

Circumcision is good. The only drawbacks are:
1. You cum slower.
2. Your dick can get some scars.


you should be circumcised or your frenulum could rip like mine did. blood everywhere very painfull

Kikes and muzzies can get the hell out. Breivik did nothing wrong.

Good, circumcision is child abuse. Not to mention paedophilia when a Rabbi's involved.

hey i knew a Portuguese guy same thing happened to him

Heard Siv Jensen apoligize on radio today.

Guess Listhaug is our girl.

We should also cut off our fingertips

The logical dissonance that female circumcision is mutilation but doing it to males is perfectly fine baffles me.

It should obviously be banned. We don't allow female mutilation based on religion either.

No more cocksucking.

The jews already left you morons!


Inb4 burgers commenting about "muh aesthetic wee wee"



>cum slower
Wouldn't that mean you last longer?

>That flag
>That opinion

Disregard this subhuman. MGM, as well as FGM, is just sheit. It serves no purpose whatsoever and only makes your shit mutilated.

This is good what Norway is doing.

No matter how you try to justify it, it's genital mutilation. If it's really that important to someone to have their foreskin cut off, they can have it done when they're able to consent to it.

Whatever keeps the jews out

>getting rid of the circumcision jew

>Circumcision is good
>point out some bullshit about it

The only reason why you would let your kids get circumcised is if they absolutely need it. I won't allow the foreskin of mine to be shoah'd

One way to fuck with feminists and jews.
ITs the childs body and thus should be his choice.A mother should have no say in weather to remove a part of her childs body just as a mother cant force her 15 year old daughter to get an abortion.

Well, it's their body, they do what they want.
Don't agree? Think about female genital mutilation.

the jewish community in norway, however small it is, responded immediately. compairing it to antisemitism and so on

pic related, translated quote by a jewish leader in an article from aftenposten

Nobody cares about your opinion Ghengis

American mothers be like:

They're both wrong. Not sure what point you're even trying to make here.

Just trying to get some equality on the table so my opinion is better understood

Which is - what you said.

I really don't think you'll find any regulars on Sup Forums who find either acceptable.

That's the point of the thread, plus, discussion

How prominent is it in the fatherland? My old man came here when he was 13 from Greece, he and my mother fortunately despise circumcision and don't agree with it.

Well, it's ok for now, not too much immigration(considering rates across EU) but,
still going backwards because regulations put through from EU.
Older Greeks were amazing in their ethical point of view, especially those who left.

>being this obsessed with your dick

Hope people sort themselves out there, every year things look worse and worse for Greece

True. Kudos(Greek word)

Is that the progressive Norwegian party? If yes, fuck 'em anyways, if not, they'd better not bring shitskins

I think economic sanctions are going happen against Norway soon, this oppression of god's chosen people can't continue

Me likey


Reminder that if kikery is successful in mongrelizung Europe and Sandniggers and Chistianity + Islam, the result will not be philosemitic like they plan. Europe will be ruined and Neo-Islam will hate Jews.

breivik is a god damn king. Killing elite-leftist children because they fuck over the future of your children? GENIUS



I think this should've been instated in first world countries decades ago.

great idea

that shit is so fucking disgusting ur dick has scars wtf what kind of women like that retards

Infant circumcision is a violation of the child's rights. The only reason American's do it to their children is because of Jewish influences on the medical community.

many such cases

Fucking Norway should lead the west

based estonian

seems to only happen in portugal

>cum slower

This is a blessing and a curse.

A blessing because a combination of having a dick the size of a can of Redbull plus being cut means every woman I've ever fucked has bragged I'm the best theyvery ever had even years later.

A cuse because it legit takes me over an hour to cum from sex and I have yet to meet a woman that can suck me off from start to finish. I *always* have to finish with my hand.

I would GLADLY give up the blessing to be rid of the curse.