Sup Forums claims to be redpilled about the world wide globalist Jewish conspiracy

>Sup Forums claims to be redpilled about the world wide globalist Jewish conspiracy
>claims to be redpilled about the Holocaust
>claims to be redpilled about global warming
>blindly accepts the theory of evolution

It's almost a knee jerk reaction. Whenever you even begin to question whether (((evolution))) is even right the way its told, the school brainwashing kicks in and the insults start coming in. It's almost like a religion, and that's to be expected because evolution is the bedrock of the secularists's worldview, without it, his whole worldview crumbles and with that his liberalism also crumbles.

If evolution is really a hard scientific theory on the same level of the theory of gravity and electromagnetism, then why is there so much emotional baggage involved? If you were to question gravity the scientist would calmly question why you are wrong and he wouldn't go into an emotional outburst, but even begin to question evolution from a scientific basis and the evolutionist goes into full autistic screeching mode. Why?

Also I find it weird that Sup Forums questions anthropocentric global warming but never thinks twice about evolution when the history of the theory is littered with fraud, manipulation of data and conspiracy.

Just look how harshly creationists/intelligent scientists are treated when they try to question evolution among the scientific community, they are always persecuted as if they just committed a heresy. This is not how science should be.

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I'm not a young earth creationist btw. I just don't buy into it evolution as it is told today that given enough time and natural selection you'll be able to create this immense amount of complexity and diversity of species. I don't know how God/aliens created us or how they helped us evolve but unlike the evolutionists I'm open minded. Studying origins is not the same as studying gravity or electromagnetism or the theory of relativity which can be observed in real time, in origins you have to make assumptions and inferences and then try to construct the past from these to try and make it fit. It's just not on the same level as a hard science so why is it so bad if someone questions it?

Friendly reminder evolution is supported by the Catholic church

Implying I give a fuck what the (((Catholic Church))) teaches.

Implying the (((Catholic Church))) is not part of the globalist liberal hegemony.

Here is your previous pope kissing the Qur'an and your current pope is slurping on refugee feet.

I was raised as a young earth creationist.

Took biology in college and accepted evolution.

I am still a Christian.

I think that the evidence for MACRO evolution is quite convincing. I think you are right that it's used to broadly as an explanation. There are probably other processes that helped it along.

I'm a bio phd student and while I can agree than scientists are not perfect, and there definitely is fraud and lying in science, evolution just makes too much sense. I can't conceive of it NOT happening. Like there's no way natural systems could prevent evolution from happening.

Anyway. I really don't like "religion" debates. So I'm not going to argue with you about this.

Young Earth creationism is retarded. Why do Churches teach it in the first place?

But you have to admit that there has been a lot of frauds when it comes to evolution more so than any other science except maybe climate science.

if science can ezplain everything thwn explain this
checkmate christians
atheists 1
christians 0

>Why do Churches teach it in the first place?

So that they can claim that the Bible is literally true.

It makes it a much simpler thing to preach, and gives the message a lot more authority.

It'd be a lot more difficult to preach the subtlety of a sophisticated Christian philosophy to a crowd of blue collar workers on Sunday.

>But you have to admit that there has been a lot of frauds when it comes to evolution more so than any other science except maybe climate science.

Why do you say that?

And honestly, the logic of evolution is so sound that I don't even need direct evidence to believe it. It's just intuitive if you have a basic understand of genetics and inheritance.

Just gonna leave this here.

what alternative do you propose?

Dinosaurs are Jewish Bullshit too

>preach the subtlety of a sophisticated Christian philosophy to a crowd of blue collar workers on Sunday.
This, the bible has been simplified to appeal to the masses, when you understand it beyond a literal sense it become a more interesting read.

I don't care about it either way, it doesn't matter.

I ignore people making evo psych arguments for their degeneracy.

Young earth creationism is pretty fringe...It isn't something the vast majority of christians believe at all. It's actually more of a jew thing where they will say that jews have recorded all of history so the world basically started 5 thousand years ago when they started recording it or some shit like that.

I don't have an alternative. I take the position that we will never really know but I'm open minded to any other explanations.

>there are people who think that this .gif is a good argument

It's not in the bible belt.

Everyone I knew was raised under young earth creationism.

It's a shame because people lose faith in God when they grow up and realize that some of what they've been taught is so unacceptable to modern science.

The age of the universe is really not relevant to having faith in God imo.

This is why the church was so opposed to simps reading and interpreting the Bible themselves versus well trained and educated monks and priests.

>It upsets scientists when people ignore overwhelming scientific evidence in favor of muh holy buk.
If they had any evidence or a proper logical argument I'm sure they wouldn't be treated like heretics.

dinosaurs was an inside job.

There are so many ancient cave paintings, sculptures, etc. that depict what look like dinosaurs living with humans.

The Bible's description of Levitation and the Behemoth also sound like Dinosaurs to me.

Dragons also seem to be dinosaurs.

It really makes me think. I honestly am open minded to the idea of dinosaurs living with humans, I don't find it far-fetched at all given the amount of references there are to them.

maybe because they want very badly to have us all convinced we've come from a bunch of niggers in africa?

Actually on of the illuminatis stated goals was to make man think he is the same as an animal (something to that effect) and that was decades before Darwin. Macro evolution is complete shit and the facts disproving it are literally endless.

Watch the movie Expelled. A lot of the scientists weren't even religious, lol. And they never brought up the Bible yet they still were targeted and persecuted by evolution dogmatists.

And even young earth creationists don't bring up the Bible when they do research at a university level. So even in extreme cases your argument doesn't work.

Also you are assuming that intelligent design advocates are all Christian and are all biblical literalists.. this is not true also.

Notice the knee jerk reaction of the brainwashed biology 101 student here guys. This is what I'm talking about. It's that smug self-righteous arrogance of these people that makes me think there is a strong case of academic brainwashing going on. No different than that goes on in social science classes.

Dude, we know how much carbon 13 is in a fresh bone. It decays at a predictible rate so when you consider the ratio of carbon to radiocarbon in a fossil, you can extrapolate its age. We know how old fossils are, its physicially impossible to be off by millions of years.

Actually one would find physics and chemistry to be the bedrock of peoples belief in science and methodological examination of phenomena. I would proudly chant magic spells if they worked, but sadly for you they don't. Please come back when your chanting cures cancer more reliably then smiles and sugar pills.

Look, I think science is a belief in the ignorance of experts but you need evidence. All they have is opinion and cojecture, if that changed they would have a different reception in academia.

>what are living fossils
Just because there are fossilized dinosaurs doesn't mean they had to have gone extinct hundreds millions of years ago.

There are millions of creatures which have remained the same after millions of years of evolution.. they still exist in the same form as they did back then.

If dinosaurs didn't one day co-exist with man or at least went extinct while man was still around then explain all these cave paintings, explain Dragon folklore tales, explain Behemoth, Leviathan, etc.

>And honestly, the logic of evolution is so sound that I don't even need direct evidence to believe it. It's just intuitive if you have a basic understand of genetics and inheritance.
this. It doesn't even have to involve genes. Evolutionary principles apply to anything that self-replicates, from viruses on your computer to societies and ideas.

Physics and Chemistry are real observable sciences that can be tested in real term. These are hard sciences. Evolution is a softer sub-category of the science of biology and is not on the same level as physics, chemistry, etc. Even the most hard core young earth creationists accepts the hard sciences.

Notice the smug liberal arrogance that has come as a result of biology 101 brainwashing guys. He sounds like a SJW here. Same tonality and everything.

Dinosaurs evolved into birds and reptiles. What are you trying to say? Anectodal evidence based on generic folklore monsters is enough for you to ignore hard physics?

I accept it, but i'm open to other explanations.
Honestly, I don't really give a fuck, my life didn't happen at that point.
Seriously, if it did happen, it was millions of years ago.
I don't see why I would care about the past, the future is bound to be far more interesting than millions of years of us hunting animals while we slowly lost body hair and our backs went straigth.

Here is just one problem: The lack of a viable mechanism for producing high levels of complex and specified information. Related to this are problems with the Darwinian mechanism producing irreducibly complex features, and the problems of non-functional or deleterious intermediate stages.

Literally thousands more

Carbon dating is, again, bullshit. Smell for yourself

What's your explanation of the folklore monsters then? Where did the idea for dragons come from? Where did the idea for Levitation and Behemoth come from? Why are there cave paintings of what appear to be dinosaurs?

Also evolution is not a hard physics. Biology is a soft science and evolution is even softer. I love it when evolution supporters always try to piggy back on the hard sciences of physics and chemistry to make their science look more credible kek.

Oh you deny that we know for a fact what the fuck happened 500 million years ago in exactly the way we tell you? Well that means you also deny all of physics and chemistry? I'm so smart!

Only in some sea life with shells. With reptiles and mammals we know what to expect from their bones in terms of carbon and radiocarbon proportions. Some sea creatures amalgamate bits of other dead ancient sea life which fucks up measurements. Cherry pick data much?


OT: can I get a quick rundown on Climategate?

Carbon dating is hard physics and a bit of biochemistry. Dragons are generic scary predators, humans fear predators. Apply occums razor to this one. We know humans and dinosaurs did not coexist, what are you even arguing? Unless you mean birds and reptiles.

Carbon dating has been proven to be bs time and time again. Its just a guess. Plus none of that has nothing to do with evolution, God or the bible. You should read The Case For A Creator by Strobel

Because the liberal knows that it's true, but he doesn't know why. His greatest fear is that you'll expose his ignorance about science, economics or history. All he knows is what he's memorized in politically correct class.
I'm a conservative physicist, you should see how they recoil.

>This thread again.
Let me guess, within this thread there's going to be.
>Several creationists who act fairly calm and reasonably discuss their beliefs.
>At least one loud creationist shitposter.
>Reasonable people who believe in evolution.
>Insults towards both sides.
>Misinterpretations of science.
>At least two guys who really don't care.
>And this thread will reach at least 150 posts.
Sure hope you guys prove me wrong on some of these points.
How many times have we had this thread again? I've lost count.

>What's your explanation of the folklore monsters then? Where did the idea for dragons come from? Where did the idea for Levitation and Behemoth come from? Why are there cave paintings of what appear to be dinosaurs?

Where did the idea for picture related come from? Unlike ancient myths, we can trace its evolution completely: it went from a photoshop entry on an internet forum, to something people wrote elaborate stories about, to something people actually believed in, to something people killed for, all in the space of a few years. People tell stories and over time story becomes myth becomes fact.

>If you were to question gravity the scientist would calmly question why you are wrong and he wouldn't go into an emotional outburst, but even begin to question evolution from a scientific basis and the evolutionist goes into full autistic screeching mode. Why?

Ask me some questions, I promise not to start screeching

forgot picture

Show me your data outside of specific sea creatures. Carbon dating isn't perfect but it's margin of error isn't hundreds of millions of years. Its pretty reliable for estimates within a few thousand years.

>He thinks Sup Forums isn't strongly Christian.
What timeline did you come from?

There is more proof of evolution then a magical skywizard.

If you ran even the most basic of numbers concerning rates of mutation in humans and the overall instance of their occurance over the course of our entire history you would very quickly find that genetic drift would've wiped us out IF we were to believe the mutations themselves are random, as the gospel of darwin posits. something like 60 mutations per human, with a few million base pairs to play with, spread out over 10.4 billion lives would simply not work if they were not structured in some underlying manner. We would've been rendered into a pile of goop within a few million iterations, let alone 10.4 billion. Selection pressure is also not enough to adequately control the genetic drift. Some other force is acting upon us, to create us.

>If evolution is really a hard scientific theory on the same level of the theory of gravity and electromagnetism, then why is there so much emotional baggage involved? If you were to question gravity the scientist would calmly question why you are wrong and he wouldn't go into an emotional outburst, but even begin to question evolution from a scientific basis and the evolutionist goes into full autistic screeching mode. Why?

Nope, just look at the Flat Earth threads.

People just hate dealing with retards that refuse to learn.

>believing the Sup Forums is a Christian board meme

Sleipnr is a horse with 8 legs
Trolls as big as mountains
Jormungandr/Midgårdsormr is a sea serpent so large it encircles the earth and is able to bite its own tail

Have you found any trolls, eight legged horses or sea serpents of unfathomable size yet or their fossils?

There are runestones depicting Thor fishing for the beast after all

It's what they say all the time, so excuse me if my perception has been colored by these few individuals.

>cave paintings
Ever think they might be shit at drawing or just fucking around?

>Selection pressure is also not enough to adequately control the genetic drift.
Why not?

Baby-tier argument and reasoning, you're the science equivalent of a SJW.

Every time you bring math specifically probability into evolutionist timelines you run into issues.

Also there isn't just one type of carbon dating used, they use many to make sure that their results coincide, what sense would it make it they just used one and then said "yep 80 million sounds about right" Is everyone high in this thread? I'm new so I must not be redpilled enough to throw out my basic understanding of physics, chemistry, biology, and evolution because some book written by sand people is a more accurate portrayal of our planet's history.

The proof for Jesus is incredibly large

The horse is with 8 legs is still originated from something which already exists - a horse.

The rest of your examples don't explain away anything I've said.

The serpent of the sea could have easily been on a sea-based dinosaur which we have fossils of.

Thor's beast? Same thing.

Because the drift can occur anywhere in the genome. It would not always be readily apparent that there is a defect present, given enough time these defects would accumulate and quickly blow the bottom out of any species, if we're to assume theyre random.

Carbon dating only really works for thing younger than 50,000 years.

Potassium and Lead-Uranium dating are used for older things

Every time you bring any science into biblical timelines you run into issues. The WHOLE world was flooded huh, weird how other cultures at that time have no memory of being completely flooded over and kept immaculate record keeping of their history all through that supposed timeline. Gonna say that was the lizard people controlling them or?

>given enough time these defects would accumulate and quickly blow the bottom out of any species

If these traits cause such a negative effect they would be eliminated through natural selection

That May Explain why 98% of species that has ever lived in the earth has gone extinct

>readily apparent
to whom? Any mutation with a deleterious effect (even a minor one) will be selected against, while any positive or neutral mutation will not be. if a gene accumulates (for example) 10 mutations and it's only the tenth that causes problems, then only the tenth will be selected against.

the Catholic Church also says its just a theory. Evolution is a crock of shit, people are just too stubborn to see it

>Evolution is a crock of shit, people are just too stubborn to see it
>people are just too stubborn to see it

You can literally SEE bacteria evolve to resist antibiotics through a microscope

the term "natural selection" is a placeholder for something you simply dont understand. Even if we were to say natural selection is whats keeping genetic drift from becoming a problem theres still the issue of the potential keyspace of DNA base pair combinations (its infinite) yet evolution manages to happen in a guided and ordered direction that defies the timelines and probability rates it presents us with. Birds evolved out of little lizards, Thats such a large genetic change and would require the testing out of "completely random" mutations on a scale that doesnt fit within the given time frame. Were taking a near infinite amount of mutations that can occur yet the neccessary 4-5k were found in a few million iterations of the species. That does not add up, at fucking all. Darwin is dead, and Ill deal the death blow to the motherfucker my self by writing a book about how fucking ridiculous these claims of randomization are.

>its just a theory

there are hundreds upon hundreds of flood myths from all around world. There are flood myths in every language, culture, region, etc. Even in places where there wasn't any local floods, in tribes in the jungle we find flood myths. Tribes which have had no communication with any other peoples have also had flood myths similar to Noah's ark.

And the flood myths coincide in their similarities.

Yes, and you can literally see a cars engine whirl about and burn gasoline, but if you said the car just appeared you would look like a complete jackass.

Here you say there are two few mutations occurring for evolution to occur.

Here you say too many


>The rest of your examples don't explain away anything I've said.

Why? It's folklore, lets not even get into Iceland and their elves

>The horse is with 8 legs is still originated from something which already exists - a horse.

That's a good point because Behemoth pretty much matches the description of an elephant except for
>He moveth his tail like a cedar
both the tree and the elephant exists

The basic principle of carbon dating works. Radioactive decay is predictible, so is carbon concentration in remains and radiocarbon/carbon ratios. We set the world's clocks with beta decay. Carbon dating works reliably under almost all circumstances, you cherry pick the handful where it doesn't to prove what? What is your argument?

Not at all, your reading comprehension is shit if you dont understand what I said.

Hurrr evolution is fake but I will only provide cherry picked data or no links at all to support my argument. If someone questions it too much I'll just talk about folklore and myths.

Im sold hook, line and sinker on the theory that there was some sort of 'alien' intervention/origin. a few nights ago an user had a thread about 'african DNA being the fermi paradox filter for our species'. that was some food for thought

Maybe you should explain yourself better, because you aren't making any sense unless you think that evolution is like lotto instead of an iterative process

I'm sorry to say but... We live in a simulation.

>question evolution
Why would you question evolution? Just look at dogs if you want to see an example.

The brazilian knows. We're infinitely more likely to exist in a simulation than the real universe, which would imply there is a God, and he's an uncaring mathemetician/programmer.

and this negates alien origin how?

It's the opposite. There's a handful of geographically sparse civilizations with stories of a great flood in their ancient texts.

Anyone know anything about SSPX?

Can I convert through them? If I self study the catechism for a few months would that be enough? I know they don't do RCIA.

Improbable things become pretty likely given the timeframe and scale of the universe. If you left a billion lumps of silicon for billions of years, you'd probably find a rudimentary processor at some point.

>hurr durr
Hello ledddit

thats a step above what I am speaking of, I guess

maybe he saves the data of the npc that meet certain criteria and uploads them into '''' (he uses mac)

>there werent rivers near them
pls stap

>ppl believe this

That thread was certainly food for thought, although I think the blame being put on Africans was a bit facetious. I think an explanation for the fermi-paradox, is more to do with the massive complexity of emergent systems, this specific population/migration issue is one of many barriers and I'm extremely skeptical that it's the most significant.

Hell it might be a solution, the neo-whatevers are engineering pliable, easily bought populations that will fall for less luxurious renditions of western consumerism. Not pose much competition and remove inertia from the development of more advanced technologies whilst providing a good source of labor. I think that has its own set of risks and instabilities but it's as bad as the eugenics they criticize Hitler for, if not worse.

You are describing creation, not evolution. See this video:

It's a computer skillfully playing Super Mario. It learnt how to play by random 'mutations' (button presses) but because there was selective pressure it became skilled over generations. What you are describing with your computer chip analogy would be like if the computer finished the game on the first generation, which no one is claiming.

You don't think random cosmic rays and erosion could form a rudimentary processor from raw materials given billions of years and hundreds billions of chances?

people create white blood cells that attack certain bacteria an foreign particulates.

What point are you trying to make

Theory doesn't dismiss god lol infact, if fucking narrows it down.