Why did Europe abandon Christianity?

Formerly great countries like the Netherlands, France, Sweeden, and Britain are now 50% to 90% atheist.

What happened?

How did Europe go from that bastian of Christian belief to the most faithless place on the earth.

Pls no leafs or Aussies reply. Thx in advance.

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take this handy chart

Handy chart taken

Because it's largely been exposed as false in the last few hundred years

You're not European go away

poor useful idiot
nothing in Christianity has been proven false, and nothing in Christianity is false

Laziness. Going to church and praying takes too much effort.

>Le deus vult
Niggers dont understand that they raped and murdered more of ther own then slimes and kikes.

>formerly great
>used to be traditional
>enter jewry
>traditionalism is lost
>new age bullshit
>faggots are accepted
>degenerate society
This is why we hate jews

that chart is atleast 7 layers of pure bullshit

do go on, like what?

>Pls no leafs or Aussies reply.

Make me.

So affluence??

Yeah but it was better than atheism and degeneracy

Alright fine just no leafs

>nothing in Christianity has been proven false, and nothing in Christianity is false
American education

Hans you are the cancer destroying Europe and you need to repent and obey the gospel

enlighten me with your euphoria, my german friend
how has Christianity been proven to be false?

>Hans you are the cancer destroying Europe
Actually, you are.

Christianity is still the truth, though. Praise Jesus.

>Alright fine just no leafs


The real reason is populations of people are religious to cope with low quality of living and uncertainty. If you are worried where your next meal will come from it's comforting to imagine your God is looking out for you, if the police are too corrupt to stop evil doers it's comforting to imagine God will punish the wicked in the afterlife, if you can't afford medicine it's comforting to imagine if your family members die they'll go to heaven.

And if you live in a first world country where you don't have to worry about any of those things people simply stop needing religion because their lives are fucking easy. That's why third world shitholes and poorer people in first world countries are more religious and people only convert to other religions when they have personal problems in their own life not just because they heard a good recruitment pitch.

So basically just sit back and wait for economic collapse and people in first world countries will turn back to the church in droves real fucking fast when they start worrying about feeding and protecting their children on a day to day basis.

Because in the Netherlands we actually have good education and a God cant exist in the sense of the bible because physics.

It just isn't hip enough anymore.

Religion is bad , no matter what you say.
Religion was born to control the masses with fear and shit.

Science happened, hard to burn people at stake for believing that earth orbits the sun when everyone have a telescope.

>worshipping dead cuck jew on a stick

Pretty bluepilled

1 post by this id

>because physics

Without God, everything is permitted.

Is it any surprise that a decadent society focused on instant gratification would abandon a faith that extols the virtues of charity, chastity, and sober-mindedness? Everyone would rather be living in the moment and living for themselves, it seems. Self exaltation is the message of the hour

veracity aside, religion is good

with religion:
theonomous culture:
>law of God is supposedly so embedded into our hearts that we all emotively or otherwise think in the same categories
>objective moral truth values and duties and rights exist
>example: Natural Law, 'We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights'

with atheism:
autonomous culture:
>each person dictates their own moral prerogatives
>moral relativism, subjectivism, no ontic referent
>everyone is equally right
this is where we are now.
it's why we have 47 genders and canadians legally have sex with dogs.
how do you conserve traditions and values when everyone's retarded ideas have to be viewed as equally correct, and why should anyone care, about anything?

Yeah the same physics that provide you with your internet right now

religion is for the weak

Individualism pushed people to view themselves as their own God. From there everything else took place. Science 'disproved' God on an empirical basis (apparently) while hedonism, materialism and profligacy have become things to worship instead.

>Why did Europe abandon Christianity
See pic related and follow the nose.

Biggest problem is that the church itself was complicit in it because it largely failed to effectively fight or speak out against all the anti-Christian social changes that went on.

Christians should have never stopped speaking out about no-fault divorce, but you hear not a peep about it today

We need another crusade

and u are strong alpha

Yeah but that means a religion is good for a society, it does not mean that is fact over science


Not really


>how do we conserve traditions and values of sandniggers from 2000 years ago
we dont

I don't have enough foil in my kitchen făm.

No, Religion is for the faithful

Brotein is for the weak

People being sinful degenerates has nothing to do with Christ's teachings. How exactly is Christianity to blame for the actions of people who do the exact opposite of what Jesus preached?

The teachings of the Talmud on the other hand lie in exact congruence with the actions of your evil tribe.

People who call themselves Christians yet go into it wanting to change things are the worst. You would think that they joined the church to follow God, instead they want to change Him to follow them

>self exaltation
yet the ''atheist'' countries let in refugees that destroy their economy and worsen their society for altruism

>Why did Europe abandon Christianity?
I wonder why.

It's flawed in its core, chr*stianity has no strong religious obligations like Islam does and joins current degenerate trends just to recruit members. It can work in a homogeneous society but when you let the wolf have its way with the sheep you can't rely on chr*stianity to defend yourself.



It was only ever half Christian to begin with. The catholic church has more pagan holidays than real Christian ones.


why do you hate european traditions so much?

Virtue signalling, not all self exaltation comes in the form of wealth or power. Doing what "feels good" or makes them more prideful trumps all things

>Yeah but that means a religion is good for a society, it does not mean that is fact
agreed, i pointed that out in the beginning of my post, though i do believe Christianity is the truth.
>fact over science
pic related


Not sure why later generations decided to kill our culture.
But if I had to guess it would be because someone gave us new culture AKA a television

My country is still 95% Christian (about 9.3 million people on a country with 10.3 million people)

Aka, saying you're a Christian =! being a Christian. Saying you follow God =! actually following God. There's a reason Jesus made a point about hypocrisy being a heinous sin.

man the christianity is pagan meme is retarded
there’s no connection other than some festivals that really just share dates and are different at the core


A real Christian is someone who is a follower of god that is not motivated by fear of him or of hell. It is someone who is rational and worship for legitimate reasons. Not all religious people are blind zombies that can't think. This is what the atheist fails to understand.

they stopped believeing some sandnigger religion invented by jews.

I consider European values those that are pre-christianity, if muslims conquer us now and in 1000 years some European speaks against Islam it'll be 'why do you hate European traditions so much? we had islam for 1000 years !'
It was no different in past from Islam today, but at least it brought literacy, muslims bring bombs only.


>worship something that he can't prove or show in any way

>jumping to your death because the fall will feel good
you are slipery sloping nihilism
you want to live longer and better if there is no afterlife
not party today and die tomorrow
and not all atheist are nihilist most are absudist

Every LARPagan and fedora in this thread is consciously shilling for kikes if they are still anti-Christian after what I've posted.

what are european traditions?

Because the pope is a satanist.
related pic, Auditorium Paul VI, Vatican, with the eyes, fangs, reptilian skin and forked tonge of the serment.
Not a crucifix anywhere to be seen.

With education comes the obvious realisation that the christian god (and every other god) is fictitious. Made-up. Non-existent. A scam.

Faith is then rightly flushed down the shitter, where it belongs.

individualism is unremovable
the rest who cares
all countries and religions were born at some point and will be replaced at another


>European values those that are pre-christianity
so infanticide and buttsex, gotcha

>Not a crucifix anywhere to be seen.
The crucifix is idol worship.

the kikes are pro kike
they can also control you with christcuckery

Snakes don't talk, mate. Also, invisible guys don't zap up universes with magic wands.

Catholocism =/= Christianity

There's a reason Sup Forums largely recommends Orthodoxy

i know the expelling jews part is true, but how true is that talmud shit? i've never read or heard about it, all i've heard is the torah (an di don't have many jew friends, just what i've learned in university)


Look up Jordan Peterson. We all have our own beliefs about reality. Choosing to believe in god is not an exception.

can you give a serious answer?
or is this actually a serious objection of yours?

Christianity. You have to deal with it. Pagans fuck children and scrifice humans, so no wodner Christianity was more successful.


>cannot debate the issue

>There's a reason Sup Forums largely recommends Orthodoxy
Yeah, because you're retarded Millenials.

>Jordan Bernt Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist

Not even going to read furthrer, not sure what made you think a clinical feminist would be a good choice.

>Thou shalt have no other gods, graven images, or idols above Me
>Ave Maria

So you think snakes do talk?

There's nothing to debate, because you don't even read. Why would I argue with someone who is willfully ignorant (aka stupid)?

We all hang on some shred of faith.

In general, too many use the term 'religion' when they intend to suggest an ethos.

The ethos existed before being codified into religion m'kay

why are you such a stupid piece of shit

>the baybol says so its true
so what they have had 2000 years to infiltrate and mold your christcuckery to their liking
why you think are evangelicals call israel greatest ally

Have you watched a single one of his lectures?

i hold to an allegorical view of early genesis, but yes, i don't think it would be a logical impossibility for an omnipotent being to create a snake that talks.

my dad had a fish that sang on his wall in his office when i was growing up.

What do you have against traditionalist Christianity?

Being a Muslim is not an argument

>calls himself a realist
>willingly ignores the calls from his own intuition that a higher being exists because it doesn't fit the unreal abstract world he created in his head through "rational" thought.

You didn't convinced me yet that it's worth my time.

Still not debating the issue. If I were in your position, I would probably run and hide too.

He is not a feminist you dumb cuck