



I don't understand why the West has to be hostile to Russia. What is the need? Why must we be hostile by default?

>literally a same fagging faggot

Where do you lefties get the impression that we care about Trump or Macron or whatever??
Nothing changed.
Also, the real/pol/ anons left cuckchan a loooong time ago.

You guys really should step your game up. These lame shill-threads is getting you nowhere..

Then what are you doing here?

found the nigger

What do you expect from a cockhole, mate?

I am not Putin's biggest fan, but daym Ukraine stop being so fucking cringy

Shh, stay quiet, or we'll conquer Kiev.

The strongest nations naturally are competing with each other

This, Why do those idiots behave like sjws?

>posts an image venerating Putin's cock

nice try Putin shill

To see how cucked this place has become.

Then i see this Ukraine user trolling about something we dont care about, to the wrong crowd lol..

You guys are pathetic..

Get annexed cunt
I voted no on you joining the Union, but perhaps joining a moraly dead superstate that will lay claim on all your rights and exploits your country for free labour is what you deserve

>Not that you had any other option between Russia and the EU



Say it with me trumpkins, BTFO.

Talk about projecting. The entire ideology of the modern political left derives from Cold War KGB propaganda.

Those morons actually rioted for weeks with a death-toll and all, so they can suck EU dick and give them their money and sovereignty.

Let them join, they fit in just perfectly hahahaha.

It would be perfectly fine to have Russia as a regional ally if they weren't so hellbent on maintaining their cold war mentality. Every time we try to go to the negotiating table, they make unreasonable demands and act like it's our fault when nothing gets done because of that. If Vlad honestly wanted to be allies on equal terms, the agreement would be signed and ratified in a week. That's not the case, and so we're reacting to their aggression.

Russia wouldn't be our enemy if we weren't their enemy, if that makes any sense.

Why do the left constantly shill in favor of homosexuality and then turn around and use it as an insult against people they don't like?

By their logic, shouldn't they be happy with the election of the second homosexual President?

>Going on Sup Forums to tell autists that DRUMPF is BTFO

>Doesn't realize how gay this makes them look

That makes no sense though. Russia's interests and the West's interests aren't that different. Russia is not ever going to be a conventional military threat to the US + EU, nor are they ever going to be a serious economic competitor. The only thing they can do is fuck around with NG prices, and that's only a problem for the EU because of their idiotic green energy policies.

If anyone in power in Western governments had a hint of sense they'd understand that access to ice-free port facilities is of existential importance to Russia, and they'd refrain from fucking them over in that regard. Once that sticking point is out of the way then what is it that prevents the West and Russia from co-operating on the very real threat of Islamic terror? Boggles the mind why our governments can't figure this shit out. Any sane person can take a look at what we're doing in Syria and realize we've descended into madness with our nonsensical reflexive opposition to anything Russian.

>we're reacting to their aggression
More like the opposite. Russia is responding to Western aggression. Since the Soviet Union broke up, NATO has been expanding eastward, even right on Russia's border. That's exactly what was agreed would NOT happen when the Berlin Wall was destroyed. Not to mention all the illegal interventios by Western military and/or intelligence in Russia's backyard.

>Russia's interests and the West's interests aren't that different
They are different enough that they have things to compete over, such as Syria.

>Russia is not ever going to be a conventional military threat to the US + EU
They remain an unconventional threat with a superb nuclear triad plus chemical/biological weapons and a few key allies

>what is it that prevents the West and Russia from co-operating on the very real threat of Islamic terror?
Western governments have been sponsoring Islamic terrorists to counter Russia's interests in the region since the Soviet-Afghan war. This behaviour continues today in Syria and Libya.


The sticking point is ice-free deep water ports. If any of our government officials bothered to look at a fucking map they'd see this. White Sea/Arctic ports are useless to Russia because of massive ice cover and the extreme difficulty of transporting goods overland to such northern extremes.

St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad are useless to Russia because Denmark, Sweden, and Germany can effectively deny them access to the Atlantic at will. The Germans did precisely this in WW2, necessitating the tenuous Murmansk convoys, without which Russia may have fallen early in the war.

Even Crimea is pretty goddamned useless given that one of the most militarily powerful NATO members can deny them passage out of the Black Sea at will. There is historical precedence here, as the Ottomans cut off the Russians from the rest of the Entente, causing untold harm to the war effort in the process.

Friendly overseas port facilities of any kind are of vital importance to Russia, and the West through malice or ignorance continues to fuck with them on this.

>They are different enough that they have things to compete over, such as Syria.

What in the god damn was our interest in Syria before the civil war? Nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing. Nobody in the West gave a single rancid turd about Syria or Russian bases there, and the only reason we give a shit about Syria now is because of the civil war Obama helped to forment and the global terrorist organization his feckless incompetence gave birth to.

Checking your own post


>not sure if he's just being ironical or serious

Russia is the one who's being hostile. They're like that kid who smacks another kid while parents aren't looking and then when the other kid retaliates they act all innocent.


The significance of Syria was the plans for an oil pipeline to Europe that would bypass Russia entirely. If the Russians didn't have the EU nations by the balls on energy dependance, they wouldn't have a leg to stand on. The rest of their economy is in the trash, and oil is their only major export.

This begs the question as to why in the name of God did the yurops get rid of nuclear power.