Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

Well obviously AfD won't win hans.

Enjoy your Islamic caliphate.

Brexit and Trump >>>>>> Your pic

Le pen was the only one that had an actual chance of winning, so it'd be pretty stupid to cheer the loss of the AfD since no one actually believes she's going to win.

afd isnt even close lad, dont get your hopes up

I've taken to looking on the bright side of life: At least we will see the final partition of germany within our lifetimes

Wilders, Le Pen and AfD are obvious losses (though they did all gain votes). Hofer was the only thing we actually thought was possible and he only lost by a small margin.

Not really. Le Pen, at her best, was at 42% against Macron. Meanwhile, Hofer actually won in some polls against MADAME.


Nobody thinks that Afd has a chance. We have given up on Germany. Also Austrian president doesnt have power

npd has a better chance

>leftists setting easy goals since Hillary got BTFO
The only one on that list who had a chance was Hofer.

You have no clue how Pyhrric Rutte and Macron have it.

Rutte lost 9 seats overall and Wilders gained 4. Wilders has now the most dominant voice in the opposition and he ran on an extremely anti-Islam platform.

Le Pen got 35% of the vote for the FN, which was the highest ever. If Macron becomes Hollande 2.0, then who do you think the redpilled people are going to go for next election, especially considering if Le Pen runs for re-election, she won't have her father by her side.

I am not sure about Germany, but unless the country is largely cucked, Merkel will be replaced by someone.

Anyways, the EU will be slain in 10 years or so due to instability.

WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the -government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now post this in another thread, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't.

This isn't fake. apparently, if u copy and paste this to three threadsin the next ten minutes u will have the best day of ur life tomorrow. u will either get kissed or asked out, if u break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. in 59 mins someone will say i love you or I'm sorry

What do you mean by defeat AfD? AfD doesn't need a majority victory, a pluraly strong victory will suffice.

Germany is going ultracuck unfortunately

>populists got defeated in subsequent elections
>"Anyways, the EU will be slain in 10 years or so due to instability"

>tfw anglosphere
give me 1 reason why I should care about the death of europe

Germany is becoming increasingly isolated, they got blown the fuck out by the Turk and Italian referendums and have no friends in Eastern Europe at all.

>actual chance of winning
>didn't even swing 35% of the vote

All those do is maintain the status quo, and the status quo is never going to fix the problems which cause the growth of the nationalist right.

literally this

>mfw Le Pen lost

And then what?

1. The increasing support for the right continues, the masses come to their senses and the right eventually wins. The situation normalizes and stabilizes.
2. Immigration reaches a point where the only acceptable right wing party is duterte tier. Definitely RWDS and helicopter rides.
3. Complete islamization where women lose their rights and faggots get thrown from rooftops.

We're not the baddies you cuck.

Have you seen how the EU has been acting with Brexit and those Populists?

These people don't win because they don't do it right and don't have the right political/media environment.

Trump is a failure. Brexit at risk of being cancelled. The Globalists always win.

>i know what will really get those young internet nazis
>let's convince them that democracy is shit and thus radicalize them even further
>nothing can surely go wrong

> all parties doubled their political power and presence,
> somehow defeated

This is your brain on globalism

Yes, considerably well.

Defeat Hillary and prevent Brexit didn't go so well for you hans

Brexit and Trump are all that matters.

London is the financial center of the world and Trump has the U.S. military.

All the EU is doing by voting these globalists in is providing a containment area where the not-so politically correct Chinks and Indians can exterminate the populations.

Trump is a globalist though

Le Pen came in third in an election with two candidates. She only got 35% of those who voted for a candidate, which translates to barely 24% of the electorate (Macron only got 47%).

Abstention/blanc/nul got 36%.

Those people will all vote for Melenchon in 2022. Your'e very informed about France and don't realize how left wing they are.

I notice that "To fix the problem of Islam and islamist terrorism" is not on the list.

die merkel reich rises

>t. achmed

No they wont but keep dreaming FNs growth shows no signs of stopping.

*uninformed, obviously

He's like, a globalist AND a nationalist.

Aren't all big banks (((them)))?
How is this suddenly redeeming?

Especially while they are leaving for the continent because no Conservative knows what they are doing anyway. Plus in the end my call is that Brexit is not happening within 3 yrs or so.

As for America, concurred.

fake news

>FNs growth shows no signs of stopping

lol, ok.

They got BTFO so hard they're literally changing their name.

I knew it was BTFO when they took the dutch blond 70s-porn-actor-type seriously.

>people will all vote for Melenchon in 2022
Republicans will win in June and in 2022


You're not delusional, LR will do very well in the parliamentary elections, but Melenchon is very popular in France, and will do well in opposition to Macron.

Sorry you're a cuck Emmy.

>le non-voters count and will definitely vote next election meme

Oh well, guess I'll have to settle for PRESIDENT TRUMP! :D

Those aren't nonvoters in the numbers in that post; they are voters who explicitly decided not to vote for either candidate.

>Defeat AfD

If you seriously fucking believe that the AfD won't win any seats, you are fucking delusional.

Alice will be leader of the opposition, and your beloved alcoholic kike (((Schulz))) can't do anything about it.

All of them are mad Filionblasters.

literal fake news
notice the source for said quote is WSJ?

WSJ is pretty real for me

A little less than half of them were, the other half was Melenchon and weirdo Hamon supporters.

The Jewish genocide of Europeans can not be stopped. The Jews always win.

>turn the party into NPD 2.0
>lose half your voters
>barely manage to get 5% of the vote
>call it a success

fuckin great

All you idiots should just give up.

Cant wait for FvD to crush the EU

Add to your list that that failure drumpf and Brecht won't happen anyway. White men go die is now trending

>White men go die is now trending

You can already cross out AfD since Schulz cucked them out of their "alternative to Merkel" spot.

The US and Britain are the only western countries that really matter in the geo-political sphere. We chose our battles wisely, and got more than we could have ever wished for.

AfD will get 6-8% after this decision

>German unironically celebrating the death of his country and the rape of fellow germans
Yea you sure showed us didn't ya hans

>"alternative to Merkel" spot
But only AfD can stop mass immigration and reform the EU
Schulz is worse than fucking Merkel for potential AfD supporters (15-25%)

>He doesn't think his country subsidizing all of Africa and the middle east will destroy it

German people clearly don't find them convincing seeing as they keep tanking in the polls.

No :^)

Based Alice Weidel can save AfD


The Right made such a huge political surge in the west in 2016/2017, if we didn't outright win like in the US and Britain then we became the opposition leaders and the momentum is only gaining.


Krauts are the new Leafs
Day of the Grinder when?

even better, it will become socially acceptable and lawful to kill commies/globalists at some point in the next 50 years.

You've simply postponed the inevitable. It's going to get so bad that only the most cucked will continue to support the status quo.
Either that or Europe completely falls to Islam within our lifetimes.


Anglos once again prove they are superior to every other race on Earth, especially filthy European continentals.

All of Europe's problems are completely irrelevant to us thankfully.

Ourselves and the USA are separated by an ocean from Europe, you guys are literally on the other side of the planet and the UK at least has their little strait and a sense of national pride. We have our own internal problems with the left but we will never ever be as bad or in as much danger as the retards in continental Europe.

Feels good to be one of the last remaining fragments of white western society, no matter how bad we fuck up at least we aren't going to get swarmed with hordes of shitskins straight from Africa like Europe.

Their goals are still good, to bad they fucked Frauke, really liked her.