Pro-Trumpers Bash the Fash

Antifa Trump supporters?

but this whole alt right shit started because of white identity rising. Fucking animals cant even carry a false flag right.

>L.A. Trump supporters

next I'll find out there's a LGBTQ advocacy group in saudi arabia

identitarian whites vs identitarian blacks.

sry but it's 100% their problem.

they vote with their skin, they can pay with their skin.


Could be damage control to separate the Trump supporters from the alt-right. Too bad its pointless cause everyone has their minds made up.

Almost everyone hates trumpfags, but everyone hates fascists

There is
The underground green party

He said he's half jewish and has a black son. Not sure if he's just memeing but it really makes you think that most civic nationalists have a non-white gf/wife

This looks fake as fuck I guarantee this is crisis actors false flagging. Did you see the tin can guy get hit in the back of the head? It looked faker than wrestling moves you see on T.V. Then the tin can guy flops on the ground and plays it up like an overpaid soccer playing homosexual. I'm not buying it.

The fact of the matter is DRUMFP should have never been elected. But Reddit decided to troll everyone and thus this is why. I know you guys are the Alt-Right, but Reddit is mostly normal people that think it would be funny to troll the world. Sup Forums had shit to do with electing Drumpf, it was 100% reddit that did it.

r/the_donald was created and seeded by Sup Forums with the intent to destabilize and troll the Reddit front page with pro right wing propaganda and to help elect the anti political correct candidate. Reddit really had nothing to do with it.

Maybe this is why people shouldn't hinge their personal identity on the dice roll of genetic heritage, as opposed to their actual cultivated accomplishments, fampai.

>Don't work for the survival of your genetic lineage, that makes no sense. Weak and stupid people deserve to be the future

You can be pro-Trump and not agree with all the stuff the conservative extremists are always screeching about.

I voted for Trump, but also wish that the anti-abortion people would just fuck off forever.

a little bit of tribalism is essential




>no argument

individualism is supported on the basis of rationalism, which is NOT supported by human nature

I think you mean
>Soros funded Antifa Trump supporters
The plan is to divide, I dont support Trump much anymore, but still.

>LA trump supporters

This confirms that supporting donald trump anymore is a dead meme. Go home t_d

>L.A. Trump supporters

wtf is this cringy fuckboy doing wearing roman armour tho?