Predict how many months of Macron rule until we can say, "I told you so."

Predict how many months of Macron rule until we can say, "I told you so."

4 days

>already threatening poland with sanctions for not opening their asshole wide enough to a billion refugees a month

1 week


72h. And you can put that in a bank.

Just be like our leftists did with Trump. You can start sayingnI told you so now because he won.


RAMADAN is right around the corner, so not very long. Expect a few terror attacks across France.

The "Holiday of Peace"

realistically? 6 months

Truck of enrichment within a month and then a summer of fire.

seven days of sorrow
precede seven days of liberation

The beautiful thing is that it wasn't even us that told people so. Macron did.

The problems will start after his presidency. Maybe in 8 years or so shit goes down.

His most violent opposition is from the far left, because he is not commie enough. This time Antifa will be fighting against the cuck. It may be an eye opener, but the French are exceedingly dense. Give it 3 months

I'm afraid they're too cucked to admit their mistake at the moment.

Once they realize it, it will be too late. The conquest of France will be complete by then.

Macron is basically Hollande, and his mandate is going to turn out exactly the same way : after a few months at best, his voters will start saying he actually isn't a real socialist but an evil capitalist, will vote against his party in further elections, and will riot against him non-stop.
The very same motherfuckers who voted for Hollande, only to hate him further down the road, voted for Macron, and are going to hate him again, and in 5 years they'll vote for yet another shit candidate that they are going to hate, and so on...

I give it less than a year before there is a French 9/11

You can't just keep accepting war refugees from a country at war with you before they sneak in

Post your burning Frog flags

just have a coup

France is the America of Europe
France has the largest precentage of non native blood of any European nations
France has the largest percentage of non whites in Europe
France has the oldest immigration history of Europe
France has the largest percentage of non native French Whites from countries like Italy Spain or Portugal
France abandonned their only White colony for islands in the Antilles
Most French people do not believe there is a thing such as a "French Ethnicity"
40% of newborns in France in 2015 had African ancestry
Napoleon was Corsican (basically Italian)
France is the least religious country in Europe
Look into many surnames of "French Whites" and you'll find out their surname is Spanish/Italian/Armenian in origin
France has 2 million Alsatians who are originally German
France has the largest Jewish community in Europe
France has the smallest diaspora of any major Euopean country
France had for a long time the second highest number of international adoptions after the US
Ethnic statistics are officially banned in France (I wonder why)

France is done for

Absolutely. I remember this same stuff with Hollande, the singing and dancing and celebrating of the banlieue blacks and browns. He was last at 4% approval rating now. Macron is a photogenic French obama, it's going to be even more of a fall from grace.

Was it Melenchon's followers who said during the first election "Macron in 2017 means Le Pen in 2022"?

4 months.

4000 years in paint

I see those disgusting cockroaches every day, hating on anything superior and trying to justify it. Too bad I didn't push more Marine LePen.