
Why are is Sup Forums and other edgy teens saying "The jews control that and that" "The jews did that"
Its like crying and accepting your own pathetic nature.
Why aren't you doing anything against it if its so bad ? All you do is complain and do nothing.
Why ? Because you all are just edgy teens.
How many of you are study jurnalism ? How many of you are creating strategy to take control of X ? How many of you are mobilizing groups of people ? (mobilizing isn't shitposting).
I don't care if you would only shitposting, but that's not it.
You all were and are just lonely teens that had nowhere to belong to, and you deluded yourself that people here accepted you, but they don't give single fuck about you. But you have the feeling of belonging of being part of something.
So its funny, its funny to me how pretend to be something just to FEEL like something.
Accept your pathetic nature. Or don't. I am just curious about your reaction. I know there are some smart people as well. But these might have fallen emotionally as well.

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K. Keep me posted.

The western world needs to die and be reborn

stop crying op, jesus christ just calm down mate.

Someone gets it.

Make a sign and jump of a building with it, people need to pay attention to you user and that is the most effective way for you to get it.

I'am saying the exact opposite. And I call you pathetic for it.

>armchair psychology
>trying too hard to sound smart

Fuck outta here. Kikes are poison.

This. It's like when niggers blame whitey for keeping them down, or when women blame the patriarchy. Just a way for losers to rationalize their failures and feel better about themselves

Because read The Culture of Critique by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.
Then read You Gentiles

>it's just jealousy
>like the 109 times we were expelled

The Jews admit they control Hollywood.

Other races can't compete with Jews in a meritocratic system due to their superior intelligence. Just because people recognized this and reacted to it in the past doesn't make it any less true.

>Why are is
Why are is some fucking illiterate Slovak pig fucker... I mean farmer shitting up our board with retardation? Any Slovak with an IQ over 90, please go collect your mentally defective countryman and get him some assistance.

>Other races can't compete with Jews in a meritocratic system
Define meritocratic. Merit is a subjective value judgement with no set meaning, there's no objective standard by which to judge merit, therefore merit is opinion and meritocracy is too vague and incoherent to be a seriously considered political system.

>resorts to post-modernist "there's no such thing as objective reality" hand-waving to excuse the collective failure of his people to compete in a system that they themselves created
At least niggers had slavery. What's your excuse?

You realize that the term "meritocracy" came from satire, right? You idiots who spout that term like it's some magic fucking phrase always amuse me.

>literally using SJW arguments for affirmative action
Yes, you're right, there's no such thing as merit and any inequality that arises in our society must be the result of systematic oppression. Now gib me mo money fo dem programs nigga


I will say I didn't believe it either until literally every bad thing that's come out of media, entertainment or anything for that matter is always run by Jews. Always points back to them. Always.

Until I started looking up who funds this or that I thought "BULLSHIT" then I looked it up. Jews yet again.

I don't think they're all conscious of it, but they have some fucked up instinct to fuck over everything a white person makes. Even when it's nothing bad, they have to take it and drive it into the ground.

It's fine to be nepotistic and care about your own people but to do all that and demand others not be the same way is where I draw the line.

>it's because we're so great
>not because we're parasites
I can't wait for the 110th time

You didn't get the point.
What are you going to do about it ? Post on Sup Forums ? I am saying you are same as these crying faggots on other social media.
You do nothing. You only cry and accept their superiority.

Merit is an abstract, vague undefined concept that is completely determined by subjective standards, ie opinions. Or do you have an objective definition of merit and meritocracy? Lemme guess, any system in which Jews thrive is most clearly a meritocracy and any system in which they don't or from which they are excluded is not a meritocracy, is that the jist of your definition?

The word "parasite" =/= inferior
Roaches (Not Turks) will be here long after we humans die out.
We can't win against them.
The biggest human kill count goes to Mosquitoes.
You are inferior to jews in every way.
They won. And everything you can do is pretend that you are superior.

It's like how Zimbabwe niggers thought whites were the source of all their problems and kicked them out, only to realize that it was their own monkey-tier intelligence that was keeping them down all along

100-IQ brainlets are niggers among Jews, get over it

>proud of being a parasite

>what are you doing to stop the Jews
Voting for, and publicly supporting, nationalists.

>You only cry
This is the depth of political discourse in Slovakia, no wonder the Czechs were desperate to separate from them.

>if you hate jews you're a nigger

>Trying to put words inside my mouth
How desperate are you ?
How about you become one yourself ?
Or are you so weak that you are going to give your fate to someones hands ?
>Putting another words in another mouth
You sound like brainlet.

Nobody believes you're not a kike, my dude.

it's a joke and funny as hell.

>stop putting things in my mouth

Stating the obvious here.
Is it any wonder that this site has produced violent gunmen like Dylann Roof before? The majority only shitposts here though a significant minority feeds into the bullshit and becomes a potential hazard to society.

>Czechs were desperate to separate from them
It was other way around.
A lot of Slovaks are like Serbians they think they have the power but they are just small non-existing Hungarian nation.
All big "Slovaks" are already death.
And most of them were jews.


>the reason we don't got enuff brothaz in science and finance is cuz the white man be keepin' us down y'all, not cuz we got low IQs
>if people have intelligence and talent and get rewarded for that then it's not faaair, the reason so many Jews win Nobel prizes and get rich is because of a conspiracy!
So how are you different from niggers again?
>if you don't hate Jews then you are one

>if you don't hate Jews then you are one

Yeah, sure thing, kid.

>the reason so many Jews win Nobel prizes and get rich is because of a conspiracy!
>Nobel Prize
>having any merit
Too funny, Morty!

So some amerifat edgy teen knows more about history of my country. Didn't expect that.

>having any merit
Explain yourself.

The Nobel Prize has as much merit as the Golden Globes and the Cable Ace Award

>the reason so many Jews win Nobel prizes
Oy Vey!!! Look at how many jewish awards jews have won!

Explain why, are you too retarded to comprehend my question ?

But I thought merit was an abstract, vague concept that can't be objectively defined, so how can you say that something lacks merit?
The point is that, in any system which removes artificial barriers and doesn't punish people for being Jews (i.e. giving whitey affirmative action), then Jews will naturally land on top as their average IQ is about 10-15 points higher than the rest of the population. This is on par with the gap between niggers and whites.

>we wuz scientists n sheit

Science is useless bull anyway amirite