Is the world failing?

Anybody else feel we're on the verge of a monstrous event?

Just an odd feeling ive had for awhile, like something is always off

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everything is fine go back to your day job

I certainly hope so i want to see boomers dying by the millions.

Honestly people have been feeling that for years.

It's sad, but recently during some doomsday recession thread, I actually felt a little bit like I wanted a huge recession to happen. Even though it would fuck my life up, I just want an earth-shattering event to happen

Well the world is fucked up anything could happen right now.

i just want to get it over with, tired of the suspense

Muh Worldline Theory

Yup. I was so anxious about the world last night that I couldn't sleep. Was in and out of semi-conscious states. Had to get close to my girlfriend to feel comfortable. I feel like the meaningless in the world is becoming too unbearable to tolerate. Things are changing too quickly, and life is becoming more and more difficult to live on a daily basis.

Feels like visible tensions are growing between political ideologies and are showing no sign of simmering, up hatred is brewing.

I got bets on Antifa snapping first, im just waiting for the someone to pull a gun and start it off

I do, too, because only an earth-shattering event will give rise to the opportunity to begin anew. I am convinced that this world system must be destroyed before we can return to normalcy.

Sooner or later we're going to collapse. I think the slow vanishing of the sjws and the rise of antifa is a sign of that, political discourse is moving into violent territory, I fully expect that to keep growing over the year. Then the migrant crisis, Europe can't sustain its current attitude and eventually the legs will give out.

Like the movie "World War Z" but with immigrants everywhere..

As monstrous as the ending to Mac & Me?

That was fucking terrible.

Any day now we're going to war and the whole world is fucked.

Things that are going to happen in the next decade:

World war 3
massive climate change event that fucks up the world food supply
massive refugee situation 100 times worse than we have now
civil war in europe and the united states
possible earthquakes, tsunamis, and solar events that fuck shit up further
massive diseases that infect large populations like the 1918 spanish flu

what else?

people are so paranoid.... what is it with all the damn doomsday bs people have been saying "oh what is the world coming too" since the first human being. Just because shit dont go your way doesnt mean you got to sit back and bitch like its the end of the world.

Oh yeah, I forgot the economic crash that is coming as the US dollar fails. That will bankrupt the entire first world and send everything into chaos.

Pic related is the only thing that can save us now.

No, I don't think it's going to be a single event. But the things that trouble me about society are as follows:

>people define themselves by things they cannot change; ie. sexuality, "gender" identity, etc., instead of things they've accomplished and earned.
>people are crawling into deeper and deeper echo chambers, no longer willing to even listen to opposing viewpoints, let alone assess and criticize them. IOW, our viewpoints are getting narrower.
>We are becoming more passionate about more trivial issues while having less information. This, despite the fact we have access to more information than ever before.
>Our self-destruction is long underway. It's a slow and steady process.
>We are so engrossed with comfort, safety, and stability, that we're losing our natural instincts (child-rearing, procreation, fulfilling work, etc) without realizing that our primitive instincts came of age as we were evolving, which is why our happiness is so intrinsically connected to our natural instincts of survival, mating, and child-rearing. We're giving up those pursuits without realizing that they're necessary for our happiness.
>Humans have always been vain, but now our vanity is becoming very directly tied to our self-worth, since we've begun to abandon the aforementioned instinctively fulfilling pursuits.
>We speak in hyperbole. Everything is, "perhaps the greatest scene" or "perhaps the most dangerous politician" or "perhaps the most corrupt event" in history. This goes hand in hand with our narrowing viewpoints.

tl;dr: We have exchanged worthy pursuits for vain and trivial ones while trading intelligence and intellectual honesty for passion. We have the ability to learn everything that is known about humanity, but because we've undermined out intrinsic motivations, we are letting that potential slip away. This transcends politics.

>World war 3
between who?

>monstrous event
I have felt Godzilla will return soon. I feel it with every fiber of my being. It's not that I'm worried about being killed, he typically only attacks Japan, but the effects his attacks have traditionally had on the global insurance industry come at a very opportune time.

Its always falling.

Technically we are falling around the sun in orbit but the world is completely on its own and we do practically nothing. We are so very insignificant we could barely understand the worst of everything.

NATO vs Russia, China, Iran, Syria, North Korea.

pic related its me waiting for all those things in your post to happen p.s. this photo was taken in 2004

Sounds badass.

It's a roller coaster that takes a dramatic turn literally every week.

Especially since summer of 2015. Shit has been off the fucking rails, and it hasn't stopped. I'm half enjoying it.

Here are my list of pros/cons added up here

>Gen Z surveyed to be the most right-leaning generation since WW2
>mainstream media is dying
>young people only watch YouTube, and that is right-wing dominated
>alt-media is rapidy expanding and growing
>Trump and brexit
>Trump has been signing some good economic policies since he got in
>Bannon is in the WH
>People are becoming more aware of media/entertainment/Government corruption
>liberalism losing it's cultural stronghold in America for the first time since the 60's
>Babyboomers are going to die and be replaced by Gen Z some day

The Cons:
>Right-wing populism is growing but not enough to win elections in Europe
>Muslims fucking FLOODING into Europe
>they are going to reproduce and enforce Sharia law in 30 years over there
>globalist elites have been weakened, but still run a lot of shit
>We are not sure what Trump is going to do
>Sometimes it seems like he is influenced by deep state
>baby boomers still have a time to do a lot of damage before a right-wing generation comes into power
>we have no idea what is going to happen in 2020 or 2024. Leftism may have a strong resurgence, but I kind of doubt it
>civil tensions are rising in America, and in Europe

That's my general analysis. I'm like half stoked for the future and half freaked out about it.

Could not happen for at least 30 - 50 years, and likely never will happen.

>civil war in europe and the united states

Not happening. The right has all the weaponry and they're in power.

we need a catalyst event to move to the next level

We are in the midst of a Cold War.

You don't know anything.

Yes I can feel it in my bones,joining the army to be prepared though it makes me kinda sad to be leaving my friends & family behind

I'm sure they'll fine though

We might need people here for when it inevitably happens.

im not scared as long as there aren't any nukes being flung around, then it wont be so bad.

I'm sure when the tribulation begins, we'll all be thrown chaos in the blink of an eye.

Almost joined the Navy, but I'm not fighting for world socialism.



We are already living in WW3

have fun being the bitch to the government

If any war regarding the USA breaks out, nukes will be flung around. That's why it cannot happen.

Cold War II

No. All that will happen

>Macron won, NWO recovering
>JaVanka installed in White House, Trump now susceptible and being given false foreign intel updates
>media escalating North Korea, Syria/Assad, Iran
>media won't temper Trump/Putin BS allegations
>in next two, four, eight months, a major domestic false flag will occur
>bigger and dirtier than 9/11
>will occur in Southeastern US, not Northeast
>CIA will have audio/video, linking Putin, Assad and Iran to attack
>next four-eight years dedicated to destroying Middle East; US Bible Belt rekt
>Putin kill after long fight, many collateral assassinations, no nukes
>US embassy moves officially to Jerusalem
>susceptible Christians and angry Southerners take this as religious prophecy
>US and Israel now forever entwined in public eye
>Israel becomes Greater Israel
>Trump goes frail by year six
>Ivanka takes over, wins election, Pence remind VP and chief Zionist cheerleader
>Jared takes over for Bibi
>their children represent NWO marriage of US (old world) and Greater Israel (new world)
>Rothschilds become more and more present
>all-seeing-eye pyramid becomes global symbol
>Ivana institutes socialist health care and universal pay, creates permanent underclass of urban micro-hosing, with climate change tracking and energy usage taxes

After this: anyone's call

This is how it plays out though. OC. Screencap, watch and see. Never underestimate (((them))), even when you don't you do.

I too have these feels.
Though I don't know what it is exactly.

What's cold about it? There are lethal attacks on an almost daily basis.

This would be regrettably amusing

This. I have blue alpocalypse

NATO v Russia is pretty gay

The future is ghey

Michael Ruppert stated that it would not happen suddenly, but slowly
Cars won't run , planes don't fly, mail stops, law enforcement stops working...


its coming

You forgot to add in the Omen theme as Damien takes his place as the Anti-Christ, you demented inbred fuck.

Required Sup Forums viewing right there

I know the USA has nuclear missiles, and the most deadly weapons ever created.

>Michael Ruppert was right

>Ruppert was a man who cried wolf and believed it. Made for fun documentary. 'Collapse'
>Peak oil was bullshit though.
>His theories never foresaw North Dakota oil gushers challenging the Saudi hegemon.
>That's why the Saudis are shook, buying so much US weapons from Trump, and diversifying.
>US is sitting pretty
>oil of no concern, only student debt, drugs, robotics, immigration, aging population
>Ruppert was clueless on the JQ
>Israel wants Syria and Iran out if way, to claim all the oil and control banking
>Behold a Pale Horse > Collapse

>next decade:
ill be dead by then.

>demented inbred fuck

Nice argument. Why so angry shill? It's exactly what will happen, excepting telegraphed Putin strategies.

But go ahead, quote more useless movie references.

>Just an odd feeling ive had for awhile, like something is always off
that's the onset of psychosis. You should see a shrink

no, youve just overdosed on redpills

I deep down wish the draft would come back, because I'm a neet.

It a very strange time.

It's like Europe from 1919 into the 30's.

The people are all stirred up in a way I've never seen (and I'm an old fag) A couple of weird events could trigger a catastrophe


>Anybody else feel we're on the verge of a monstrous event?
what do you think

I think this is more of a repeat of the 1960s, and we are in the midst of the Cold War II. Nations are armed to the teeth with nukes.

Hot war either international or internal cannot break out. It would lead to global holocaust. No one wins. Everyone dies.

What needs to be done:

1. A conservative religious reawakening needs to occur in the film industry. Commies have to be flushed out of academia and entertainment as they were under McCarthy.

2. Education needs to be reformed for the new STEM/smart economy emerging. It may need to be linked to a negative income tax if too many people go jobless due to automation.

3. Laws need to be changed so it's safe for guys to have a family.

4. Anglosphere nations need to increase their birthrates/demographic.

5. Porn needs to be regulated to a premiere/paid portion of the internet. I think that is riling up a lot of younger guys. Honestly, it's causing mental illness.


The EU will almost certainly need to be nuked.

I cant wait.

Ive been waiting for this for years. The impending collapse is so obvious now even the most braindead normie farm animal cant deny it.

This d e s u

But now it is glaringly obvious

Im just happy im not in Europe, a lot of it is going to be a mess in 5+ years.

Since when does Paul Rudd post here?

Righto mate.

Superiority complex?

Europe will collapse into war and millions upon millions of niggers will flood in and destroy what is left of the European races.

That's it's not nuclear.

They've always had that feeling

Real talk though Western Europe is FUCKED

I hate boomers more then anything else. Boomocaust, when?

No shit dumbass, wtf do you think the doom paul memes are? We're due for another collapse, the social fabric of western civilization is being tested. Everyone has massive debt, is in wage cuckery and many don't actually own any land. Take all this shit in with the third world soon to be migrating to Europe and you have yourself a global catastrophe
Dare I say, happening.

Yes, and it's taking way too long. Fuckin start this shit asap.

Where's a commander like Hitler when you need em. We need someone to mobilize us for fuck sakes, not just random faggot jihad lonewolf attacks.

But an actual organized chimp out
>pic related

Thread Theme

Don't be so harsh on the boy. Not all we know such great knowledge of yourself and others. Some are just first looking in.

death of western civilaztion? i have this feeling for a long time

And if it fails we all get to be Muzzies, or killed by them.

Yay! (not yay)

Did he died?

Those ruins are not as old as they say they are. The Masons fake them to sell us a totally fabricated history.