stereotypes aside what advice would you give me?

*write leftist bs
Damn autocorrect

you aren't allowed on Sup Forums

Says who? I'm not a minor. I'm 24. Loafed about for six years after high school going between shit tier jobs and smoking pot. Finally decided to change that.

>advice would you give me?

Hang low and get laid as much as you can.

Also, learn something - Lots of people leave college with no marketable skills and huge debts.

If it's for a grade keep your head down and go with the flow.

If its a anonymous thing go for it. For example at my university we had a micro aggression board where you write the micro aggression you experienced. It got trolled so hard they took it down after one day. This happened in a university in Southern California.

question everything but reply to everything in a way that gives you plausible deniability

become the kike

Well not much for promiscuity but I do intend on actually learning. Also going in for a good useful degree. Electrical engineering. It'll be a lot of work but I'm willing to put in the time needed to succeed at it.

be like me, get the professor to like you, thinking you are some sort of progressive, and then begin subtly dropping redpills to the class.

they will react in a more positive manner due to having thought you as a progressive teacher's pet

In class be a progressive cuck and get good marks, find out what your prof wants and give it to them. Believe me the other options suck. Be yourself otherwise.

That seems sound.
I wouldn't say I'm super moral but I'd probably have to question my character a little bit for turning in leftist propaganda and call it an essay or whatever.. But I'm of the mindset that the next four years are an investment for my future so I guess that means I gotta eat their shit along the way

What about joining conservative or libertarian groups? Should I avoid them? Or at least, would you avoid them?

It takes a lot to not speak up/ laugh at first, but after a while you'll get used to it.

Become a master of deception and infiltrate them

Slow boil seems more effective than anything else anyways.. Allows people to come to the conclusions on their own instead of being told that they are wrong.

>Be that obstinate libertarian that refuses to bow to 'the man'

This is more acceptable to the college environment than being a Republican Nazi.

Well not to give away personal info but I'll be going to UGA. So hopefully being in the heart of the south it won't be as bad.

infiltrate them and expose your profs if they do anything funky

we need to start getting better results going after these college cucks

although you might end up with professional teachers who leave ideology out of their lessons, instead of libtarded hacks

Teach me senpai

You'll likely fit in as a tea party libertarian, but the LP libertarians are viewed a crazy liberals.

Go take the joke of a placement test and ace it. Shouldn't take more than a week of prep study.

LP libertarian?

Always write leftist BS, unless you have the opportunity to possibly redpill people (which is highly unlikely in college)

You are buying very expensive credentials, just do what you need to and don't allow yourself to be brainwashed. Especially over crushing puss, that's the real danger. This above all else, be true to thine own self.

Libertarian Party.

Ah, well I say I'm a libertarian because its the closest to accurate. But honestly due to idiots Gary Johnson I just can't truly be a libertarian.

I'm a fag so puss is no temptation.

>tfw failing all classes at end of semester.
I started out so strong.

Treat it like a job. Spend every free hour you have going over and over your work. Even if you don't understand it just memorize it.

do all professors grade on political stance instead of what is actually written on the paper?
write what you want to write user, as long as its a well written paper on topic i dont see why you would get a low score.

True, but if you know the professor favors a particular ideology would it not be a better bet to write for them?

as long as you dont seem transparent.
better to keep your power level hidden i suppose.

Well this was a good discussion guys. Thanks.

Don't be libertarian. Take microeconomics and learn what an externality is.

Just don't be a T_D faggot that makes everything about politics and you'll be fine. I'm actually trolled you're making such a big deal about this to begin with. Get cancer faggot

>Write whatever the fuck you want.
>Tell the teacher you're just playing devil's advocate because you like a challenge

Don't do what I did, which is take an obvious assignment to circlejerk the teacher's beliefs and write an honest deconstruction. That's a good way to a guaranteed C grade.

You sound like me lmao.
I'm going back in September, and FWIW I plan on challenging every teacher for the first semester or two to see how it goes, and then adjust accordingly.

good for you. Also as someone who just got out of college, try to hide your power level.

100% just parrot the teachers opinions with ((peer reviewed resources)) for ez marks

t. Education student who has done ((Psychology)) &(((((((sociology)))))))

If you want to pass, don't piss off your professor. If you can't tell if they are liberal or not....they're liberal

Do everyone a favor and just go shoot the place up. Take as many liberal arts professors with you but try to leave the STEM field professors alone.

So become the shill to gain credits? That seems to be the general consensus

The last thing we need is a right leaning student to shoot up a school. Leave that to the dems like it always is.

Tech grad here. Couldn't get in?

Probably not to start with. Went to Gainesville years back but dropped out because I was a lazy pothead. So I have 4 incompletes on my transcript and it hammered my GPA. I'm focusing on taking general cores and electives to boost my GPA then gonna go try to transfer to either tech or ga southern

I say keep in touch with conservative/libertarian groups but don't actually join them officially. They serve a purpose but are also hotbeds for tribalism. Keep enough contact to stay in the loop regarding cool speakers visiting campus or other important events but don't let groups define your political beliefs--that is for you to define for yourself.

In general, to answer your original question, don't settle for one way or another.

As long as you're doing electrical engineering, I hope your ideological indoctrinization is able to be kept to a minimum.

On the other hand, if you were going more in a liberal arts direction, I would say devour (from an intellectual standpoint) everything you can get your hands on. For a few years you will have your hands on academic databases and (hopefully, never been to GA) a well-stocked campus library. By the end of your degree program you have the potential to know not only your own standpoint, but also all of the opposing ones too. Know your enemy, basically, in order to better know yourself. That way when a professor starts spouting their leftist agenda you can engage them not only with your own arguments but also be capable of defeating their arguments from a position of intimate knowledge.

Probably the best advice from this whole thread. Thanks I will definitely keep that in mind.

Be mature, be polite, be redpilled as fuck. If you die to some leftist cuck uprising, you will be a martyr whose name we cry as we slaughter them like swine.

I am graduating this year at a ripe old age. Just do the work and get the grades mate. You're not winning any medals for "taking a stand", do that only when you need to... only when it matters.