Why does the left have better memes then us?

Why does the left have better memes then us?

Yes you can live here but don't expect me to support you. Unless you ask and are genuinely in need in which case I will give at my own discretion.

Better memes than*, Xing-Abdul dog fucker.


The joke's on them, I never said all lives mattered

our memes inspire fear and awe

The funny part of the joke is that it was a Democrat that said all lives matter, and they destroyed his career for it.

>white people: white lives matter
>other people (pic related)

Hourly reminder to
Sage all leaf posts
do not respond to leaf posters


Why don't the non-Whites who make these memes take in refugees?






>speaking english
irony isn't lost on minorities


>saves meme as a screenshot
>"leftist memes"

did you come here from twitter?

are they counting asians, indians and arabs who get the short end of the stick compared to every other race

>13 % of population gets 29 % of degrees
Affirmative action sure works miracles huh?
Fuck, no wonder that USA is in decline.


are you fucking joking ? dude the right literally made memes cool and awesome. the left is just copying.

>he thinks that I think that all human life matters
>he thinks that he thinks that he thinks that he is a person who thinks that all lives matter

This meme doesn't work because the term white people in this context refers to two distinct groups.

>that numale blinking gif

Why does this gif get posted everywhere?

"Mattering" is not synonymous with "allowed to move to Western countries".

These leftists act like the West is the only place left on earth or something.

Better memes thin us*, Cletus. They -thin- us. It's a verb, not a preposition.

first tumblr user I have seen here in awhile.

>conflating "lives mattering" with breaking our immigration laws
It doesn't even make sense.

Holy fuck, all these memes are really unfunny.

Man fuck having borders and shit

>Group of 20+ leftists negros vs 1 man

That'll show em


Isn't white a spectrum?
Does the mean assume that all white people are against refugees?
Doesn't that make the creator of the meme racist against whites?
How many of the whites is meme creator racist against? All, half, some?


All lives matter doesn't mean let's turn our country into a refugee camp. "Yeah sure you can all come over and fuck us up senpai"

>all lives matter
lol no, not even all white lives matter

They are like fossilized tumblr shit from years ago. Op is probably a sad white girl.

Do people think this is funny? It's just fucking cringe as hell.

Memes in their golden age were fundamentally apolitical. You've both soiled what was a sacred medium for lulz and not giving a shit.

>average liberal

Build that wall!


conservatives set themselves up for these traps

>the only lives that matter are the ones secured by an individuals meaning to society
>refugees have no meaning to our society, therefore they do not matter

the left doesn't have shit on kek memes

the trump era was truly of the creator's hand


Of course All Lives don't Matter you fucking idiots. There are 7 billion people on Earth, the vast majority of them don't matter whatsoever



I still don't give a shit.
It's just that I don't give a shit about your opinion.

>no sources

The leftist memes posted earlier are normie-tier

>Being a cuck

but... fish dont have arm...

Citation needed.


I'd fucking pay to see the sources for these goddamned statistics. If you're a nigger with a 2.5 you can get into 90% of the colleges in this country

Being entitled to not be indiscriminately murdered =/= being entitled to live in my country free of charge while being a drain on my tax money

Why can't shitskins understand this? Give them an inch, they'll immediately complain it isn't a mile

At least just admit that our aim is mutually assured extinction, christ. This sectarian party-politic horseshit never used to be taken seriously when m

The fact that blacks think there is a problem is the problem.

Yeah, the problem is the nigger thinks he has a place in white civilization or that his objections are relevant.

Refugees: What? We only want to subvert your culture and rape your women. Maybe kill a few of your babies. Don't be racist.
White people: No thanks
Also White people: Hey, woah. Racist much? We should help them. Not all of them are going to rape and kill us. How bad can they be?

Isn't that brad from giant bomb?


Fictional strawman narrative.



speaking of cringe, this one isn't even a meme; it's an actual flier from Portland, OR

Wow way to take a decent normie meme and just shit all over it not knowing the meaning/underlying context of the meme.

I fucking hate normies and they're lack of understanding of meme culture.

Want to see a quality meme? Look at pic related.

>Feminists aren't hateful
>Virtue signalling this hard
>Not having the balls to name the (((Jew)))


Maybe because of racial iq differences, population differences, and idk maybe because niggers no matter how civilized or intelligent will at multiple points in their life go full nigger and have a nigger moment. I have known quite a few nigs in my time. I went to a nice private school, and there were two nigs. One was from a nigger family that made it and the other was adopted by some rich cucked white family. The guy from the nigger family ended up carjacking some dude our senior year, even though his parents bought him a car. Nigger moment indeed. Now the white family big he was actually pretty smart, went to college, was doing good in school. Then he went full nigger mode and ran up a bunch of debt buying shoes. Like 15k+. His parents bailed him out, but took his credit cards away. few months later he got caught stealing a few grand worth of shoes. He ended up getting probation despite this nigger moment. Cut a year later he was about to graduate from school, had a paid internship lined up (cuckboi daddy's connections+"diversity") and he had another nigger moment and I'm not 100% sure on all the details but something with shoes, drugs and a gun. He's now working at a footlocker.

I posted this long anecdotal story because the "never relax around blacks" meme is very accurate. A nigger no matter how well trained/white washed/whatever, will always at some point have a nigger moment. They're like a wild animal in that regard, you never know when, why, or what will trigger them to chimp out. But they will, they always do.


Iguality ;)))

Our memes are so good that we have leftists using cuck as an insult unironically whereas they didn't think of cuck as a bad thing before.

We deprogrammed them just through memes.

Women are pathetic evil creatures desu senpai.

>when the bait is just right


The really funny thing is that Black financial institutions got rekt by desegregation.



As an Asian this triggers me

Yeah, the nigger is the problem.

there's this thing called bait newfriend

>thinks the "alt-right" is a thing

There's literally no such thing as the alt-right. Everyone point and laugh at the newfag

>Because of my race
It has nothing to do with your grades. It's your delicious white skin. Mmmm.
>I'm more likely to succeed
I wonder why.
>Remember, it's because your teachers are racist and give you good grades because they jerk it to High-Def pictures of your sweet succulent pores

Spoiler: Bob is jewish

that's not a good meme, their memes are terrible.

>Why does the left have better memes then us?

Care to show us one of those """better""" memes? Or is that picture the best you have, because that would be just sad on so many levels.

All of them. They're assigning a belief to all whites because some white believe one thing. It's like calling African People Witch Doctors.

Textbook racism


There is nothing wrong with this.

I had a job interview the other day, white privilege is the fact that my parents taught me how to shake hands, smile, not fidget, look people in the eyes when they're talking. Laugh when they make jokes, joke back, and generally be a sociable and intelligent human being.

At least we're self-aware, unlike OP





Maybe those fucking niggers would have better luck securing a loan for their home, getting a career started, and starting a family in fucking Africa with the other oppressed niggers.

>how to shake hands, smile, not fidget, look people in the eyes when they're talking. Laugh when they make jokes, joke back, and generally be a sociable and intelligent human being.
*starts sweating*