Illegals become legal

What is Sup Forums's opinion on illegals who come here illegally but get their green card, social security, and pay their taxes later on ?

pay taxes?

If they pay taxes and don't suck on gibs I think everything is ok.

Better than some drug addict nationals.

The thing that is really important is that they get integrated into the community and the country. That's the real problem here in Spain and in Europe in general.

They're still illegals. They shit all over the people who went through the necessary steps to become citizens. Fuck them. They should go back to their country, do it the right way, don't do it at all, or kill themselves. I don't really care as long as they're not here illegally

They have the right idea as far as wanting to become an American badly. it's somewhat impossible for them to become a citizen legally since the latin american countries are fucked and are unable to provide any form of financial help to make immigrating easily both my parents came here illegally but have paid taxes and never have been on welfare and worked their asses off for everything never robbing or commiting crimes. It's hard to tell who does everything the right way and who doesn't but screw fucking arabs and armenians they are fucking scum they cheat the system and get away with it they're the ones that need to be fucking deported and treated like animals.

They pay taxes even when here illegally.

They need to go back.

By the way this is a off topic question but would a Mexican fit into European Spanish culture or they would an outcast?

it would depend on what shade they are. if they pass the color test they can stay. if they are not passing, they have to go back

Contribute more than they take? Fine.
Don't, gtfo.

Send them back they broke the law and show general disrespect to the nation that ends up hosting the ingrates. Borders exist for a reason, if you want to be respectful then apply to enter legally instead of picking and choosing what laws apply to you.

>t. illegal immigrants

No bad feelings here, but I don't understand why Americans think that any Latin American looks like a Spaniard.

When we get asked that we just think "shit, are you Americans like English folk?"

They are VERY different.

The White Mexican people would fit in and be untraceable tho. Very educated and rich people.

The sons of the white and rich Mexicans come to study in here, Spain is such a cozy and comfy place to live.

The point is, they still came here ILLEGALLY. They have to go back and stay the fuck out.

see this macro and pity the poster who put it up.

no one is against LEGAL immigrants, moron.

The natives had no immigration laws or international borders, troll.

the simple answer is that they do not belong here.
immigrating to the US is a long and expensive process.
you dont get to cut the line and be allowed to stay just because you got in.
you have to go through the proper channels like anyone else that doesnt have the luxury of living just south of the US.
there needs to be stronger vetting but liberals want to knock down the metal detectors and let anyone in.

most Americans are of German or English descent, for the moment. We look like it.

>The natives had no immigration laws or international borders, troll.
hmm so that makes it ok to slaughter them and take their lands

it makes it okay to come here and settle, but nice try.

If an undocumented immigrant commits a violent crime such as rape, burglary, or murder, they should receive capital punishment; as the crime against that American would not have happened had they not been here illegally.

The family relating to the suspect should be deported and the child placed into the foster care system (unless the parents want to take the child with them back to their country).

If the illegal becomes legal, they should be required to pay the taxes they didn't pay while they were illegal, and after the fees are payed, they are just like every other citizen.


I don't fucking want them here.

>what if someone robs a bank... but donates the money to charity?
>what if someone commits murder... but then saves someone's life?

Yeah no. Crossed illegally, they get punished for it.

Illegal immigration is unfair to those who try it the legal way. However i would prioritize the criminal illegals first and once i cracked those down go after the others

Yeah I know it. But I think you guys link us with the Mexicans and the rest of the Latin Americans because of the language. That's why I said that about the English folk.

We colonized it. And that's it.

Of course it is, the fuck? If you aren't advancing fast enough, why the fuck are you sitting there, eating shit, and fucking up good land?

>most Americans are of German or English descent, for the moment. We look like it.
t. 47%

Natives didn't have a nation the land belonged to anyone and was taken by everyone.


and no one blames the home country, it's all "we have to let them in" instead of "Mexico should get its shit together"

being a teacher in Mexico is fucking hereditary- if you die your kid gets the job, and if they don't want it they can auction it off to the highest bidder

yet it's bawww poor illegals 24/7

>come here illegally but get their green card

Please show me the native immigration laws Europeans violated.

They are okay in my mind if they go through the legal process. I understand the system is tough, but that is so people don't abuse it. I had friends who became legal and worked hard to do so. Those that enter illegally have no excuse, unless it is money for the test, which I am sure there are ways around that too.

Theyre still not white and still vote Blue

They are very rare and faggots like you like to pretend its common, its not.

It's not something we can endorse because it's picking and choosing our laws. They still robbed the country for the time they were illegal.

I would support a fine and not deportation but it's not a pressing issue.

What is a pressing issue is that turning a blind eye to illegal immigration in the first place hurts everyone. Gibs drain our system, gibs incentivizes the other country to pass the buck here. Not doing something about gibs allows bureaucracy and useless government and therefore dems to expand and fester.

By tolerating such people, you are advertising to all who will see that illegals are fine.

They're ruining the cultural continuity of the country

Remember; Th Roman empire employed amnesty to the outlands in order to get more tax revenue for their Fiat currency while forgetting the very fabric that made Rome great

Only shit that can't be detected by the IRS, like sales tax

>no one is against LEGAL immigrants
Do you even know where you are?

A Green Card isn't an equivalent to a citizenship. It's like those idiots who say "HEY I GOT MY GED ITS THE SAME SHIT".

It's not

>come here illegally but get their green card, social security, and pay their taxes later on ?
So they break the law multiple times?

They either assimilate or go back to their country.

WE here in Europe are having a cultural destruction. Over there you juat complain too much.

Fucking Mexicans are christians, traditionalist, their old music (like Vicente Fernandez) are great, shit, I would prefer that than the fucking moors we have over here.

What we have here is just fuvking mess from Morocco.

Not ideal, but much better than not getting their green card at all.

Send am all back, just like in the reconquista

I hate all of them because they're subhuman scum no matter what

Illegal vs legal makes no difference to me.

Kill them all.

You can't get your card while in the states

My only beef with Mexicans are the nationalist beaners that border jump into America and fly their Mexican flags while hating everything that is American.

They talk about how much America sucks and how great Mexico is but they take full advantage of the opportunities America provides them.

No people of Spanish descent here hate them and make fun of them. Source: married into white family who's land is split by Texas/Mexican border


And isn't one sanction USA uses for crimes, a death penalty? Criminals need to be dealt with appropriately.

How does Sup Forums feel about more low IQ people in a highly technical nation?
Go kill yourself libtard, if you don't know the answer.


I don't really care how they get here, honestly.

They broke the rules to get in here. I don't trust them to follow the rules while they're here. I went through the process, they can too.

I hate those people too. Just looking at them makes me want to call ICE.


If you're illegal you should be removed. No path to citizenship.

Don't vote for the democrats. Mexicans have a bad reputation after Regan's amnesty bill...The betrayal happened on the migrant's side not the American side


No refunds.

Pull the trigger til it goes click on every nigger kike and spic.

We call all agree that the 1965 immigration bill was responsible for this mess.


We didn't immigrate, we didn't come to live in Indian cities, we didn't come to get on Indian welfare. We are pioneers, we came to plow the vast vacant land that the nomadic, sparse, Indians didn't claim because they didn't subdue the earth, they didn't believe in owning land, they believed the land owned them. Even today, Indians don't farm, or produce anything, they just collect government money. You immigrants, go pioneer Antarctica or mars, or the ocean. these states are taken.


Eurotrash and Africans talking about American immigration policy and what is right and what isn't.

Worry about your own shit faggots. You aren't even free.

Spaniards are fucking degenerates man, i had to go to court for two fucking years to take my kid away from her gibs mother, bitch never worked a day in her life and tried to fuck me, my son is mine and he's here in my country.

>but get their green card, social security, and pay their taxes later on ?
There is no way to verify all this, so your question is retarded.

Pretty much this

I'm not sure if you know this Hans, but you can pay a fine for illegal crossing and then get your paper work going, Last time i checked it was 10.000 murican pesos and you will be good for a green card.

They're cheating everyone else waiting to get in legally.

They still broke the law. They have to go back.

This. I wouldn't even be opposed to the idea itself if it wasn't short changing the people that actually obeyed our laws to begin with.