Your Spiritual Path

Anybody wanna get a spiritual path/self-improvement thread going? I'll dump some stuff I've been looking into and see if it takes off. Thinking about the spiritual aspect of semen retention and also the world as internal within oneself and how best to go about improving one's personal life as a means to improving the world.

Interested in learning some stuff about astrology if anybody has info, it would be appreciated.

Other urls found in this thread:!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!1dxjCK4Z Chia/[Mantak_Chia,_Michael_Winn]_Taoist_Secrets_of_Love(

Wish you could post 4 images at once like on KC, oh well.










The truth is hidden in plain sight. Look into Theosophy/Kabbalah/Gnosticism/Hermetism/Alchemy etc.

The meaning of life is the evolution of consciousness and ultimately, complete union with The All.

Some books to read:
- Secret Teachings of All Ages
- Kyballion
- Corpus Hermetica
- Prometheus Rising
- Isis Unveiled
- Secret Doctrine

A fine library from /x/:!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!1dxjCK4Z

You can find these and much more at the /omg/ archive in /x/.

Yeh I just finished the Kybalion and I'm currently reading Atkinson's Four Arcane's as well as Mantak Chia's book on sexual alchemy/nofap (in colloquial terms). Highly recommend all of it.

I also just recently finished Joseph Campbells' The Hero with a Thousand Faces, and most of what he dicusses reafirms the Hermetic truths outlined in the Kybalion and other Atkinson books.

Also working through the lessons/exercises in Raja Yoga.

Chia book is here: Chia/[Mantak_Chia,_Michael_Winn]_Taoist_Secrets_of_Love(




plz respond

What are these Q & A's

Environment is of utmost importance for you to be spiritual,do you seriously think MUZZIES,POO IN LOO,ROTHKIkES,WYMN and other degeneracy was present when India was one of the most spiritual enlightened civilization?

We have to cure the world before we look inwards,for now we have been bestowed with the duty to cleanse the earth so that our coming generations will have a lot more inwards to focus on rather to pay back the KIKE currency.

TL:DR - Don't be a Himalayan Hippie now we have more important objectives to deal with.

thank you, OP

I believe it's this. Was sort of hard to find.

Certain people are good at certain things. I don't see much promise or benefit in engaging with the normies.

>Macron becomes president of France with 66.06% of the vote

Funny, he even looks a bit like what you'd expect the Antichrist to appear like.

That symbolism was so blatant I couldn't believe it.

>spiritual aspect of semen retention

Yes, mom.

>Interested in learning some stuff about astrology



Meet the real Jesus.

lol, this is true

Nice post

ppl plz respond