What should be done about workers who have lost their job to automation?

What should be done about workers who have lost their job to automation?

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basic income
basic income

Nothing. They should find new occupation on their own or go die.

Even when self driving vehicles displace millions of freight drivers?

Who's going to fund the basic income?

Fund training and school programs specifically for jobs which are replaced by automation.

Probably taxing the use of robots so there's a revenue stream to pay welfare.

It's still going to be cheaper than paying workers by the hour.

>don't have to work anymore for society to improve
>society doesn't need to rely on you anymore
>you're free
>this is somehow bad

They should build the robots

Oh, I know! Jerb retrainin'! That'll fix it!

not shit.

a job isn't the goal in life or even something you have to do.

wake up you ACTUAL fucking slaves.

The fucking extra taxes they pay on the money they save by automating.

Tax on automation and robots

Train them to fix that robots that are replacing them.

You don't understand, EVERYTHING will be automated. There won't be any jobs anymore

automation = significantly more production
more production = more taxes
taxes = basic income for jobless scum

Taxes. Tax the rich.

But I don't know, everyone should be free from work. Share the work. Start by 6 hour day, eventually reduce to 3 day week. Keep lowering the work so everyone can share. And when robots do everything, make work optional.

This. you motherfuckers need Nietzsche.

Let them look for new jobs. Automation is not a surprise take steps to get ahead of it and buy into it

You don't need that many builders and maintainers.

That will be automated as well, eventually.

It's bad because you're going to be dependent of whatever scraps the government throws you.

If there's absolutely no way for you to earn income any more then you're completely controlled.

teach them maintenance/technical support on robotics

Basically the value of human labor goes down in the aggregate, right? Need less of it. So you need less humans to do the labor.

Oh, I dunno - start WW3? Get those humans to kill each other off? Keep it going until you think supply and demand are back in balance again?

>>don't have to work anymore for society to improve
>>society doesn't need to rely on you anymore

>talking about society in the 3rd person
>surprised when you get culled

>>you're free

You might be free but the rest of society is still functioning on the currency required to obtain things.

Here's how I'm going to cope with automation.

>pilot a mecha suit
>the cockpit is a day bed
>the cup holder has grapes
>eat grapes
>park that shit and go swim
>dry off then fly in my lazy mech suit into space

Use those free men to take back the country from the minorities who will start rioting and trying to destroy our robots.

>muh basic income

Here we go 50% taxes for everyone!

>Who's going to fund the basic income?

The companies utilizing the automated assets, obviously.

We should steal more from our remaining workers to bribe the unemployed into submission and state dependence. Meanwhile, we can import millions of dirty brown people who hate us and will work for slave wages supplemented by applying for welfare for all of their US citizen™ children.

Truly this is the only solution, there is no way that machines we've created could ever be used for the good of our own people as a supplement for our workforce which was contracting due to our lower birthrates.


Are they made in Mexico

Make everything free. Let people open a website, and have them order whatever they want. When they order something, the robots assemple it, and it's sent to them.
Everyone can get an equal amount of credits to order whatever they need for free. Easy.

Put them back into the Collective.

Put them back into the matrix to feed the next gerneration

Businesses get taxed a higher rate to provide the population with a basic income so they can afford to buy the products the business sells.

It's all circulatory, but it means people can keep buying and selling.

How long do you think it would take for automation to be advanced enough to replace tradesmen such as plumbers, electricians and gas engineers?

Keep raising the minimum wage to push everything to be automated, then tax robot productivity and institute a basic income.

>tax profits 50%
>50% redistributed
>profits are limited to 50% of last time's
>tax 50% and redistribute
>profits are limited to 25% of first time's

That's obviously not going to work without money printing.

a hwhile.

you see algorithms in factories that can inspect defects- but those parameters are highly controlled. an algorithm that can diagnose a problem in an open system is pretty far out.

look up darpa voice recognition stealing jobs.



>The companies utilizing the automated assets, obviously.

Who will buy what they make? The people they are paying to not work?
If there is a trillion dollars worth of basic income being paid by companies making products, who will buy the products for the company to male money to pay for the basic incomes?
At that point you might as well just give everything away because as a company you'll be stuck with the same amount of revenue with no economic growth.
If I was a company and this system was instituted I would just shut all my doors, take all my money and leave.

money was never worth anything, it's power that they want, advancing robotics will allow them to kill off everyone.

This is the future we've chosen.


Sure, it might only be lambs now, but when will men replace the lambs?

This I can see happening. Something like it.

Probably all unemployed/automated job people or general labor would be put on a massive lottery list of job opportunities and you get what you get for as long as you get it. Most likely digging graves for fallen soldiers of the next great war.

They would be send to China, were is enough job.

automation is a fucking meme. It's a lie. It's not going to be ANYWHERE near how bad ((they)) say it is.
Artificial intelligence isn't nearly as powerful nor will it be anywhere near as powerful as people say it will. It's all a big meme.

I don't think you understand how much money they're going to need. So let's do some math. Let's take Canada for example where I know the bare minimum you could scrape by on. It takes about $1000 to live in my home town for a month with enough for $500 in rent, food and all the basic stuff like toothpaste, soap and maybe a beer or two on the weekend. Let's say they pay less than that though... So $800 a month because my government doesn't really care if this basic income is meeting all your needs.

OK $800 x 35 000 000 people. That's $28 000 000 000 per month or $336 000 000 000 per year. How the fuck are they supposed to do this? They would need to tax the fuck out of everyone just to implement this.

here in Canada voice recognition bots have taken a ton of jobs. it's no meme lol.

I keep seeing this, "just tax the automated companies lol"

but a fat lot of good that does, when everything is made in china or bangladesh, and companies use all the tricks they can to avoid taxes. Remember ireland? remember how lots of tech companies re-established their HQ's over there to pay irish corporate taxes instead of the US rate?

taxing companies higher to pay for basic income will just result in companies leaving.

the rich will never allow higher taxes on themselves, so in the end, it will just be the same as always, the middle and lower classes will foot the bill for their own basic income.

Why not? Just tax the rich.

You won't until buildings have electrics and services installed as part of some sort of modular construction. Even then, not every building will be like that.
Any fucking chimp can wire up pretty much anything, but overcoming an unexpected problem is beyond any automation.
Robots and software can and will replace all production and most office jobs. I'd bet they can do most medical jobs too. I doubt they'd ever replace a trade, not a decent one like Electrician where there's so much need to adjust/adapt/change even between two similar tasks.

It isn't going to be a case of humanoid robots walking about doing work like humans.

A machine could do that job better than any person.

Investment bankers should simply give up now, AI & other software advances mean they will be extinct soon.

that's a trump meme, china has only taken 2 percent of american jobs.

turn them into cyborgs so they could compete with machines

We should allow deflation to happen

Just an example. It's not just china. We basically no longer have a textile industry, everything is made in bangladesh or china or india, etc etc. Cars are still so so, but compared to where we were in the early 90's, half of them are made in canada, another chunk in mexico, and European brands themselves have chinese made cars like Volvo.

Get a new job

voice recognition bots have been around for 20 fucking years. They are easy as shit to make.

Everyone should understand exactly HOW neural nets work to understand AI is and where it's going. It's not magic or special or anything. Here is a good website that explains it and walks you through building one:


Once you get exactly what AI is and how it works, you will see that it isn't nearly as powerful as it's presented to laymen.

Automation will bring those jobs back because transportation will be a more significant cost than labor

We enact a solution. The final solution.

The world could use less useless goys. Once robots take over most "work", it will be paradise for the (((chosen))) few and their Asian partners.

Most of humanity will die in this century.

They should go work for a company that automates manufacturing processes, obviously.
Supply of anything generates demand.

Increase taxes based on the percentage of automated processes, use those money to do something about it.

I don't think you understand how the world works

Welcome an economic disaster then. They're mostly the ones who create jobs. This is why I hate socialism it can only lead to the eventual economic collapse of a nation as more regulations and taxes are added. We've got a lot of debt to look forward to either way.

Here's the fucked up part : the will probably implement it anyway. Politicians promise you stuff to make you vote for them and the poor are the overwelming majority. That's exactly why the majority of democratic nations are getting increasingly socialist.

>percentage of automated processes
how do you actually measure this?

>allow them to kill off everyone

So they have power over whom?

I sincerely doubt that. if they are already there, there's no reason to bring them back, now that machines can do it all. All because it's automated doesnt mean it's suddenly cheaper here. Assuming the idea of taxing roboticized factories more to pay for basic income, they wouldn't want to come back

>job creators meme
kill yourself

I don't think the people in the jobs getting replaced by automation are capable of building robots

Automation go Against the Basic Capitalism.

Less people working = Less people buying

It's a 80's meme.

t. nigger welfare leech

The only reason they are there now is because of cheap labor
If that is no longer a factor why pay to ship your goods across the global if you dont have to?

This seem like the only option.

That's how you lost Detroit, while you were busy blaming niggers.

They don't want to be taking over by robots, that's why it's been hold back.

Self driven trucks are already a thing, there's no job in the current job market that they couldn't take eventually.

I think we should make the robots work for ourselves, let them make the money and give it to us, just like slavery, this could work until they revolt.

Make it easier then.

Exactly, we get rid of capitalism or we praise our robot overlords.

Actually, as a guy who used to work in textile wholesaling, most of the materials and clothes are made in latin america or the Caribbean. The nigger islands are fucking dirt cheap for labor. Not even the asians can compete.

It will end up a bill prohibiting the stupidest jobs to be done by people.
Picking up trash, cutting grass on public property, pulling weeds, sweeping, etc. Untrained, unskilled labor pool labor.

No need to be over anyone. The idea is, once most of humanity dies and is replaced by robotic slaves, the greatest threats to (((their))) dominance and security will be gone. They will be secured in their own artifically created paradise with no possible threat of retaliation.

Make a tax on automachinery, and put into basic income, its the only(?) way to a stable automatized post scarcity society.

>make it easier then


automation does not equal less people work
it means works are more productive and have more purchasing power

Make it lego easy.

>Self driven trucks are already a thing,
they still require fuel

Universal basic income, enough to survive on with a basic duplex to live in, nothing more or less.

I was having this conversation with my wombend roommate the other day. And she's like
I'm like
>Do you really think the people in charge, who pretty much own everything in the world right now are just going to suddenly see the light and give away all of the shit that the law says is theirs for free?

Create new automated machines with a license plate, just like a normal car's plate and keep a database of said robots, factories will have to pay a fee for said robots and depending on the numbers the taxes will have a various percentage.


First step: Execute anyone with an income of more then 4 million € per year.

burn their bodies to fuel the machines!!!

Communism, duh...
You get what you need (basic income) and you can pursuit whatever job you want

>This progressivity can help us understand why the top 1% of income earners paid a staggering 21.2% of the total federal and provincial taxes in 2010.
Canadas total personal income tax is around $150 billions. So rich at current 33% pay 30 billions of tax. Make tax rate 100% and they would be paying + 60 billions of tax. You are still short around 200 billions.

because there's still the matter of 3rd world countries having no standards and no oversight and no quality control, etc etc. they can do whatever they want in say, china, without the red tape and hoops of US regulations.

Not to mention it's the only way to prevent chinese bootlegs of your product. To make and sell the product there yourself.

it isn't just about labor, it's about regulation and taxes etc etc. everything ios relevant. besides, they'd have to invest in new state of the art factories here, while they already have them over there and can simply retool them.

Not to mention if they come back here there will be the inevitable discussion of "what about the workers", while if they stay abroad, there is no discussion because production doesn't happen on US soil.


Not for long.

Have power over the world
Why would you want power over anyone?

"They" are not "the jews", it's the bourgeoisie. You are blaming the worng people, and at the same time making people automatically dismiss anything you say. This is probably their plan, just make the people blame the wrong group so they are safe from protests and can keep going.

Let 'em rot :^)

It's not just a meme. Who do you think has the money to risk on business ventures? Why do you think the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? man # 1 has $10 000 to create a business he spends all his 10k and the business ends up failing. He cannot afford to start another business. Man #2 has $50 000 and spends the same 10k to create a business which fails. Then he creates a second and third which fail. From the lessons he's learned he came up with a much better business model and his fourth company is doing very well. He can even afford to start one more business.

We take the machines and everyone shares the profit from them. Everybody wins, except the capitalist but who cares about him?

Basic income only leads to massiv inflation. It's gonna be foodstamps and government housing or else big corporations will just increase the cost of living.

They get sent to the luddite farm. Where people live in an agrarian 1600's type environment. With no electricity or produce from modern industrialized society. Farming by hand and hoof and sustaining themselves like real men.

nice meme

They join the mobile infantry for when we liberate Eurabia

>they don't want to be taken over by robots which is why it isn't as advanced
kek, nope. The reason that we don't have AI or robots yet is because it's fucking HARD AS SHIT to build them, if not impossible. There isn't some massive conspiracy behind the curtain of people who know how to build general intelligence and aren't telling anyone. We haven't figured it out yet. It may not even be possible to emulate/simulate consciousness on a turing machine (the human brain is not a turing machine). Learn fucking math and computer science before you spout this nonsense.