Hurr-Durr - Why did we lost? Why is France this stupid?

Hurr-Durr - Why did we lost? Why is France this stupid?

We told you - the Problem need to be fixed from the roots. Your fucking women voted him to presidency.
Women -> voting liberal
Women -> love black/muslim dicks
Women -> dont understand politics or long lasting decisions.

Fix the western women and you will fix the problem. The cucks will turn naturally back into normal.

Other urls found in this thread:



>female head of house hold remained
>no actual statistic given
>no sources for the whole document.
it would have taken less work than changing the font size on all the numbers to include them.

every number has a source given.


I'm in my mid twenties, and most the degenerates in my highschool that I have on facebook are slowly turning fat and working menial jobs. Feels good man. As long as men learn to avoid marriage (unless they are Chad + swiss bank account), read women better, and minimizing how much the state fucks them over, this is only going to lead to women being the miserable ones when they are 100kg bipolar half-men with toxoplasmosis, 50 HPV strains, and working some shitty low-tier job in their 30s with no long-term partner or kids, all the while having to fear being raped or robbed by enrichers.


i already like you, benedict.
but what does tolouse mean in french


20% of Algerians are thieves and 10% have been arrested for assault... holy fuck.

Poland you're retarded
Took me approx 7 seconds to understand it
>hint: it's in English


oh its LOOSE
i was thinking about lice all the time and i was wondering if french are buggy as fuck or what

Meanwhile in the real world women voted more for MLP than men did





"Toulouse" is the same pronunciation as "to lose".

>tfw from Toulouse and outnumbered by leftards


Do you have stats by gender for the French election on 7th of May?



>family study





Yeah yeah women are retarded trash when given freedom. We know this.

Societal collapse is the only way to undo all the (((insanity))) injected into our worthless, decadent culture.

Prepare yourself.


burger bro
we have been waiting for the collapse for so long now. it probably won't be an epic happening or anything. it will probably just become progressively worse until we suddenly realise that barbarians are raping everyone
Unless someone accidentally drops a nuke nothing will come about. I think we're doomed


The west is still too comfortable for revolution. Economic collapse is the beginning. Once there are people starving in the streets there will be no more complaining about the patriachy and muh racism.

Men will become men again and women will become women. If they don't die.


Sorry bout the flag tho. You should buy some body armor off of Ebay and find a semi-auto rifle.

Or marry some american slut.


Krautbro just chillax. Fuck some hookers and get some guns from eastern euro.

Wait for the collapse and claim a fiefdom and 10 wives.

This is why fathers, especially strong fathers are so important. That will be the first man to lead and instill morals into the young female. He is the first powerful man in her life, he sets the tone. But now we are seeing either weak fathers or no father at all, and slutty shitty women.


Stop spamming your stupid thread Kraut.
Oh for all the virgins out there - women are nothing but a reflection of society. They do whats acceptable and that is determined by fathers, brothers, boyfriends and husbands. Society is responsibility of men, always was and always will be.

Nah here white women voted for Trump its your women that are the problem Hans

>implying they will have regrets
dude they're even pushing communism, an ideology which never worked.

To be fair, you can "redpill" a woman by essentially saying "this is the way it will be". Your wife needs to know that you are in charge, and you will be if you simply make it that way.

And before all the virgins saying "hurr you don't know how women work", the whole point is that women want what they perceive as "alpha". They are biologically programmed to find a good mate. If you're not a useless sack of shit, you find a moderately conservative woman, you have children, and you make sure that she helps you raise them to be good. If she doesn't, you hit her. Stop bitching about it, and just do it.


lol once again French women proving to be more based than French men.


i would like this flag much more than every other fagflag over europe







Was Hitler an Evolutionist?



how much jail time would that land him if he got caught?




Women were more likely to vote Le Pen than men

