
This seems like facebook just fucked themselves. Any ideas?

Phew thank allah. I almost literally couldn't even right now. Show the pic of the man boob for the sake of tolerance

Spam porn to facebook and claim you identify as a man

I've seen this before, Op isn't Jack or he is & still a faggot either way.
Let it slide & abuse this 'feature' in future if you use fuckbook.

If everyone started doing it. Faceboob would be so screwed. It would basically turn into a porn site.

Deactivate fakebook and I promise you, your life will improve

I've done that long time ago. More thinking of making fakes to trolls facebooks tos

I didn't deactivate my account but I have quit using the site. If you deactivate it, your account still sticks around so I didn't see the point. At least now employers can look me up, I'll just say I don't really use it anymore.

Who here /nevermadeafacebook/?

god damn this is some of the stupidest shit I have ever seen.

Facebook is retarded.

it's photoshopped

kill yourself

why are you on facebook in the first place?

don't answer that, just kill yourself

the abuse of such a sys. would be priceless

I doubt they are going to allow everybody to do it.

deactivated 2 and a half months ago.
life got better, passed uni exams better.
yesterday I reactivted but I'm not using much, I just did it cos I feel like I'm limiting my pussy grabbing potential..

>Wow! Have you seen this new website where you can upload all your thoughts and pictures and who you're in a relationship with. It's amazing!
Took me about one nano second to work out how this site could bite me on the ass.
>Wife posts a funny comment about her parents. Her brother misreads it. Causes huge family rift.
>My brother posts "going to pull a sicky tomorrow YOLO XD" was actually unwell following day. Gets fired. Facebook post used for dismissal.
>Friend posts comment about workmate having great boobs at Xmas party. She's wearing a bikini top. It was a joke all evening. Human resources see post and has to go on Diversity indoctrination course.
Ever giving access to your inner most thoughts to anyone you don't trust completely. Nope.

I had it when it was a brand new thing (was probably one of the first people in Sweden to get zuckered in) but after a couple of months I removed it when I realized what a waste of time it was.

Also this

>they still dont use VK

whats your excuse?

becahse I don't speak russian and I don't know of anyone using it?
Facebook is in a weird monopoly position right now, social medias are pretty much useless without their userbase and I can't picture normies jumping ship, I wonder how long it will last

>using facebook

does this is mean their will be more boobs on facey?

What the actual fuck? How does FB know what he/she/xeeeee identifies as? And actually, bigger question- how the fuck does it matter?

Where's the picture?

Because I don't want USSR to spy on me?